In fact, Guan Hai has always found that Xuanyuan Tianci is abnormal.

Take looks.

The contemporary Xuanyuan Patriarch Xuanyuan Hao was disfigured when he was young, and has been wearing a mask since a very early age.

But Guan Hai, as Xuanyuan Hao's confidant, also stayed with Xuanyuan Hao since he was a teenager.

He could remember Xuanyuan Hao's real appearance very well.

Xuanyuan Tianci hadn't looked like Xuanyuan Hao since he was a child, and until he grew up, that face became more and more deviated from the normal track.

Although children don't have to be like their parents, you can't say that this gene is too outrageous.

It's just that Xuanyuan Hao lived in seclusion all the year round, and he used a mask to show people when he went out. Few people mentioned this matter.

But as Xuanyuan Hao's number one confidant, Guan Hai had to think more.

Of course, it's just a matter of thinking about it, Guan Hai didn't take action.

As a retainer of the Xuanyuan family, although Guan Hai has a very good relationship with Xuanyuan Tianci, it is indeed a bit rebellious to investigate the young master of the family just because of his own thoughts.

Second, Xuanyuan Tianci has behaved strangely recently.

Although Ji Canghai, the captain of Xuanyuan Guard, was in charge of Xuanyuan Tianci's falsification of the file, but as a core figure in the high-level circle, he also got some news more or less.

Forged files, the goal of the files is the Qiu family annihilation case more than ten years ago.

Qiu Bai happened to be Xuanyuan Tianci's delivery doctor again.

The combination of all kinds of connections really makes Guan Hai believe it even if he doesn't believe it.

After reading all the contents of the diary back and forth, Guan Hai felt a little pain in his head, rubbed his forehead, and put the diary down.

After thinking for a while, he asked Qiu Bai, "Old Qiu, you came to me with this diary, what do you want from me, or what are you planning to do with me?"

"The most important thing, I think you Xuanyuan family must at least have someone who can speak to this matter, at least have a general understanding of this matter."

"Secondly, if everything is true, then I have wronged your Xuanyuan family at first. My family's annihilation case has nothing to do with you. The real culprit is the Xiao family. I need you to mobilize your power to help me investigate Xiao. Family."

"I want to know who did it in the first place, and who is the mastermind behind it. Knowing all this, I can take revenge more purposefully."

"Third, use the power of your Xuanyuan family to deal with the Xiao family together."

Guan Hai nodded after listening, knowing Qiu Bai's purpose.

He Guan Hai is a marginal figure, belongs to the Xuanyuan family and is not surnamed Xuanyuan. He is also the director of the Kyushu Bureau, the largest intelligence department in China. He has a strong source of intelligence information and is indeed the most suitable candidate to investigate this matter.

It's just that this matter has a huge impact, and he still has to think about it before making a decision.

"Old Qiu." Guan Haidao, "I know everything you said, but this matter has too much impact, I don't dare to directly say that I can help you, give me a few days to think about it, wait for me After confirming the authenticity of this diary, I will give you an answer."

"You'd better leave the diary with me during this time. I will give you a copy. I can verify whether the paper material of this diary is really from twenty years ago, so as to confirm the authenticity of the whole incident."

"But don't worry, this diary will definitely be returned to you in the end."

"If it turns out that this matter is true in the end, then I will help you find out the truth of the year together, and let all those who created this matter pay the price."


Qiu Bai has been investigating this matter for more than ten years, plus Qin Lie's advice.

Qin Lie, a guy who believes so much, will not think anything wrong.

After hearing it, Qiu Bai naturally agreed: "Then do as you say."

With Qiu Bai's permission, Guan Hai copied the diary on the copier in his office on the spot.

The original was kept by myself, and the copy was given to Qiu Bai.

After the matter was finished, he asked his subordinates to send Qiu Bai out.

But even if Qiu Bai left, Guan Hai's mood was still fluctuating because of this incident.

He was thinking about whether to tell Xuanyuan Hao about this matter.

Once Xuanyuan Hao is told that this matter is traced to the end, it is estimated that it will cause a huge conflict between the Xuanyuan family and the Xiao family.

If the matter is true, the Xiao family's arrangement is purely to annex the Xuanyuan family after a few decades. A fake young master Xuanyuan who controls the Xuanyuan family, and finally naturalizes the Xuanyuan family under the Xiao family's banner. How terrifying is this? as a result of.

The Xiao family's heart can be punished, and the housekeeper has to treat it with caution.

After thinking about it, Guan Hai finally decided not to tell Xuanyuan Hao about it for the time being.

After there is conclusive evidence and the whole matter is settled, I will inform Xuanyuan Hao.

How to deal with Xuanyuan Tianci and how to deal with the Xiao family at that time will be decided by Xuanyuan Hao.

With that in mind, Guan Hai immediately proceeded to the next step.

I called the most trustworthy person under my command and asked him to come to the office.

Then he handed the diary to his subordinates, and at the same time asked him: "Xiao Zhou, take this diary to the appraisal team, and ask them to help identify the age of the paper in this diary, whether it is from the 1990s. "

"Then remember to find a reliable person, someone who only listens to my orders, and beware of leaking information."

"It's best that only the three of us know about this, understand?"

Guan Hai has been in the Kyushu Bureau for many years, and naturally there are a group of dead men who only obey his orders.

This Zhou Yan is the one he trusts the most.

After Zhou Yan got the order, he quickly took the diary and retired to work.

As for Guan Hai, his mood was still restless, as if he had a huge responsibility on his back.

Finally, unable to sit down in the office, I put on my clothes and left the office quickly.

During the identification process of the diary, he had to really investigate this Xuanyuan Tianci.

After leaving the office, the entire floor fell into silence again.

It's just that a storm that has swept the entire Dragon City has quietly generated in this office.


As for Qin Lie, after rubbing David on the ground yesterday, he actually didn't have much to do.

He is now waiting for David's move.

Apart from strengthening the protection around him, there is almost nothing left.

When he got up the next day, he sent one of the three carts of arms to Abraham's side.

As for the remaining two cars, he just found a reason to prevaricate, saying that they were still on the road or something, and dragged the matter over.

Anyway, Qin Lie's purpose this time was to destroy Abraham's lineage.

These superficial social interactions are just taken out for pretence, and you can drag them as long as you can.

When I woke up the next day, the world was at peace, Qin Lie was thinking about where to go to play.

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