Qin Lie went out with a word, and the American police on the opposite side was very shocked.

He put the arrest warrant in front of Qin Lie just now, maybe a second at most.

In a fleeting moment, Qin Lie could actually see whose name was written on the arrest warrant.

Yes, that's not Qin Lie's arrest warrant. How could they be so powerful and get the arrest warrant in such a short period of time.

They are just looking for an excessive arrest warrant, arresting the person first and talking about it later.

They used this trick often before, and because they were official departments, they rarely made mistakes.

As a result, Qin Lie caught him today.

Qin Lie could think that the arrest warrant was not his name. One reason was that after so many training sessions, his eyesight was indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Secondly, he is very clear that he is not a US national. He has only been in the US for four or five days this time. When he talked to the two fat police officers just now, he never revealed his name. How could they have their own name? information.

Third, they only entered the United States for a short period of time. If they want to arrest themselves, they must communicate with the Chinese government.

In any case, they are not qualified to arrest themselves.

So he seemed very calm.

But his calmness made the captain on the opposite side a little uncomfortable.

After working in Los Angeles for so many years, it was the first time he was overwhelmed by a civilian.

In any way, he would not allow such a thing to happen.

So even if Qin Lie talked to his heart, he didn't plan to let Qin Lie go.

With a sharp wave of his hand, he still gave the order to the person behind him: "Take it away, I will be responsible for anything that happens!"


The people behind had this assurance, and without any scruples, rushed up and put handcuffs on Qin Lie.

As for Qin Lie, he didn't resist, and even stretched out his hand to shackle them.

But it would be naive to really want to take him away!

Seeing that Qin Lie was handcuffed, a smug smile appeared on the faces of the two fat police officers.

As long as Qin Lie is sent back to the police station, they can do whatever they want.

At that time, they can also avenge the "one-kick revenge".

But it's not that easy.

Just as they handcuffed Qin Lie and were about to take him into the police car.

The streets in the entire area roared, and a large wave of vehicles came back and forth.

These vehicles have a unified standard, all off-road Hummers, and the models are extremely sturdy. All the way, sparks and lightning attract everyone's attention.

Not only is the car they drive resolutely popular, but what they do is also quite shocking.

As soon as these people came over, they surrounded the other police cars.

There are seven other people's cars, and there are more than 20 cars driven by the Longyan team.

From front to back, the police car here was directly surrounded in a circle, and the water was blocked.

This is not over. After they surrounded the Los Angeles police car, the members of the Longyan Squad got out of the car, used the body as a cover, carried submachine guns or rifles, and aimed their muzzles at the police car inside.

Brush brush!

Just like that, a hundred gun barrels were aimed at the Los Angeles police inside.

In this battle, even the police on the opposite side are extremely rare.

The equipment of the main Longyan squad, everyone wears camouflage uniforms, and the guns in their hands are heavy guns that can only be used on the battlefield, giving people the feeling of being a regular army.

Hundreds of guns were surrounded from all directions, and the deterrent was still a bit bluffing.

This time, the police on the opposite side were all dumbfounded, pulling out their pistols one by one to confront the Longyan Squad.

But this is the real shotgun against the cannon. Under the deterrence of the Longyan Squad, they were like a group of children, including themselves, who were trembling with fear by the Longyan Squad's battle.


One of the servants said to the police officer with the highest position at the beginning: "What is going on here? What big people have we provoked? Where did these people come from."

"Boss, it's so scary, why do they have the guts to fight us?"

"Boss, what should we do now?"

The policeman called the boss looked around and found that almost all the armed forces surrounding them were Chinese.

He didn't know where these Chinese people came from so much courage.

But he knew that these Chinese people must come here for the Chinese people.

And the center of the matter today is obviously the Chinese man they are arresting.

This time, the policeman became extremely frightened, and his eyes fell on Qin Lie.

And Qin Lie, sitting in their police car at this time, even smiled, very calm.

Seeing the policeman's eyes, Qin Lie turned his head and looked at him with a smile: "Sir, what do you want to ask?"

Then the policeman asked Qin Lie, "All these people came for you?"

Qin Lie continued to laugh: "Or what are they doing here?"

"You are so bold!" the man said, "This is the border of the United States. How dare you carry so many private arms and so many heavy arms in our country, you are a terrorist act!"

"Wrong!" Qin Lie said, "Who told you that we are a private armed force? I have the signature of Mr. Hua, the top leader of China. We are a special force recognized by the state, with a regular designation, and entered China. The arsenal is the regular army, this time we enter, we also have the authorization of the state, we have our mission to enter, you are a framed accusation!"

Qin Lie's words are half true and half false.

The Longyan Squad is now indeed a special force recognized by the state.

After helping the Jiuzhou Bureau to quell Mu Hei's terrorist actions, Guan Hai, the director of the Jiuzhou Bureau, came to him personally and talked to him in the name of Mr. Hua.

Those who are required to join the Kyushu Bureau in the Longyan Squad are required to monitor all the actions of the Longyan Squad.

In return for this, Mr. Hua promised to recognize the regular armed forces of the Longyan Squad, and issued an exclusive troop title and number.

They are indeed a regular army now - although they have always been Qin Lie's personal armament.

As for the latter, what you said about entering the United States with a special mission, these are false.

He brought so many people to the United States this time without even telling Han Qi.

But it doesn't matter. If Qin Lie calls Han Qi, he can get a formal procedure.

Anyway, he came here this time to help Han Qi investigate the Skull and Bones Society.

Thinking about this, Han Qi should be able to help.

As soon as these words came out, the police on the opposite side was immediately dumbfounded.

What the hell!

National regular army.

There are also operations involving state secrets.

Then the identity of this Chinese person in front of him is too high!

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