After Qin Lie listened, he turned his head to Murphy's side.

More satisfied now.

If Abraham didn't know it, and he wasn't happy, then the drama would be in vain.

Just now, Abraham knew about it himself, and he didn't have to bother to inform him afterwards.

Abolishing his son in front of his face is even more deterrent.

I just don't know if Abraham could stand it when he saw his son become a waste in his own hands.

Whether it is necessary to launch a general attack or not, we will see Abraham's own reaction for a while.

So in the face of Murphy's request, Qin Lie said: "Mr. Murphy, now you ask me to be merciful and let David go, I ask you, if the sniper's bullet hits my head today, I will pay Who is going to show mercy?"

"If it weren't for me being alert, my team being alert, I'd be in heaven chatting with God now!"

Qin Lie's words made Mo Fei shut up. Mo Fei was very embarrassed, and he knew more about what kind of master his young master was.

Those things are indeed what he can do as a dandy young master.

But even so, he couldn't just helplessly watch David get crippled by Qin Lie.

He quickly said to Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, I'm really sorry, my young master has a really bad temper sometimes. He can't tell who can be offended and who can't be offended. I hope you don't care about villains. Forgive him this time, it's for Mr. Abraham's sake!"

Qin Lie listened, and finally shook his head: "I'm sorry, you have your rules, I have mine, and I really don't like Abraham's face!"

Just like that, Qin Lie continued to give Jiang Lei a look, signaling him to continue.

David was suppressed, almost collapsed, his head was pressed to the ground, and saliva sprayed all over the floor.

He growled: "Murphy, what are you talking to him about, why are you and my dad so afraid of him, what about your temper, your dignity as a Rockefeller family!

Why should I be afraid of such a Chinese person, let my dad bring people over, bring all the family elites, cripple him, kill him here, what can he do!

What are you afraid of! "

In David's eyes, it's enough to just get rid of Qin Lie.

But things are not that simple.

Qin Lie sneered, shook his head and said, "It's already this time and I still don't know how to repent. I'm stubborn."

"Jiang Lei, do it!"

Qin Lie gave the final order.

After Jiang Lei said yes, he came to the back of David, raised his leg, and stepped on David's calf. He heard David's bones cracking, and the right calf was directly stepped on by Jiang Lei. .

David has been pampered all his life, and he has never been bullied like this by others, where has he suffered such hardships.

For a moment, David cried out in pain, and the sound penetrated the entire casino and echoed in the sky above the casino.

His saliva spattered, his body spasmed, and he almost lost consciousness in pain.

But this wasn't the end. Under Qin Lie's instruction, Jiang Lei went to the other side again and broke David's left leg in the same way.

David screamed, but he was pinned to the ground by Chen Jinhu and Xing Feng, and he couldn't even lift his head.

This Chinese man is too domineering!

At this time, Abraham was still running to the casino in his own car.

On the way down, he watched the time no less than ten times, and his heart was burning.

"Carl, drive faster, drive faster, and give me five minutes to get to the young master's casino!"

Caldering, accelerated all the way, on the road in Los Angeles all the way to the casino with sparks and lightning.

When he got to the casino, Abraham couldn't take care of it anymore. The man in his fifties dashed out of the car and ran like a 100-meter athlete.

Rushing to the third floor, he finally caught up with Qin Lie's sanction against David this time.

But one step too late.

Under Qin Lie's instruction, Jiang Lei abolished David's legs, and then his hands.

But this is not over yet. In the end, Qin Lie asked Jiang Lei to abolish David's subordinates and let him cut off his descendants.

And this is the real waste.

A family's first son, who can't even give birth to a child, is not only a matter of succession, but also a major matter of family inheritance.

When Qin Lie did this, he just walked out of the way.

The two legs and two hands are gone, and they can still be rescued by modern medicine, but the goods below are gone, and the current medical skills cannot fully recover.

That is to say, Abraham's post is definitely for sure!

What is even more frightening is that this scene happened just at the moment when Abraham rushed into the third floor of the casino.

He saw with his own eyes Jiang Lei's foot kicking David's lower body, the sense of despair was unparalleled!

"No!" Abraham growled, trying to get to David, but it was too late.

Jiang Lei's feet didn't stop, and finally stepped on David's lower body fiercely, and the audience collapsed!

Even the viewers exclaimed.

Everyone covered their mouths, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

David, the orthodox young master of the Rockefeller family, the Rockefeller family is like an emperor in Los Angeles, and Qin Lie's move is undoubtedly a complete declaration of war with the Rockefeller family!

David fainted from the last kick.

And Abraham's emotions also collapsed. He held his head and twisted his hair, as if this was the only way to vent his emotions.

"no! no! no!"

Abraham growled and squatted on the ground in pain.

David was deposed, which meant that his family could not find someone to inherit.

Even if he wanted to, those old things in the family would not agree.

The birth of a patriarch requires not only the support of the old patriarch, but also the consent of the elder members of the family.

Qin Lie did this, and he feared that his lineage of Abraham would go into decline because of this!

"No!" Abraham repeated this sentence, squatting on the ground and crying.

It only took about three minutes for him to withdraw from his back pain, turning all his grief and anger into rage.

No matter how sensible he was, he couldn't be sensible at this time.

Standing up fiercely, Abraham gritted his teeth, first walked to Murphy's side, and slapped Murphy's face with a round slap.

Slap, it was full of strength, and instantly left a five-finger blood mark on Mo Fei's face.

"I told you to be optimistic about the young master, and let the young master not have any accidents. What are you doing? What do I want you for?!"

Mo Fei touched his face, feeling aggrieved.

He wanted to take care of it, too, and he didn't want anything to happen to David.

But Qin Lie is unreasonable at all, and the security does not dare to take action, how can he control it!

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