The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1510 I Want To Fight The Strongest

There was nothing to do anyway, Qin Lie was thinking about where to play in Los Angeles.

This is not like the country. In domestic terms, where he wants to play, explain his demands, and the people involved, a phone call to Wang Congcong, Wang Congcong can list a lot of fun places for him to choose.

Los Angeles is different.

Although the scale of Los Angeles is not much worse than that of Dragon City, Kapuao is not a swinger. He usually either works or sleeps, which is very boring.

Ask him to recommend where to go, and he only knows places like bars, nightclubs, and arenas that Qin Lie is not interested in at all.

Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei were clamoring to see beautiful women, and those places were really their number one choice.

But Qin Lie really didn't want to go, so he quickly rejected their intention.

Soon after, Qin Lie's brain became hot and he remembered a place.

Ask Kapoo: "Kapao, do you have a Chinese martial arts gym in Los Angeles?"

"Martial Hall?" Chen Jinhu said frustratedly, "Brother Lie, what are you doing in the martial arts hall? You fought with so many thugs yesterday, and you haven't fought enough yet. Now we have finally come to a foreign country, so we don't have to do all this fighting. Yes."

"No!" Qin Lie said, "I just feel too bored. I want to find a place with more Chinese people. The people in the martial arts hall must have something in common with me. Maybe I can find a friend to play with."

"Ouch." Chen Jinhu said, "it's not looking for a friend. I think it's the best choice to find a beautiful girl as a friend. Brother lie, I know you don't lack a daughter-in-law, but you also have to think about a single dog like us. Bar."

Qin Lie didn't care about him, he said to himself: "If you are looking for a daughter-in-law, you are not looking abroad. At least you can't find an American. If I go to the martial arts gym with me, I will find the daughter of the owner of the martial arts gym. People are fascinated, practice every day, and they must be in good shape, this is the beginning of a good marriage, right?"

"You are a big bastard!" Chen Jinhu complained, "I'm looking for a tigress to beat me, right?"

But having said that, the matter is settled.

Who made Qin Lie the boss?

On Kapoor's side, upon hearing Qin Lie's thoughts, he immediately thought of a place.

"Mr. Qin, as for martial arts gyms, there are still quite a few in Los Angeles, but many of them are fakes, and they don't have any real talents. They are all fake martial arts gyms that opened quickly because of the kung fu craze brought by Bruce Lee."

"But if you really have real talents and real learning, I still know a family, you come with me!"

With Qin Lie's idea, everyone drove out quickly.

Starting from Kapoor Manor, everyone drove for 40 minutes in Los Angeles. Next, they found the martial arts hall on an ordinary street close to the industrial park on the right.

The location of the martial arts hall is not good, and it is not in the urban financial circle of Los Angeles. There are not many people in the industrial park, but there are quite a few people coming and going in front of the martial arts hall.

Looking up at the signboard, Liu's Martial Arts Hall, many of them were oriental faces rushing to and fro at the door.

Even some Westerners usually wear martial arts training uniforms.

At the entrance of this martial arts hall, as expected, I felt more oriental atmosphere.

I just don't know if the master of this martial arts hall is really as Kapoor said, with real talents and real learning.

Looking left and right, Qin Lie quickly entered the martial arts hall with his head.

The martial arts hall is now an enterprise. As soon as you enter the door, several beautiful little sisters greet them and ask their purpose: "Hello sir, are you here to learn kung fu or boxing?"

Soft voice, smiling face, excellent attitude.

That voice melted Chen Jinhu's heart.

When Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei and others saw these girls, their eyes began to shine, and they had to admire Qin Lie's experience.

It seems that what brother lie said is true.

Coming to the martial arts hall to find a daughter-in-law is indeed a great trick.

Chen Jinhu crossed Qin Lie from one side and walked to the girls, staring at them.

At the same time, he raised his brows and said, "Little sister, I want to meet some of you girls for tea and chat in your martial arts hall. How can I do it?"

The little girl was not afraid, she opened her mouth and said, "Then I recommend Mr. to apply for an annual card. He often comes to us. We are familiar with each other, so we can chat naturally."

As if seeing the dawn of hope, Chen Jinhu turned around and asked Qin Lie, "Brother Lie, do or not?"

"You're a big bastard!" Qin Lie couldn't help scolding, "Jin Hu, at such an old age, can you be more prudent and act like a wretched man."

Qin Lie cleared his mind, then turned around and told the front desks, "Hello, I want to do boxing here, you can help me find some sparring partners."

"I'm happy to serve you, please..."

The girls were very polite. After Qin Lie explained the purpose of his visit, they immediately divided one of them to lead the way and walked into the martial arts hall.

Followed all the way, Qin Lie probably saw the whole picture of this martial arts hall.

Although it is said to be Huaxia Wuguan, many of the decorations here are more Western-style.

After all, do as the locals do, and if you want to make money from the Americans, you have to cater to the tastes of the Americans.

The entire martial arts hall is magnificent and gold is the main tone. It is not like entering a martial arts hall, but like entering a palace.

There is a lobby in the center of the martial arts hall. The lobby is not small. There are four arenas in total. The arenas are almost five meters by five meters square, like a boxing arena.

There are still many people in the venue practicing the most basic boxing and foot routines with a martial artist in the front.

However, Qin Lie and others did not stop in the lobby, but turned into an office-like area at the back.

The little girl at the front desk brought Qin Lie and the others to a Chinese-faced man, and said to the Chinese-faced man, "Senior Brother Qin, this gentleman wants to find a sparring partner, so I will let you arrange it."

That young man actually had the surname Qin too.

The man surnamed Qin knew Qin Lie's intention and was very polite, just like a businessman.

"Hello sir," he said. "What is your last name?"

Qin Lie said with a smile, "Don't give your surname Qin, Qin Lie!"


The man also found it interesting and smiled: "So we are still from the same family. My name is Qin Anlin. I was born in Lin'an before. My parents thought that Lin'an was not good, so they changed me to Anlin."

It's a simple courtesy, but there is such a fate in a foreign country, and the two are indeed close to each other a lot.

Still doing the right thing.

Qin Anlin asked Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, you have a foundation in martial arts, right? How many years have you been practicing martial arts? I will match you with a sparring partner of a similar level."

Unfortunately, Qin Lie startled Qin Anlin as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qin Lie said: "No need to choose, you can call out the most powerful sparring team in your martial arts hall."

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