The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1526 Take The Initiative To Attack

Qin Lie knew that Kanmora wouldn't speak, so he didn't bother to torture him.

Li Tianlin's people pressed Kanmora and asked Qin Lie, "Brother Lie, what should I do with this person?"

"Break his legs first." Qin Lie said calmly.

Soon, the members of the Longyan Squad have become extremely skilled at doing these things. Two people, one left and one right, came to the front of Kanmora, and at the same time, they kicked on Kanmora's calf.

Kanmora's calf was stepped on, and with two clicks, it was directly broken to ninety degrees.


Even an international killer with such a hard bone couldn't bear the pain, and he fainted soon after.

Next, it's a matter of how to scale this up.

Looking back at Chen Jinhu, he asked Chen Jinhu, "Jin Hu, how are you, have you finished eating?"

Although he experienced Liu Yingying's painful experience, Chen Jinhu was still unequivocal when it came time to do business.

After he finished the meal in a few bites, he stood up and said, "brother lie, if you have any orders, just say it directly. I won't let you down."

"Okay." Qin Lie said, "Then it's time to start closing the net tonight, and our trip to the United States should end."

"Let's go and meet David at the casino with me again!"

Saying that, Qin Lie waved his hand and led the crowd out of Kapuao's manor.

After waiting for so long, I was waiting for David to shoot.

As long as this idiot dares to kill, this is giving Qin Lie a chance, and this chance to provoke a war with the Locke family has finally come.

At the same time, at the other end of Los Angeles, in Abraham's manor, there was also a conversation going on.

Abraham stood by the window, holding a goblet with red wine in his hand.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of his villa, looking at the scene outside.

Beside him stood a Los Angeles police officer in a police uniform. The policeman was very old, probably in his fifties, but the sign on his shoulder represented his high position in the police station.

This person is called Barossa, the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department and Abraham's most loyal subordinate.

Barossa was supported by Abraham, and Abraham gave him huge economic benefits. In turn, Barossa also used the resources in his hand to provide great convenience to the development of the Locke family.

It is not unfounded that the entire Los Angeles is the Rockefeller family.

The current Rockefeller family is indeed only covering the sky in Los Angeles.

Barossa and Abraham are bowing their heads to discuss something.

After talking for a while, Abraham suddenly raised his head and said in shock, "Are you sure what you said is true?"

"Yes!" Barossa said, "I found someone to investigate the number of this unit afterwards, and it was indeed recorded in the Huaxia Army. This person's origin is not simple."

With confirmation from Barossa, Abraham was even more shocked by the incident.

Just now, Barossa told Abraham what happened at the entrance of the Stewart Library in the afternoon, because of Uncle Tom's incident, how Qin Lie summoned the Longyan Squad, and how to force the police from their police station back. Abraham.

What shocked Abraham the most was that Qin Lie summoned hundreds of armed forces with one phone call.

This is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that the armed forces are actually registered in the official Huaxia. To put it bluntly, Qin Lie has the Chinese regular army in his hands, and he has the background of the official Huaxia!

The news terrified Abraham.

The understanding of Qin Lie has risen to a new level.

Qin Lie was stunned with the background of the Skull and Bones Society. Now, there is an official Chinese background that pops up. This background is ten times more terrifying than the Skull and Bones Society.

That is to say, if he angers Qin Lie, he is likely to be attacked by the official Chinese Thunder.

How could a small consortium in his place withstand this blow?

The more he thought about it, the more flustered he became. This man was black and white, and the background behind him was as broad as the sea. If his anger was ignited, their entire consortium would be destroyed.

Kapoor really found a tough backer this time.

After getting this news, Abraham's brows furrowed even deeper, not knowing what to do with it.

He has been targeting Kapuao and his son recently, and has almost removed the foundation of Kapuao and his son in the family.

How to say, Abraham has reached the age, and he should almost take a back seat.

The position of the patriarch of the Locke family will definitely be handed over to his son David later.

Pulling out the foundations of Kapuao and his son is actually leveling the obstacles for David's succession.

During such a special period, Kapoor found Qin Lie, such a big backer, that he must have come to target himself.

The key is that I really don't know how to parry Qin Lie, so I can only wait for Qin Lie to leave the United States.

He now wants to develop this trick to the end.

As long as Qin Lie, the god of plague, doesn't provoke him during his time in the United States, it's fine.

His roots are not in the United States, and he will always go back.

After knowing Qin Lie's Longyan team, Abraham felt even more that this should be done.

After thinking about it, Abraham nodded and decided to develop this policy to the end.

Waving to let Barossa exit first, Abraham called his assistant again.

"Murphy!" He emphasized, "Go to David in person now, and make sure that David can control his emotions. You must, you must not go to Qin Lie because of what happened at the casino yesterday, please!"

As the patriarch of the Locke family, Abraham can only do so much.

His son was a troublemaker, and he didn't want to suffer a little loss. He was afraid that David would suddenly become overheated and do irrational things. At that time, he would anger Qin Lie, a big powder keg, and the entire Locke family would suffer. .

After his assistant got the order, he immediately executed it.

But it was too late.

Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu and others drove with the Longyan team and were already on their way to David Casino.

The time is almost the same as yesterday.

Today's Qin Lie is to bring the matter with the Locke family to the fore and prepare for a showdown with Abraham and the others.

Without stopping all the way to the casino, Qin Lie rushed into the casino with twenty people this time.

Because they had been there yesterday, and Qin Lie and Jiang Lei had a total of four people who beat hundreds of thugs in the casino, the security guards at the casino were deeply impressed by Qin Lie. .

Qin Lie brought so many people here today, and he was full of murderous aura. How dare these people stop him!

When those people saw Qin Lie, they all stepped aside.

Qin Lie led people all the way in and encountered almost no obstruction.

On the third floor of the casino, Qin Lie finally found David.

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