"Yes, I know the arrangement." Chen Jinhu replied quickly.

Things have come to an end for the time being on the U.S. side.

The rest depends on when David will start. According to Qin Lie's estimation, it will not be long, and it will only take two days.

It was already big night when they came out of David's casino. Qin Lie and Chen Jinhu found a bar and drank all night before returning to Kapuao's villa at three in the morning.

This sleep went straight to noon the next day.

On his side, everything went well, and on the other side of the country, Qiu Bai's affairs were also going on simultaneously.

After Qiu Bai got the address given by Qin Lie, he quickly found Guan Hai's office.

Guan Hai also knew that Qiu Bai was coming because of Qin Lie's request, so he made preparations early.

He ordered his subordinates to bring Qiu Bai to the office, and Qiu Bai let the others out first, not even the secretary who often helped him.

According to Qin Lie's reminder, the news that Qiu Bai brought this time was very important, and it was related to their Xuanyuan family.

Guan Hai had to be careful.

It was the first time that Qiu Bai and Guan Hai had met, and Qiu Bai would still be around ten years older than Guan Hai.

Guan Hai respected Qiu Bai, after all, he was a famous Chinese doctor in Longcheng back then.

After Qiu Bai arrived, he stood up from his chair, shook hands with Qiu Bai, and said respectfully: "Old Qiu, I often heard about you from other people, and I feel very honored to meet this time. ."

"Director Guan." Qiu Bai also reluctantly greeted him, but after shaking hands, he quickly sat down opposite Guan Hai, and then went straight to the topic.

"Director, Qin Lie has already told you about my coming here, or we can start talking about business."

"Okay!" Guan Hai spread his hands, walked over to the water dispenser to pick up a glass of pure water for Qiu Bai, and said casually, "Today you are looking for me for something, you can rest assured and say boldly that I can definitely help. help."

Although Guan Hai usually has oil and gas in the oil, he never messes up when he talks about business.

However, Qiu Bai said: "This matter is a favor for you, and on the other hand, it is also a favor for your own Xuanyuan family. No third person can know about this matter. Your office is absolutely safe, there will be no Monitors or some other recording equipment."

Guan Hai smiled and said: "Old Qiu, you can rest assured about this. In the office area across the country, it is estimated that only Mr. Hua's office is safer than mine. The office of the director of the Kyushu Bureau is monitored. They are afraid that they have eaten bear heart and leopard gall."


The person was recommended by Qin Lie, and Qiu Bai also put his mind at ease with Guan Hai, and then said: "Director Guan, I may offend a certain core figure in your Xuanyuan family, but I can guarantee that I will. Every word said is true."

At this time, Guan Hai sat behind his own desk, crossed his hands, and looked serious.

And even though Guan Hai already had high expectations in his heart, Qiu Bai's next words still made him almost fall off the chair.

Qiu Bai paused and said: "Director Guan, with all due respect, the young master of your family, Xuanyuan Tianci, may not be the real young master of your family. He is most likely the undercover agent of the Xiao family who inserted into your family!"

"What?" Guan Hai was shocked, he could hardly believe his ears.

Qiu Bai said, "Director Guan, you heard it right, and you don't need to be so shocked. I said that the content of my message will definitely turn your family upside down."

"Old Qiu!" Guan Hai said like this, "I grew up watching and growing up, and I have been by his side since he was born. Where did this undercover come from? !"

"Of course there is a basis." Qiu Bai said, and quickly handed over the diary he brought from his hometown to Guan Hai.

While showing it to Guan Hai, he said, "But you have overlooked one point. If it is said that Xuanyuan Tianci was not yours from the beginning and was replaced at birth, can you find out?"

"This..." Guan Hai did not dare to respond, after all, this matter involved too much.

While listening to Qiu Bai's words, he began to flip through the diary.

Qiu Bai explained: "This is my wife's diary. She has been dead for many years. Today I found this diary on the floor of my hometown when I went to pay her condolences.

When Xuanyuanhao's wife gave birth, my wife and I delivered her childbirth. To be precise, it was not convenient for me to enter the delivery room as a man, and my wife was in control of the situation on the day of delivery.

According to her diary records, she promised the Xiao family to do this under threat, and on the day of delivery, she completed the replacement of the child.

In other words, the current Xuanyuan Tianci is the child that the Xiao family arranged to enter your Xuanyuan family. "

Guan Hai has not spoken since he opened the diary.

Qiu Bai's words made his heart skip a beat, and the information really exploded in his heart like a blockbuster.

Xuanyuan Tianci, the current number one young man in China, is even regarded as the heir to the future family of the Xuanyuan family.

It turned out to be the product of the Xiao family!

This news is tantamount to turning the world upside down.

Even Guan Hai, who had already seen strong winds and waves, couldn't believe what Qiu Bai described.

If this news was thrown into Xuanyuan Hao's ears, wouldn't the entire Xuanyuan family be in chaos?

If nothing else, this news can definitely detonate the relationship between the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family, and even cause a head-to-head war between the two aristocratic families.

It is precisely because this incident has such a huge impact that Guan Hai has to be cautious.

"Old Qiu, is this information reliable?" Guan Hai said, "You must know that what you said today, once made public, will immediately cause great turmoil in the entire Dragon City!"

"I'm just telling the truth." Qiu Bai said, "My Qiu family was annihilated back then, and the whole thing happened very strangely. I have been looking for the truth of that incident for so many years.

I thought you could help me investigate the Xiao family, and I gave you this information. Now we are in the same boat. Unless I don't want to know the truth of my extermination, why would I lie to you? "

Guan Hai listened and felt that what Qiu Bai said was indeed the truth.

He kept nodding, but he still couldn't fully accept the information in his heart.

Xuanyuan Tianci is the Xiao family, and the Xiao family and the Xuanyuan family have been enemies for generations. This news is too heavy.

But Guan Hai believed in Qiu Bai's words more.

Why, because about half a month ago, he saw with his own eyes that Xuanyuan Tian gave Xuanyuan Guard a bodyguard, mysteriously sneaked into a courtyard in the suburb of Longcheng and met someone.

That person can't really see it in the bamboo house. If you look at it this way, could it be someone from the Xiao family.

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