When the Longyan team dispersed, the captain wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at Qin Lie sideways, his heart still could not calm down for a long time.

This Chinese man, the sense of oppression is too heavy.

Later, he didn't even dare to talk to Qin Lie again, and left the scene with people in a flash.

When the police left, the entire scene returned to normal.

After the police left, Qin Lie came to Hou Junjie and Uncle Tom's side, patted Tom on the shoulder and asked, "How about Uncle Tom, is there any health problem?"

"No problem." This is what Hou Junjie said, "I just checked the uncle's injury. It's all skin injuries. It will heal in two days."

"That's good." Qin Lie nodded.

And old Tom, who lost his daughter, has vicissitudes written all over his face.

With tears in his eyes, he stooped and held Qin Lie's hand tightly and said, "My child, thank you, thank you for redressing Alice's grievance, if it weren't for you, the murderers of Alice would never be caught. !"

At this time, Tom was just a helpless old father.

Qin Lie also held his hand and whispered, "Uncle Tom, don't take it too seriously. I want to thank you. You can thank Hou Junjie. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even know there was such a thing."

It is true that most of Qin Lie's purpose in doing this is to protect Hou Junjie.

If it weren't for Hou Junjie's Huaxia Gang, how would he care about this business.

Later, Tom did express his deep gratitude to Hou Junjie, and also praised the Huaxia Gang.

Hou Junjie blushed at the praise, and kept saying that it was all due to Qin Lie.

Later, Uncle Tom wanted to stay with Qin Lie and the others for dinner. First, Qin Lie didn't like to eat western food. Second, because of the trouble, the afternoon was almost over, and he was ready to go back.

I didn't stop here any longer.

After sitting at Uncle Tom's house for half an hour, Qin Lie, Jiang Lei and the others drove back to Kapuao's manor.

Hou Junjie also followed him all the way, and the monkey cub was so excited along the way that he couldn't speak incoherently.

He is now completely conquered by Qin Lie's charisma.

Dancing along the way, he happily said: "Master, wow, you just dealt with those police officers so handsome!"

"God, how can you be so powerful? Are you really the leader of the national special forces? No wonder you are so powerful!"

Qin Lie shook his head and said, "I said so, but you still believe me, where am I the leader of the special forces, I am a businessman."

"Hey, it doesn't matter." Hou Junjie waved his hand and said, "This is the oppression of a big man, my God, those police officers are all frightened by you, even if they put handcuffs on you, they have to take it off for you in person. , wow, that's amazing!"

"Your image in my mind is much taller."

Qin Lie laughed: "These flattery should wait until I really overthrow the Locke family. It's too early to say this now."

"It doesn't matter!" Hou Junjie grinned and said, "Anyway, you will be my idol in the future, and I will definitely follow you to study hard and improve every day."

Qin Lie smiled and shook his head: "You boy, it makes me sound like a school teacher."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qin Lie said this, and everyone in the car laughed.

So I went back to Kapoor Manor. In the manor, Kapoor went out to find a Chinese chef and came back to cook a sumptuous Chinese meal to entertain Qin Lie.

Everyone talked and laughed after eating, and one person finally came back.

When Chen Jinhu stepped into the villa, he was dejected and his limbs were weak, as if he had been drained.

When everyone saw Chen Jinhu coming in, they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This fellow, I don't know how to live under the ravages of that female tyrannosaurus, but looking at his state, it must be a bit miserable.

Jiang Lei and the others also sprinkled salt on Chen Jinhu's wound.

Especially Jiang Lei, after seeing Chen Jinhu coming back, he still joked like this: "Yo, our hero is back, Jin Hu, the spring night is worth a thousand dollars, are you coming back too early?"

Chen Jinhu was originally dejected, but when he heard him say this, he rushed up like a madman.

Grabbing Jiang Lei's neck and pinching it twice, he said fiercely: "Chunxiao is worth a thousand pieces of gold every moment, and my spring night is worth your uncle's thousand pieces of gold every moment. That bitch is just a thousand pounds. I almost died there."

"Cough, cough!" Jiang Lei was pinched dryly, and quickly begged for mercy, "Brother Hu, I was wrong Brother Hu, the initiator of this matter is Brother Lie, you are going to find him for trouble, I, this is another I didn't do it."

"Brother lie!"

Chen Jinhu listened, really set his eyes on Qin Lie, and said disheartened: "Brother Lie, our brotherhood is broken this time. Don't call me brother in the future."

Knowing that Chen Jinhu was joking, Qin Lie didn't take it seriously, he couldn't help laughing: "No, Jinhu, as for what, I'm just letting you have a meal with her, and I didn't ask you to sleep with her, isn't that an exaggeration? ."

"Eat, hehe!"

Chen Jinhu showed a look of horror, and said: "Do you know how much she ate in one meal?"

Qin Lie, Jiang Lei and Xing Feng both looked over with anticipation.

Chen Jinhu said: "A roasted whole lamb weighs 15 pounds, enough to feed at least ten people in China. I only ate one leg of lamb, and she ate the rest alone!"

Qin Lie's eyes also showed panic, this, this is really a bit scary.

But Qin Lie thought this was the peak, but it was just the beginning.

Chen Jinhu continued with blood and tears: "Do you think this is the end? No, in addition to the sheep, she also ate seven steamed buns, a plate of dumplings, three servings of spaghetti and two bowls of large white rice, I have never done this before. I felt terrified, and when I saw her eating, I was shaking."

"Cough cough..."

Qin Lie coughed dryly, not to mention eating it, it was scary just listening to it.

But Qin Lie still comforted him and said, "It doesn't matter, it's just that it's okay to eat scary, and she didn't do anything to you..."

"Do not!"

However, Chen Jinhu said, "brother lie, did you see that your waist couldn't straighten up after I entered the door? Do you know why?"

"What?" Qin Lie asked.

"Just now!" Chen Jinhu complained with blood and tears, "She asked the driver to drive me back, do you know what she asked for when she got off the bus?"

"She actually asked me to hug her!"

"She wants the princess to hold her!"

"My God, did she misunderstand the word 'princess'? How dare she make such a request with her size!"

"She is murder!"

"Pfft!" Qin Lie also heard blood spurting, and said, "You can stop hugging!"

"Yeah!" Chen Jinhu said, "I don't want to either, but she rushed over. With her size, she can still run and jump, and if I don't hug me, I'll be hit by her and become disabled! "

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