Hou Junjie's real talent and practical learning really surprised everyone present.

Qin Lie and Xing Feng looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

In the end, the two nodded together, meaning that this kid is indeed a cultivable talent.

Jiang Lei was kicked, his eyes widened, and he was surprised: "You kid, it's okay!"

Hou Junjie clenched his fists and said: "I told you all, don't underestimate me, who will win and who will lose today, maybe."

Immediately afterwards, Hou Junjie clenched his fists and attacked again.

When approaching Jiang Lei, he swept his legs.

With the previous experience, Jiang Lei no longer played around, and he gradually became serious.

Facing Hou Junjie's sweeping legs, his center of gravity sank, his horses were steady, and his whole body was coiled on the ground like a pine tree.

After all, there is a gap in the level of the two sides, and Hou Junjie is not Jiang Lei's opponent in terms of physical strength.

After Jiang Lei stepped down, even if Hou Junjie's foot kicked Jiang Lei, Jiang Lei would not move like a rock.

Resisting Hou Junjie's kick, Jiang Lei flew with his right hand and grabbed Hou Junjie's collar directly.

Ling Kong slammed into the sky, throwing Hou Junjie into the sky.

After all, Hou Junjie couldn't bear Jiang Lei's strength. He lost his balance, flew three meters in the sky, and then fell heavily.

Seeing Hou Junjie falling from the sky, Jiang Lei gathered his strength into a fist, ready to punch him out when he fell to the height in front of him.

He even thought about it, this punch would use 60% of the force, so that it would not seriously injure Hou Junjie, but also make him temporarily lose his fighting power, and today's matter would be over.

As a result, what he didn't expect, Hou Junjie fell from the sky and even preemptively grabbed his shoulder with one hand. With the help of the strength on his shoulder, he jumped up and rode on his shoulder.

"Okay you little bastard!"

Jiang Lei scolded: "I still ride Laozi as a horse, and I don't want to hurt you!"

He grabbed his head with a backhand, grabbed Hou Junjie's arm, and yanked him, ready to pull him off his shoulders.

But this kid had his legs crossed around Jiang Lei's neck and was directly locked to death. Jiang Lei pulled him like this, but he almost got himself into trouble.

When Jiang Lei's strength was over, he bumped Jiang Lei's head with another elbow, and his strength was not small, making Jiang Lei dizzy.

Then Hou Junjie let go of Jiang Lei, climbed down Jiang Lei's back, and finally kicked Jiang Lei's ass, and flew out in a straight line, but Jiang Lei lost his balance because of this. One staggered and nearly fell to the ground.

There's not much to say about the fight between the two behind.

Jiang Lei is indeed much higher than Hou Junjie in terms of strength, but Hou Junjie is really just like his name, as agile and quick as a monkey, taking advantage of his small stature and fast speed.

Jiang Lei was made to feel uncomfortable by promoting strengths and circumventing weaknesses, and both sides couldn't help each other.

And every time Hou Junjie played a trick with Jiang Lei, he would shout a number in his mouth to record the tricks he and Jiang Lei played.

As long as he survives ten moves, he is the Ying Family.

The number rose all the way from one to ten without any pause.

With the last sound, Hou Junjie dodged Jiang Lei's punch and shouted, "Ten!"

Then the whole person retreated back, saying, "Ten moves, I won!"

But Jiang Lei was ripped off by this monkey cub. He tried his best but couldn't do anything about this kid. Now he is serious.

Seeing Hou Junjie retreat, he pointed at Hou Junjie and scolded: "Come, come here, you little brat, come here, it's over, no matter who wins or loses today, I won't let you go."

"Hey, don't be rude!" Hou Junjie said, "My master said, as long as you have ten moves in your hand, you will win. You have already lost, so what is the outcome?"

"What did you lose!" Jiang Lei was unconvinced, "Which eye did you see that I lost, ten moves are Qin Lie's rules, not mine, I just want to win or lose, you come here."

"Bah!" Hou Junjie spat, "You're too embarrassed, you're ashamed if you insist on having a hard time with me as a child."

"You fart!" Jiang Lei said, "At the beginning, I told us not to call you a child, but now you call yourself a child, you are quite capable of double standards, come here for Laozi!"

"I don't, I already won, you are my loser." Hou Junjie emphasized this point.

"Hey! You kid!" Jiang Lei was about to vomit blood from the anger of this son of a bitch.

In the end, Qin Lie stopped Jiang Lei and whispered in Jiang Lei's ear: "Okay, Jiang Lei, it's almost done. I said what I said, we have to keep our word."

"But, but..." Jiang Lei said, "This kid is too irritating, so he doesn't fight me head-on, but fights guerrilla warfare with me. Can these ten moves count as ten moves?"

Qin Lie waved his hand: "You don't have to rely on your skills to fight, you also need to rely on your brain. He makes use of his strengths and avoids weaknesses to deal with you, which is indeed a very smart choice..."

After saying that, Qin Lie whispered in Jiang Lei's ear again: "Jiang Lei, don't fix it, this kid is very good, even if you play ten more tricks with him, you may not be able to subdue him. Forget it, give it to ourselves. Save some face."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Jiang Lei blushed with shame.

This is so embarrassing.

"Don't tell Chen Jinhu about this, it's too embarrassing."

"It's okay." Qin Lie said, "If he dares to laugh at you about this, you will laugh at him about Liu Yingying. I think he has a lot of courage."

After comforting Jiang Lei, Qin Lie put his focus on Hou Junjie.

Hou Junjie just walked up to him, cupped his hands and asked, "Brother Qin, I have passed your test, you have to keep your word."

Qin Lie smiled at this moment, and looked up and down this little bunny who suddenly appeared.

For some reason, Qin Lie always felt like he could see his own shadow in him.

At this time, he also suddenly felt the feeling of Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan.

That is, when I found a good seedling, I really couldn't bear to let him live elsewhere, so I wanted to cultivate it myself.

In fact, since Hou Junjie agreed to fight with Jiang Lei, he had already decided to accept this child as his apprentice.

Don't do anything else, just for the indomitable spirit of this child.

This kid didn't come from a good background, but he didn't give up on himself because of this, and he can still insist on self-study to the current level, which is a talent that can be made.

After thinking about this clearly, Qin Lie nodded and said, "Okay, since you passed the test, you will be my apprentice in the future."

When Hou Junjie heard this, his face brightened with joy, and his whole face immediately burst into a smile like a flower.

"Really or not, don't you lie to me?" he said.

Qin Lie smiled: "You can ask Uncle Jiang Lei and Uncle Xing Feng, once I promised something, when did I go back on it and didn't kneel down and kowtow?"


Hou Junjie was overjoyed, nodded hurriedly, then knelt down with a puff, and gave Qin Lie three bangs.

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