David was still chatting and laughing with other gamblers at the gaming table.

Kanmora had already set off. In the past, he asked Kanmora to do things, but Kanmora never missed a beat. He thought Qin Lie was dead this time.

But in the end, when he turned around, Qin Lie actually led someone into his casino.

Qin Lie came with great momentum. He kicked the door on the third floor of the casino and rushed in, causing a panic among the gamblers on the third floor.

Standing far away, Qin Lie roared at David, "David!"

David looked back from the gaming table and was surprised when he saw Qin Lie.

When he saw that there were so many people behind Qin Lie, he became extremely panicked again.

"Qin Lie?" he asked in a low voice, "what are you doing here with me again?"

David's heart was a little flustered, but he still pretended to be calm and asked.

Qin Lie wasn't actually angry in his heart, after all, his Kanmora hardly caused any trouble to him.

It's just that the current situation has determined that his momentum must be fierce, and the disputes between the two sides must be provoked.

So he said sharply: "What am I here for? You are too embarrassed to ask me what I am here for, don't you know better than me what I am here for!?"

David's eyes turned around, he looked at the floor, and continued to play stupid: "What the hell are you talking about, I can't understand a word, I warn you, you'd better take your people out to me quickly, My Locke family is not so…”

Qin Lie didn't even bother to listen to him, so he ordered Li Tianlin behind him.

"Bring people out."

Soon, Li Tianlin and the members of Longyan's team came out from behind, took Kanmora, whose legs had been abolished, and threw it directly in front of David.

Kanmora was knocked unconscious by Qin Lie and the others on purpose, also to prevent him from talking too much.

And with the appearance of Canmora, David was completely panicked.

From his point of view, it was clear that Kanmora didn't complete the task, and even confessed him.

The witnesses are all there, and he has no room for defense.

After throwing the person out, Qin Lie also said word by word: "Kan Mora, an internationally famous killer, ranks fifteenth on the killer list, and is best at long-range sniping, and this person is me in a He found it outside my residence an hour ago, he said, you asked him to kill me, what else do you want to quibble about?"

David looked down at Kamora, gasping for breath, but didn't speak.

Qin Lie continued: "David, I didn't expect you to be so ruthless. There was a conflict yesterday, and I saw that I let you go for your father's sake. You are still so clueless, and you still want to find a solution. Killer to kill me!"

David swallowed and looked nervous.

Seeing his appearance, Qin Lie was 100% sure that Kammora was indeed sent by him.

David was silent for a while, then suddenly burst out: "Qin Lie, I just want to find someone to kill you, what's wrong?"

"I grew up, David, and I couldn't do what I wanted to do in Los Angeles. Yesterday, just yesterday, you actually made me lose such a big face in front of my father and so many other people, I won't kill you. Who do you and I kill!"

"Arrogance!" Qin Lie also said loudly, "The young master of the Locke family is indeed arrogant!"

"Kill whoever you want. The Locke family really only covers the sky in Los Angeles, but David, you have to pay the price for your arrogance!"

"It angered me, I hope you can bear the price!"

Having said that, Qin Lie waved his hand sharply and gave orders to Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei and others behind him.

Everyone flew past Qin Lie and rushed towards David fiercely.

David was really panicked at that time, pointing left and right to Chen Jinhu and the others and kept threatening.

"What are you doing!? What do you want to do? I am the young master of the Rockefeller family, you dare to touch me!"

"If you dare to do it, our family will never let you go!"

"Don't come here!"

David roared, trying to suppress Qin Lie with the power of the Locke family.

But Qin Lie himself is for the Locke family, what use are these words?

Because of the sudden attack, David can be said to be unprepared. After the crowd rushed up, they caught David in front of Qin Lie effortlessly.

As with Kanmora before, Jiang Lei and the others pressed David to the ground and knelt in front of Qin Lie.

At about this time, Abraham's assistant, Murphy, came in from the gate of the casino.

He got an order from Abraham and was going to come over and tell David, so that David could control his emotions and not provoke Qin Lie.

It's a pity that as soon as he entered the door, he saw David being pressed to the ground, and in front of him, who else could be Qin Lie who was not the one who Abraham told him to be careful of?

At this moment, Mo Fei was also shocked, and his face was instantly filled with horror. He immediately picked up his mobile phone and called Abraham: "Patriarch, it's not good, young master, he has been caught by Qin Lie!"


Abraham was equally shocked, almost jumping up from the sofa at home.

Who would have thought that he had already given orders so quickly, but it was still too slow for David.

Qin Lie had already rushed in front of David.

Based on what Abraham knew about his son, his son David probably couldn't help but find someone to trouble Qin Lie last night.

But Qin Lie's background and methods, where David can resist.

Now that it's in Qin Lie's hands, can it be better?

Thinking of this, Abraham couldn't calm down any longer, and immediately rushed out of the house and told Murphy, "Murphy, now try my best to stabilize Qin Lie's emotions and make him calm down!"

"Young master is in a very dangerous situation now, you must drag me to the scene!"


Mo Fei didn't know what to do. Anyway, let's say it first. It should be delayed until the patriarch arrives.

Putting down the phone, Murphy panicked and rushed back to the casino.

At this time, in order to intensify the conflict, Qin Lie was ready to let Jiang Lei and others kill David.

At least he can't run away without his two legs.

It turned out that at this time, Mo Fei shouted and said to Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, be merciful!"

Qin Lie heard Mo Fei's voice and turned to look in the direction of Mo Fei.

I didn't know each other, so I asked casually, "Who are you?"

Including David, has been completely frightened by Qin Lie's momentum at this moment.

He screamed and called Murphy: "Murphy Uncle, save me, where is my dad, hurry up and tell my dad, let my dad come to save me, hurry up!"

Murphy glanced at David, but couldn't control him for the time being.

He could only turn his head to look at Qin Lie, his momentum was very weak: "Mr. Qin, please calm down, I am the assistant of the patriarch Abraham, my name is Mo Fei, I have already informed Mr. Abraham about the matter, sir, please be merciful.

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