Qin Lie and the others sounded angry and funny, and continued: "No, why did she let your princess hold her, and the first thing you lost was not your arm but your waist?"

"Yeah." Jiang Lei said, "Shouldn't you dislocate your hand first?"

As a result, Chen Jinhu picked up his hand and shook it in front of the crowd, saying, "I am a robotic arm, a robotic arm, if she can dislocate the robotic arm, how awesome he is!"

"When she was on her upper body, I heard a click behind me. I can guarantee that it must be the spine being pressed!"

"Oh my God!" Chen Jinhu screamed, "She said she would come to me tomorrow, how can I live!"

"Brother lie, otherwise, let's leave the United States as soon as possible. We can't stay in this place anymore."

Chen Jinhu cried out in pain, and told his painful experience vividly.

Qin Lie could hear it, and felt that he was a bit miserable.

But I can't do anything else, I can only comfort Chen Jinhu and say: "It's okay, Jinhu, after this matter is over, I will definitely take you to find a super beauty with fair skin, beautiful long legs, and a normal weight."

"No need!" Chen Jinhu waved his hand and said, "After this incident, I have completely lost interest in women."

"Two!" Qin Lie said.

Chen Jinhu's face changed slightly, and he said, "brother lie, you don't need to comfort me, I don't need it."

Qin Lie continued: "Three!"

Only then did Chen Jinhu's eyes light up, and he changed his mouth to say, "You, you can count on what you say..."

"Okay!" Qin Lie said, "just take it as your comfort to help me beat the thunder this time. Brother Lie, I will do what I say."

Chen Jinhu finally said with satisfaction: "This is almost the same."

"Also." He suddenly remembered and said, "He will come to see me tomorrow, and I won't kill him."

"Don't worry." Qin Lie said, "Tomorrow, my buddy will help you stand up, just say you're not here, go back to China, and you won't be treated inhumanly again."

With Qin Lie's guarantee, Chen Jinhu was satisfied.

Like a wronged daughter-in-law, she went to eat while she was eating: "She's so good at eating, I didn't have enough to eat at night."

Qin Lie, Jiang Lei, Xingfeng and the three listened, and each continued to snicker.

As far as Chen Jinhu's encounter this time, it can make them laugh at least for a year.

The three surrounded Chen Jinhu, and chatted again and again.

At about this time, Qin Lie's phone rang, and a call came from Li Tianlin.

This time in the United States, Li Tianlin came here as the captain of the Longyan team.

The surrounding area of ​​Kapoor is already covered with the protective power of the Dragon Flame Squad, and they can know if there is a little disturbance in the surrounding area.

Li Tianlin called, it should be something happened around.

Qin Lie chatted with Chen Jinhu and picked up Li Tianlin's phone at will: "Tianlin, what's wrong?"

Li Tianlin said directly: "brother lie, we caught someone outside the manor. This person should be a killer."

"Killer?" Qin Lie asked, "How did you confirm it?"

Li Tianlin said: "He has the latest sniper rifle. He was discovered by his brothers when he was looking for a hiding spot outside. We guess he should have come to assassinate you."

"Assassinate me..." Qin Lie thought for a while and said, "How are you sure?"

"I can't be sure, I guessed it too." Li Tianlin said.

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "then bring someone in first."


Li Tianlin said yes and hung up the phone.

Jiang Lei and the others were listening when he called. Seeing that Qin Lie had hung up, he asked, "what's the matter, brother lie, what happened??"

Qin Lie touched his chin and said: "It seems that Abraham and David should not be able to control and want to shoot at us. Our chance is here."

"Really?" Jiang Lei asked.

Qin Lie nodded and said, "Wait and see!"

About three minutes later, Li Tianlin brought the two members of the Longyan Squad and escorted the killer to the villa hall.

Qin Lie was sitting on the sofa, the killer was pinned to the ground and knelt in front of Qin Lie.

Qin Lie looked down at the killer. The killer was dressed in a black leather jacket. He was dressed in a low-key and capable manner. His muscles were exposed from his clothes.

This is a Nordic man with iconic blue eyes and a tall stature. Even if he is pressed to the ground, his head is unwilling to lower his head.

Qin Lie lay on the sofa, stretched Erlang's legs, and asked him, "What's your name?"

"Kamora..." Unexpectedly, the killer answered very decisively, staring at Qin Lie with his head raised, without any stage fright.

"Kan Mora..." Qin Lie repeated, and asked Xing Feng on the side, "Xing Feng, have you heard of this name?"

Now the world's largest killer organization is Yanwangdao and Yehun. Xing Feng is from Yanwangdao, and he knows these people better than Qin Lie.

Xing Feng nodded immediately and said, "I know, this person is quite famous in the killer world. He can be ranked in the top ten to twenty places on the killer's list."

"Can you remember more than a dozen?"

However, Xing Feng said: "He has always been a lone wolf, working alone and working alone, and he also accepts some casual work. We also sent someone from Yanwang Island to find him and asked him to join, but he was rejected three times. .

So we were more impressed by him fighting for business with several major killer organizations. "

Qin Lie and Xing Feng spoke Chinese, but Kanmora obviously didn't understand Chinese, so he was confused.

But it doesn't matter.

After figuring out the identity of the person who came, Qin Lie immediately asked him, "What are you doing here?"

"Haha..." Kanmora sneered, "I'm a killer, what else can I do here other than kill?"

"Kill me?" Qin Lie asked.

Canmora didn't answer.

Qin Lie was not in a hurry and continued to ask: "So who sent you, let me know."

"Hehe..." Kanmora continued to laugh, "Do you think you can tell who the employer is from my mouth??"

There is an unwritten rule in the killer world, that is, even if the killer fails to do his job, is caught by the other party, even if he dies, he must not reveal the employer's information.

People who are willing to be killers have always been lofty in heart, and rarely break this rule.

This Kanmora is famous in the killer world, and trying to get this information out of his mouth is difficult and difficult.

But it doesn't matter. In fact, as long as the killer can be caught, Qin Lie can almost be sure that it is one of Abraham and David.

David has an 80 percent chance, and Abraham has a 20 percent chance.

So Qin Lie almost locked on David.

The appearance of Canmora also gave Qin Lie an opportunity to make the next move.

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