The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1511 No Experience Of Social Beating

Qin Anlin was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Mr. Qin, our martial arts hall is different from other martial arts halls in the United States. Our masters here are all talented trainers."

"Our top group of masters, if they don't have more than ten years of practice experience, are definitely not their opponents. I advise you to think about it."

Qin Lie said a little arrogantly: "Master Qin, what I said is also a request to seek truth from facts. Let me give you the bottom line. If I really do it, none of you in the entire martial arts hall is my opponent, including You masters, just do what I say."

Qin Lie can hardly find an opponent among his peers in China.

Even Xuanyuan Tianci would fight him five to five at most.

If the martial arts world is compared to a pyramid, he is the top group in the pyramid.

He is at the top of the whole country, and if he can't even beat the people in a martial arts gym in the United States, his kung fu will be considered blind.

People who practice martial arts must remember to be proud, as the saying goes, arrogant soldiers will lose, but at least one must have self-confidence.


As a result, when his words came out, Qin Anlin's first reaction was to burst out laughing.

Qin Lie could clearly see the contempt in Qin Anlin's eyes.

But as an external service staff of a company, he seems to be afraid to show his emotions so obviously.

Finally, he smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Qin, then I will take you to find the most powerful martial artist in our martial arts hall now."


Saying that, Qin Anlin led the way and continued to lead Qin Lie to other places.

Qin Lie didn't bother to care about his reaction, shrugged and continued to follow Qin Anlin.

Qin Anlin took them out of the office just now, and soon came to the luxuriously decorated lobby that Qin Lie saw at first.

He walked in front of a martial artist who was teaching boxing and kung fu to many people at this time.

That martial artist was much older than Qin Anlin. He was probably around fifty years old. When he was teaching others to practice martial arts, he kept walking around in place. Judging from the way he walked, he was very stable in the lower plate. He was a trainer. .

Walking in front of the man, Qin Anlin said to the middle-aged martial artist, "Master, a friend said that he wanted to learn from you. I hope you can play with him."


When the middle-aged martial artist heard Qin Anlin's words, his first reaction was to stop, then turned around to look at Qin Anlin, and asked in a low voice, "Who?"

Only then did Qin Anlin turn around and introduce Qin Lie: "It's this little brother, his surname is Qin too."

The martial artist's eyes met Qin Lie's for a while in the air. Qin Lie nodded politely at him and introduced himself: "Hello, master, my name is Qin Lie."

"Mr. Qin." The martial artist continued to confirm and asked Qin Lie, "Do you really want to fight me?"

Qin Lie smiled: "The little master Qin I asked said he was looking for the most powerful sparring partner in your martial arts hall. Since he brought me to find you, compared to you, you are the one with the highest cultivation level in the entire martial arts hall."

That martial artist introduced himself: "My name is Liu Changying, the thirteenth generation descendant of Liu's Tai Chi. The entire Liu's martial arts hall is my martial arts hall. In terms of kung fu, I am indeed the most powerful one in the entire martial arts hall. "

"Ok!" Qin Lie confirmed it, nodded and said, "Then I'm looking for you to learn from."

"Oh yes." Qin Anlin told Liu Changying on the side at this moment, "This Mr. Qin also said that in the entire Liu's martial arts hall, no one should be his opponent. These are his original words."


Liu Changying was also quite surprised by Qin Lie's arrogant speech, and frowned, "Mr. Qin, did you really say that?"

Qin Lie: "What I say, I am responsible for myself, I did say so."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

As soon as these words came out, it was not Liu Changying who was laughing, but the other students in the entire martial arts hall who were learning Kung Fu.

There was a very relaxed and humorous feeling in the whole lobby.

Everyone thought that Qin Lie was too good at joking.

Because there are many foreign students, there are quite a lot of pronunciations such as "what", "ah oil must be rice", "oumai" and "itisfunning".

Including students of Chinese descent, they all laughed when they heard what Qin Lie said.

"No, this kid is so brave!"

"Master is an orthodox descendant of Liu's Tai Chi. He has practiced for 40 years, and he dares to challenge like this?"

"Did he think that Tai Chi is the kind of weak punching routine that the old men in the park play!"

"It seems that he is still too young to have experienced the beatings of society!"

And so on.

As for Qin Lie, he has experienced such a scene too many times, he doesn't care at all, he still looks at Liu Changying with a smile: "Master Liu, are you willing to fight me?"

As for Liu Changying, like Qin Anlin, although he didn't show disdain on the surface, his contempt could be caught in his expression.

He said like this: "It's not impossible for Mr. Qin to want me to take action, but the price for my appearance is very expensive. A game is 10,000 US dollars. As long as you pay the money in full, I will accompany you to fight."


This amount of money is nothing to Qin Lie.

He took out a bank card from his pocket and gave it to Chen Jinhu, and asked Chen Jinhu to follow Qin Anlin to pay.

After Qin Anlin and Chen Jinhu left, Qin Lie looked at Liu Changying and said, "Master Liu, this way you can always take action."

With money, Liu Changying can talk a lot.

He took the initiative to walk to one of the four arenas in the hall.

On stage, he reached out his hand to tell Qin Lie, "Mr. Qin, please!"

Qin Lie didn't beep too much, and walked to the edge of the ring, his feet a little, and the whole person jumped onto the ring lightly, and also politely bent over and reached out to tell Liu Changying: "Master Liu, please!"

Soon, the two of them stood on the arena of five by five squares, facing each other two meters apart.

The teacher of the martial arts hall was challenged by a little-known young man, and the matter spread in the entire martial arts hall like some big news.

All the students in the lobby put down what they were doing, and all gathered around the arena.

Including those who worked in the back, the little girl who greeted the guests at the front desk also gathered around to appreciate Qin Lie's "arrogant" behavior.

Some foreigners even started trading directly under the ring.

"Come here, place a bet, and bet that Master Liu can defeat this arrogant Chinese boy within a few moves."

"Isn't that nonsense, I bet Master Liu can win within ten moves!"

"I also bet that Master Liu can knock this person out of the ring with at most five moves."

"No no no, you are all too conservative, I bet, at most one trick!"

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