The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1520 The Road Sees The Injustice And Draws A Knife To Help

Uncle Tom?

Hearing this, Qin Lie suddenly thought of something in his mind.

Cui Junjie said in the car before that a poor young girl was raped and killed by three social gangsters. They reported the case for a long time without results.

The poor girl's father seems to be called Uncle Tom, or is it the man in front of him.

Seeing Cui Junjie rushing up, Jiang Lei whispered to Qin Lie on the side: "Brother Lie, this monkey cub is so good at rushing, he doesn't look at who is on the other side before doing things, those two are the police, we can't do it well. "

Qin Lie thought about it, and really felt that Cui Junjie was a little impulsive.

But on second thought, it was not because of his impetus that I saw him, and his awe-inspiring justice was rare in this era.

Qin Lie said: "What about the police, why can't the police do it? It's not like you didn't listen to that brat just now that the police in Los Angeles are basically all from the Locke family.

We can provoke Abraham, and we are afraid of his two police officers. Now you can call Li Tianlin and ask him to bring a group of brothers over. "

"Yes!" Jiang Lei got the order, so he went to the side to call Li Tianlin.

Qin Lie did this just in case.

Although it is said that this Los Angeles policeman is a member of the Locke family, after all, it is relatively troublesome to deal with in the skin of the government, and a little armed force is more confident.

Jiang Lei was instructed here, Qin Lie and Xing Feng went to Hou Junjie across the street.

Now Qin Lie's English is good. Hou Junjie and Tom and the two American police officers are mostly in English, but he can hear them clearly.

After Hou Junjie beat the two policemen back, he immediately helped Uncle Tom up, pointed at the two policemen and asked loudly, "Why are you two coming to find Uncle Tom again?"

The eyes of the two big American men showed disgust, obviously it was not the first time they had met Hou Junjie.

The two men threatened Hou Junjie with batons and said, "It's you again, little beast. It seems that you like to take care of other people's affairs. Believe it or not, we even arrested you!"

"Ha ha!"

Cui Junjie rubbed his nose and smiled, "I'm not fourteen years old. According to California law, you can't catch me."

"Boy!" said the two policemen, "the law is not static. I tell you, you have obstructed our law enforcement many times. If we want to, we can definitely arrest you."

"Then you'd better catch them quickly!" Hou Junjie said, "Are you law enforcement? You are murder."


Another policeman said: "I know you, didn't you just put a little effort into forming a Huaxia Gang? Let me tell you, the people in our police station have already targeted your Huaxia Gang, and they will be targeted soon. You can't protect yourself from the actions of the Huaxia Gang, and you still have the mind to meddle in your own business!"

"Then what's going on?" Hou Junjie said, "You are the police, you have the Los Angeles government behind you, you are incredible, I tell you! We are not scared, if you want to move our Huaxia Gang, our Huaxia Gang will The door of your Los Angeles police station has been knocked open!"

"Okay!" said the policeman, "then we will wait for that day."

"Now, hand this old man to me, and I'll take him back to the police station!"

"Go back to the police station?" Cui Junjie said, "Uncle Tom is a victim. What did you call him to the police station for? How dare you lynch him!"

One of the policemen felt very natural and said: "Our settlement agreement has been drawn up. If this Tom does not sign, if he does not sign, the case will not be closed. The superiors have been urging us, we will not do anything. How did he give in?"

Uncle Tom listened on the ground, sobbing, so to speak.

The state is extremely miserable: "I won't sign it, I must go to jail for the murderer of my daughter, I won't reconcile, even if you kill me, I won't sign the book, you Los Angeles police are all black hands, They're all black hands!"

"Old Tom." One of the policemen held a baton in his hand and kept pounding on his palm, saying, "We must have evidence when we speak, we Los Angeles police are black hands, do you have evidence, do you know? Knowing that just because of this sentence, our police station can convict you."

"That's right!" Another policeman said, "Old Tom, I advise you to be acquainted. If this matter is not resolved, it will not be good for you or us. I advise obediently to sign it, take the money, and ask for it. Otherwise, the people who come next time may not be as easy to talk as the two of us."


Hearing these words coming out of the policeman's mouth, Cui Junjie finally couldn't help it.

Standing up and pointing at the two people, he said, "I tell you, this word Uncle Tom can't sign, you can sign it, you must find the murderer of Tom's daughter, otherwise, we'll just waste it.

I'll go to the newspaper office later and report on what you've done. I'd like to see how brave you are! "

When the two big men heard this, they were taken aback.

The above specifically instructed not to make this incident a big one, how to publish in newspapers and on TV, these things are never allowed to be seen.

The two policemen finally became ruthless, pointing at Cui Junjie and saying, "You little beast, you don't know what's good or bad!"

Another cop said, "Give you five seconds now and you hand over old Tom right away, or we'll hit you!"


Cui Junjie not only did not flinch when he heard this, but became even more excited.

He even put on a stance to fight the two policemen, and jumped on the spot like a boxing a few times: "Come on, come here, you think I, Cui Junjie, will be afraid of you, let's see who is more powerful!"

Seeing Cui Junjie's stubbornness, the two big men squinted their eyes and were ready to do it.

When the voltage of the baton was turned on, the tip of the baton flashed with lightning.

Seeing this, Qin Lie finally had to take action.

After all, he didn't want to make things worse.

Secondly, the high-voltage electricity of the baton can stun people, and he is also afraid that his reckless apprentice will be electrocuted as soon as he enters his teacher's door.

These things have to be resolved by him.


Qin Lie called Hou Junjie, and after seeing Hou Junjie turning back, he signaled, "You take Uncle Tom to step back, I leave this matter to me."


Hou Junjie listened, and was instantly overjoyed: "Master, you are going to take action. You haven't moved for so long. I thought you didn't want to take care of this matter?"

"I didn't want to take care of it at first," Qin Lie said, "but you are so righteous, and when the road is injustice, you draw a knife to help. If I don't do it, it seems that I am a little heartless."

"It's nothing for you here, you take Uncle Tom to the side to rest."

Qin Lie's words were quite domineering. After speaking, he and Jiang Lei Xingfeng stepped forward and blocked the way of the two big policemen.

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