"Also!" the child continued, "Apprenticeship means inheritance, not only the inheritance of martial arts, but also the inheritance of spirituality. From now on, I will only have you as a master. If you don't agree with me to worship someone else as my teacher, I will not say goodbye. Everyone is a teacher!"


Not only Qin Lie, but also Jiang Lei and Xing Feng on the side were a little surprised that the child in front of him could say such a thing.

Jiang Lei looked down at the child and laughed: "yes, it's rare to have such an insight at a young age, brother lie, or would you really take him?"

Qin Lie shook his head. He is still an apprentice, so he has no intention of accepting apprentices.

But it is rare to have a child who is so passionate about martial arts.

Qin Lie didn't want to directly attack his self-confidence, so he said: "My child, the place where I have lived for a long time is not in the United States, and I want to go back to China. You are on the streets of the United States now, and you are definitely not a local Chinese.

When you return to China, I will find a way for you to get a green card, get a Chinese nationality, and find a way to settle down for you. This is a lot of money. How do you calculate it? "

"It doesn't matter." The young man said loudly, "As long as you accept me as your apprentice, I will help you in the future. For the money after the work, every penny counts for every penny, and I don't want it. As long as you give me a bite to eat, I can help you. Do things to pay off the money.”

Qin Lie was speechless, but he didn't expect this kid to think so far.

Qin Lie didn't know what to do for a while, and turned to look at Jiang Lei and Xing Feng.

As a result, both of them spread their hands, and they didn't know what to do, let him solve it by himself.

Qin Lie thought for a moment, then looked at the boy again, and said, "My child, I have the threshold to be my apprentice. How old are you now?"

"Twelve!" the boy replied.

"Twelve years old..." Qin Lie muttered, "I was twelve years old, and I have been secretly studying with the people in the martial arts hall for so long. I must have some foundation. If you want to be my apprentice, you have to work under this Uncle. How about the top ten moves, do you dare?"

At the end, Qin Lie pointed his finger at Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei was embarrassed for a while.

"Brother lie, you are making me bully the child."

Qin Lie ignored him for a while, and continued to look at the boy and asked, "Well, if this condition is fulfilled, I will accept you as my disciple."

The boy looked at Jiang Lei firmly, and finally nodded: "Okay, then I will play ten tricks on this Uncle. If I can persevere, you can't say anything."


Qin Lie nodded, even now, he is still doing it with the attitude of dealing with it in the past.

After all, Jiang Lei was born in the special forces. Although his skills are not comparable to him, he is more than half his level.

A child, or a child who steals lessons in other people's martial arts gyms, is almost impossible to beat Jiang Lei, let alone ten.

Qin Lie arranged this way, that is to change the method to let the child retreat.

This made Jiang Lei quite uncomfortable. He heard Jiang Lei say in his ear, "Brother Lie, I can't do my best for a while. What if I hurt this child?"

"It doesn't matter." Qin Lie also responded to Jiang Lei in a low voice, "You can just use your real level and deal with him with a few tricks, so that I won't have more troubles."

"Brother Lie." Jiang Lei persuaded, "I think this kid really loves to practice martial arts. Your current level is almost at the top in the country. It's not out of line to accept a young apprentice, otherwise, you can really accept him."

Qin Lie didn't bother to pay attention to Jiang Lei, but just gave him a stern look.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Lei didn't go on, "I'll help you deal with him, it's up to me..."

With that said, Jiang Lei walked to the front, looked at the child and said, "Children, let's go, let's find a spacious place to call..."

The child was still very dissatisfied, and said: "I said, don't call me a child, you can call me a child, but don't call me a child."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Lei showed a perfunctory attitude, "Then what's your name, I can always call your name."

"My name is Hou Junjie. My grandfather helped me get it, but he died a few years ago."

Qin Lie listened, and his heart trembled inexplicably.

The experience of this child is really similar to his own.

Jiang Lei knew his name and immediately took him to the alleys of Luocheng Street.

"Then Hou Junjie, come with me."

Jiang Lei took the lead and led Hou Junjie all the way to the street, until they came to an alley formed by two tall buildings.

Qin Lie, Xing Feng and others also followed.

Jiang Lei and Hou Junjie lined up in the alley, while Qin Lie watched the battle.

Jiang Lei was still emphasizing that point to Hou Junjie: "Hou Junjie, if I defeat you within ten moves later, you can't pester my brother any more, you have to keep your word."

"Don't talk about it!" Hou Junjie was actually very confident and said to himself, "It doesn't matter who wins and who loses, let's fight first, what a lot of nonsense!"

"Ouch!" Jiang Lei was really surprised by this kid, "You kid, you really have the guts, come on, let me see how talented you are."


As a result, when Jiang Lei said a word, the boy shouted loudly, the whole person suddenly moved, and flew towards Jiang Lei, without any cowardice.

The movement of the sky is quite light, and it is obvious that he has worked hard.

The two stood relatively close, and after Hou Junjie flew into the air, he smashed Jiang Lei's left face with a kick with his right foot.

Fortunately, Jiang Lei's reaction was fast, he immediately raised his left hand to block, and finally blocked Hou Junjie's foot.

But I heard a bang, and the first move of the two people made a lot of noise.

Jiang Lei was kicked on the left, and he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the right.

Teng Teng Teng moved several steps to the right. If it were not two or three meters to the right, it was the wall, and Jiang Lei supported the wall. Jiang Lei might have been kicked to the ground by Hou Junjie.

This kick not only stunned Jiang Lei, but also stunned Qin Lie.

Qin Lie never imagined that he had always slapped others in the face by himself, but this time it would be his turn to be slapped in the face.

From beginning to end, Qin Lie never took Hou Junjie to heart.

He regarded Hou Junjie as a hot-headed child, and never thought about how skilled he was.

After all, in the United States, and a child, how could he be Jiang Lei's opponent?

As a result, a kick made Qin Lie's brain buzzing.

Qin Lie is not stupid, he can tell at a glance whether it is true or false.

Jiang Lei's defeat was not a pretense. It was because Hou Junjie's legs were strong enough to make Jiang Lei lose his balance.

This time, Hou Junjie's slap in the face was real.

And this naturally aroused Qin Lie's interest.

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