The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1519 I'm Here To Do Something Big

But he quickly excused Capuo and said, "Monkey, don't be so hostile. I can guarantee that this Mr. Capo is definitely not like the people of the Locke family you mentioned."

"Impossible!" Hou Junjie said, "There is no good person in the Locke family. Master, don't be fooled by his superficial appearance."

Qin Lie was amused, and said to Hou Junjie, "You are my apprentice, but you taught me how to do things. You can see that people have more experience than I do."

"It's not Master." Hou Junjie said, "I can't speak like you. Although you have more experience than me, I have lived in Los Angeles longer than you, and I am more familiar with the Locke family than you. Believe me, the Locke family. There are no good people."

Qin Lie listened, lay on the back seat of the car, and said like this: "Monkey, let me tell you the truth, the Locke family you mentioned was the former Locke family. I came to Los Angeles this time to overthrow the present. from the Locke family."

"real or fake?"

When Hou Junjie heard this, he finally became a little interested, and said, "Are you here for a major event?"

"How can you imagine what your master is going to do?" Qin Lie said.

"If it develops smoothly, in a few days at most, you will see the brand-new Locke family."

"That's great." Hou Junjie was overjoyed, "Master, if you can overthrow the current Locke family, won't the future Locke family be so disgusting?"

"Then I don't know." Qin Lie said, "You have to ask the patriarch of the Locke family in the future, our Mr. Capuo."

Saying that, Qin Lie pointed his hand at Capuo.

Hou Junjie looked at Kapoor and was surprised.

So he also understood that the current Kapoor is on the same line as Qin Lie. Qin Lie will support the Kapoor to come to power after overthrowing the current Dolok family.

Although I don't know what kind of grand plan my master has.

But in his simple logic of justice and evil, Kapoor is his own person, and this person should be trusted.

But after all, the impression of the Locke family was deeply ingrained in his mind, and he was still reluctant to talk to Capuodoro.

Ask Qin Lie: "Master, you can do it with confidence. You must overthrow the Locke family this time. My Huaxia Gang and I will definitely support you."

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "Maybe it's just a few days. We will definitely have a shopping spree in Los Angeles. Then you and your gang members can provide me with information. How many people are there? Where is it, how much combat power is there, your gang members are local natives of Los Angeles, these things will be handed over to you to investigate!"

"Ok!" Hou Junjie was very confident, and clapped his chest to make a promise, "Let's not say anything else, when it comes to intelligence, our gang has nothing to lose, you just wait, our gang will definitely be your greatest help."

"Then I'll wait for you to help me." Qin Lie smiled.

But even though he said that, Qin Lie didn't really want to use Hou Junjie's power.

After all, although Hou Junjie has many people, they are all children living at the bottom.

In terms of armament, he has 200 members of the Longyan Squad, and in terms of intelligence, he has Xing Feng's Skull Island intelligence system. These things do not need Hou Junjie's intervention.

I said this to Hou Junjie so as not to affect his enthusiasm.

After learning about Qin Lie's plan, Hou Junjie really became very excited.

Tell Qin Lie: "Master, do you want to follow me to the headquarters of our Huaxia Gang to see other executives of our gang. If they have to do something in the future, they should know who to listen to."

Having said that, Qin Lie still felt that the other members of the gang that Hou Junjie mentioned were all children.

However, he just had nothing to do and didn't want to hurt his enthusiasm. Qin Lie listened to his words and told Jiang Lei to change the direction and let him follow the place Hou Junjie said.

Without expecting too much from Hou Junjie's Huaxia Gang, Qin Lie and the others drove all the way forward. After about ten minutes, they arrived at the headquarters that Hou Junjie said.

After parking the car and getting off, Qin Lie looked up at the direction Hou Junjie was pointing, and saw a library named "Stuart". The library was relatively old, but it was indeed a library.

Qin Lie looked amused and asked Hou Junjie in a low voice, "Okay, monkey, everyone in your gang is still the master who loves to learn. If you choose a headquarters, you can also choose a library. Yes, it's something that can be made."

Hou Junjie said with a smile: "Hey, Master, the main reason is that the administrator of this library is a member of our gang, and this place is relatively spacious, and there are fewer people coming, so it is suitable for discussing things, so we have set the headquarters here. ."

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the number two person in our gang, Lu Hengyu!"

With that said, Hou Junjie took the lead and went to the second floor of the library together.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, and they failed to go to see the Huaxia Gang as originally planned.

The neighborhood where the Stewart Library is located is a very old neighborhood, just across the street from an apartment building.

Just as Qin Lie, Hou Junjie and others were about to leave, a middle-aged uncle suddenly rolled down the stairs of the apartment building opposite.

The state is very miserable, rolling on the stairs and can't control his body at all.

It rushed down all the way, and finally fell on the street with a snap.

On the path he rolled over, two big American men in Los Angeles local police uniforms followed along chatting and laughing.

Because of the distance, Qin Lie could not hear what the two American policemen were saying for the time being.

It's just that when they walked to the door of the middle-aged uncle on the first floor, they stepped on the uncle's head with a baton in their hand, and kept leaning on the middle-aged uncle's face, in a very arrogant state.

Qin Lie frowned and remembered what Hou Junjie said to him just now.

After thinking about it for a while, I really feel that these American police are not good things.

But not wanting to meddle in his own business, Qin Lie decided to turn a blind eye.

But in the end, instead of rushing out, Hou Junjie next to him dashed out instead.

"Uncle Tom!!"

He shouted, dashed all the way, reached the front of the two policemen, flew up, left and right, agile, and kicked the two policemen directly in the face.

Although Cui Junjie is not Jiang Lei's opponent, he is actually much more powerful than these two fat-headed American policemen.

These two kicks out, directly kicking the two policemen to the ground, and almost fell backwards to the ground.

Then Cui Junjie leaned over to help Uncle Tom up, and asked with concern, "Uncle Tom, are you all right? What are they doing here?"

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