Qin Lie just stopped in front of the two American policemen.

His eyes were slightly contemptuous, and his whole expression looked confident, as if he didn't care about the two policemen at all.

It can only be said that if what Hou Junjie said is true, the two policemen are too disgusting.

Basically, there will be no such disgusting things in China, and even if there is, it will not be so blatant.

The two American police officers just acted too blatantly.

If Hou Junjie entangled with him again, he might suffer a loss, so Qin Lie could just do it himself.

Qin Lie's expression seemed to be a bit beating in their eyes. When they saw the new person, the two policemen looked even more unhappy, and asked him with a squinted look, "Who are you?"

"It's a coincidence." Qin Lie said, "I'm the master of the little monkey just now."

"Master?" The two police officers didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word, and continued, "What is a master?"

Another said: "Huaxia, I don't care who you are, I advise you not to get involved in this matter. He is a child, you are an adult, we can't catch him, but we don't need anything to catch you. formalities."

Qin Lie didn't listen to his words at all, and said like this: "My friend, are your thoughts too naive? Since I stand up now, I must take care of it. What are your words? Use it, why don't you do it directly, aren't you the best at dealing with civilians?"

When Qin Lie said such a thing, the two policemen looked at each other and were very unhappy.

"What is it that gives you Huaxia people such arrogance in the United States, do you really think your Huaxia gang is invincible?"

The two policemen also seemed to lose their patience.

I was disturbed by Cui Junjie at first, and things have dragged on for too long, and now another Qin Lie has appeared, who seems to be even more ignorant than Cui Junjie.

The two policemen came today with a mission, and the people above gave them a deadline, so that they had to deal with Tom's business.

After dragging again and again, their anger piled up.

No nonsense anymore, it was the way to deal with Cui Junjie just now. The two turned on the high voltage of the baton and leaned towards Qin Lie very oppressively.

But in fact, neither of the two policemen needed Qin Lie to do it himself. Just when the two wanted to settle Qin Lie, Xing Feng and Jiang Lei jumped up at the same time.

Blocking in front of Qin Lie, one person against one, is a standard side kick.

The two are the best in the fighting world. If Jiang Lei can count as 0.6 Qin Lie, Xing Feng can almost count as 0.8 Qin Lie.

The two of them shot together, and how could the American policeman who was raised in white and fat on the opposite side can compare.

boom! boom!

Qin Lie almost heard two very rhythmic muffled sounds in his ears.

Immediately after, two human flesh cannonballs flew out in front of them.

The two U.S. police officers turned into a straight line and flew five to six meters on the sidewalk in front of the apartment building before they fell heavily to the ground.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

The two held the place where they were kicked and kept screaming.

After finally recovering, the two climbed up on the ground and pointed at Qin Lie and Jiang Lei. They were angry and scared: "You guys, how dare you attack the police!"

"Do you still have Wang Fa?"

Qin Lie spread his hands and said expressionlessly: "Is it right? You can see for yourself if you look at the reactions of the citizens..."

Qin Lie glanced left and right, and their incident had already attracted a lot of onlookers.

If an official department has enough credibility, the beating of a law enforcement officer should arouse public anger.

But not in LA!

Just after Jiang Lei and Xing Feng beat up the two American policemen, most of the people around cheered excitedly, and many people even applauded, whether it was Chinese or American, it was the same.

This is enough to see how unpopular the police in Los Angeles are.

With the support of these civilians, Qin Lie believed even more what Hou Junjie said.

It is also more confident when doing this.

The two policemen on the opposite side were furious, pointing at Qin Lie and yelling at him.

"You are finished! Damn oriental monkey! Attack the police and we will definitely send you to prison!"

"Don't think that you are Chinese and we can't control you. Even if it is God, we will arrest you!"

"You wait for me, wait for me!"

The two roared, took out the walkie-talkie to report to the headquarters, they should have gone to call the rest of the police force.

And all of this is in Qin Lie's calculations.

He asked Jiang Lei in a low voice, "How is it, have the brothers in the squad notified you?"

"I have been notified." Jiang Lei replied, "They are already on their way here."


Qin Lie just nodded slightly, and he already had a bottom line.

Before the main force arrived, Qin Lie and the police on the opposite side started a silent confrontation.

Qin Lie kept Tom and Hou Junjie behind him and looked at them from a distance.

As for those two people, although they shouted loudly, they felt the skills of Jiang Lei and Xing Feng, and they didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

The people on both sides watched from such a distance, facing each other.

And about twenty minutes later, the nearby streets finally rang a harsh alarm bell.

Seven or eight police cars came to this apartment building with their lights flashing. After they arrived, they parked their cars on the side of the road. After getting out of the car, about 20 police officers immediately began to drive away the passersby with an arrogant attitude.

And soon, the group of people who were in charge of arresting Qin Lie immediately rushed to Qin Lie. A US police officer who seemed to have the highest position took out an arrest warrant and flashed in front of Qin Lie.

Then he said righteously: "Sir, I am now announcing on behalf of the Los Angeles Police Department that you have been arrested for interfering in the execution of police duties and assaulting a police officer. You have the right to choose to remain silent, but any word you say All will be used as evidence in court!"

After saying this, the boss waved to the man behind him, and the others came up with handcuffs to catch Qin Lie.

But even if Qin Lie faced so many people, he was not at all frightened, and even relaxed.

In the face of these people's arrest, he did not even resist.

After listening to what the man said, the first thing he asked was: "Is your arrest warrant real?"

The leading American policeman heard this and immediately asked Qin Lie suspiciously: "What do you mean, I have shown you the arrest warrant, and you still doubt my authenticity??"

Qin Lie smiled and continued: "But why do I see that the name on your arrest warrant is not me, but Tang Ruijin, and it's impossible for you to know my name. Can the police station in Los Angeles be so foolish?"

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