Abraham smoked Murphy just to vent his anger.

All his anger now is on Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie!"

He roared again, came to a place less than two meters in front of Qin Lie, pointed at Qin Lie and cursed!

"Qin Lie, you son of a bitch, you do things too much, you really think that I Abraham is a soft persimmon!"

"I have been forgiving to you again and again, I think you have a background in the Skull and Bones Society, and an official background in China, and I don't want to provoke you, but you are too much. Do you really think that I, Abraham, dare not touch you?"

"Haha!" Qin Lie was very disdainful and said with a smile, "Patriarch Abraham, you have to make it clear that it is not me, but your son David who has caused this situation.

If he hadn't hired a killer to kill me, I wouldn't be here today. So before you get angry and blame me, ask to see if your son has been educated well. "

"Qin Lie!" Abraham said loudly, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

"You just want to irritate me, so that what you are doing has a reason. You see that I have been patient and I have found my son. You know that David's city is not enough, so he will definitely be angry!"

"You are simply helping Capo to take control of the Locke family from me, right? You are just looking for a valid reason for what you want to do, right!"

It has to be said that Qin Lie's words underestimated this Abraham.

It seemed he still knew his plan.

But now these things are useless, and his purpose has been achieved.

Qin Lie denied it with a smile: "Patriarch Abraham, you may think me too complicated, I'm friends with Kapuao, I came to America to play, he entertained me, our relationship is that simple.

As for what you said about robbing the Locke family of control, what use does that thing do to me, and my roots are not in the United States, so what am I doing to rob your Locke family? "

Everyone is smart, and Abraham didn't bother to listen to Qin Lie's eloquence.

He gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Qin Lie, no matter what your goal is, I can only congratulate you, you have achieved it, you have successfully angered me, but you don't know the price of angering me, can you bear it? Hold on!"

Abraham was emotionally broken and had decided to settle the account with Qin Lie.

The cards have all been spread out, and then it depends on who has the more preparation and background on both sides.

"Everyone who doesn't want to die, let me get out of here now!"

Abraham loudly issued an ultimatum to everyone around him and immediately began to clear the scene.

After informing these passers-by, Abraham turned back and ordered Murphy to say: "Murphy, call everyone up to me, today I'm going to chop this Chinese man into meat sauce!!"


After speaking, Murphy picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke to the people below.

Abraham had a premonition that something was going to happen today, so when he came over, he also transferred all the elite combat members of the family here, from the major venues in Los Angeles, just in case.

Now if it happens, he will also impose sanctions on Qin Lie.

The number of people he summoned today reached three hundred.

With an order, the members who had been waiting outside the first floor of the casino, dispatched collectively and rushed to the casino.

And those who had nothing to do with waiting and were still watching the play, when they heard Abraham's ultimatum, all panicked and fled outside the casino like crazy.

Today is a big war, and this war is fundamentally different from yesterday's conflict.

Yesterday was only the security of the casino, but today it is the fighting elite of the Locke family.

Yesterday it was just punches and cold weapons, but today it's all hot weapons.

Just a single bullet can kill people, how dare those people stop.

There was chaos around, and Abraham was also protected by his people and retreated to a far place in the chaos.

Qin Lie doesn't care, all this is within his expectations.

After Abraham launched the final attack, Qin Lie also calmly took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Tianlin's number. On the phone, his tone was calm, as if he was doing a daily thing.

"Tianlin, it's alright, come up with your brothers, let's have a good time with the Locke family today."

It was because of this sentence that the two hundred Longyan Squad members brought to the United States this time finally came in handy.

In fact, Qin Lie set out from China this time, and before he arrived in the United States, he had already guessed that there would be today's situation.

Therefore, when preparing for the Longyan Squad, he also specially talked about the blocking battle, and regarded the Locke family as an imaginary enemy. Qin Lie had already asked Xing Feng to investigate the number of the Locke family's personal armament, how strong it was, and so on, and gave it to the Longyan team. Players learn.

The current Longyan team is quite familiar with the armed forces of the Locke family.

Relatively speaking, the Locke family's personal armament did not take the Longyan team seriously.

The entire casino building has two gates, one in front and one behind.

The personal armed forces of the Locke family entered the arena from the front door, but they did not expect that after entering the door, they would encounter the Longyan team coming in from the back door in the hall.

The two teams had a ferocious head-on collision directly in the hall.

The battle was about to break out, gunshots were heard everywhere, and the battle was extremely violent at the beginning.

The two sides searched for bunkers in the casino hall and launched a confrontation on the opposite side, and the entire hall suddenly became the first battlefield.

Now Qin Lie's Longyan team has gone through five expansions, especially after being recognized by the state at Guan Hai's instigation, the total number of their team has been expanded to almost 500 people.

Although the average level of individual combat power is not as powerful as when it was a dozen people in the early days.

However, the recruitment threshold of the Longyan Squad has never been lowered, and in the later stage, many people are elites from the Huaxia regular army, bringing advanced combat strategies and more scientific training plans to the team.

Their cooperation is much higher than before, so in fact their overall combat effectiveness is improved.

Even in the face of the country's regular special forces, the Longyan Squad's combat effectiveness is not much less.

With this premise, the private armed forces of the Locke family look like a bunch of rabble.

If you want to use marksmanship, you need to cooperate without cooperation. Just like the teams in those terrorist bases in the Middle East, they only know how to shoot with guns and people.

Where can such combat power be the opponent of Longyan Squad?

So even if there are more than 400 people from the Locke family, close to 500 people, there are only 200 people in the Longyan team, and the gap between the numbers is huge.

However, as the battle went on, the Longyan team still controlled the situation on the battlefield with a high advantage.

At first, the armed forces of the Locke family were able to have a tug-of-war with the Longyan Squad.

And after about ten minutes, their people couldn't hold it anymore.

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