The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1530 Control The Overall Situation

As the casualty rate of members of the Locke family increased, the members of the Locke family were beaten with vigour and quickly became timid.

There is another very important point.

The weapons used by these armed members of the Locke family are very backward. If they are placed in the country, they are almost still at the level of the fourth-generation weapons.

On the modern battlefield, the most advanced weapons have come to the seventh generation. It can be said that the weapons of the Locke family are behind an era.

In contrast, the sixth-generation weapons in the hands of the Longyan Squad are far superior to the Locke family in terms of accuracy and stability.

Perhaps Abraham asked the Skull and Bones to buy arms to prevent this from happening.

But Qin Lie is bad! Originally, they asked the Skull and Bones Society to buy three carts of arms, but after three days in Los Angeles, Qin Lie just sent them one cart.

The poor members of the Locke family can only use those backward equipment to fight with the people of the Longyan Squad.

The Longyan Squad is comprehensively crushed in terms of equipment, personal strength, and team coordination. In contrast, the number advantage of the Locke family is not an advantage at all.

A ten-minute tug-of-war, followed by a one-sided battle situation.

The Longyan team not only forced the Locke family out of the casino lobby, but also pushed them out two streets.

With just such a battle, there seems to be no suspense anymore.

But this is Los Angeles after all, and it is the territory of the Locke family.

The Rockefellers still have a lot to offer.

Just when the Longyan Squad and the Locke family were fighting fiercely in the casino, other places were also linked by this incident.

William Rockefeller was the eldest member of the Rockefeller family and the most senior.

The elders of the family are under his control.

In order to balance the power of the family patriarch, the Rockefeller family established the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders has the highest power in the family, but it consists of seven people in total.

They have the power to remove the patriarch, but they need five out of seven to vote in favor.

Abraham's status in the family is not low, and there are at least five people in the elders standing in his camp.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to depose Abraham through the Council of Elders.

This time, what happened to David Casino, the fire of hundreds of people approaching a thousand people, almost shocked the entire Los Angeles.

After William knew the news, he wanted to summon other members of the Elder Council in the family to discuss how to deal with it.

With such a big event happening in the family, they also have to think about the future of the family.

William is in his seventies this year, and he can be said to be an old bone.

After hearing this at night, I put on a windbreaker and was ready to go out.

As a result, when he just stepped out of his house, he suddenly saw four Chinese people at the door of his villa.

The four Chinese people stood directly at the gate of his villa, looking at him with a very strange look.

William knew that the person who had a feud with the Locke family today was a Chinese person. Now that a Chinese person appeared at his door, he had to be careful.

But William is an old man who has experienced these things after all, and his mental quality is still strong.

He pretended that he didn't see anything, raised the collar of the trench coat a little higher, and was going to walk past the few Chinese people just pretending that nothing happened.

As a result, just when he wanted to muddle through the border like this, one of the four Huaxia people in the lead reached out and blocked his way.

The Chinese man's attitude was still polite, but he didn't leave any room for what he said.

"Sorry, Mr. William, please go back to your own room!"

William looked at the young man up and down, and finally knew that he still guessed correctly, these Huaxia people were coming for him.

William asked in a low voice, "Who are you and why do you control my access?"

A few Chinese people said, "I'm sorry, Sir William. We are just following orders. Mr. Qin Lie Qin asked us to control your whereabouts at your house today. We have no choice."

"What the hell is that Qin Lie? Why do you care about our Locke family? If you don't let me go, I'll find someone to blast you right away!" William's attitude was barely tough.

But these members of the Longyan Squad have all received Qin Lie's death order, and no matter what, they cannot let William leave his villa tonight.

So there is no concession at all.

One of them put his hands on his hips, loomingly showing the pistol on his waist, which was a deterrent.

The leader said in a timely manner: "Mr. William, Mr. Qin also asked me to tell you that today's Locke family will undergo drastic changes, and it is important which side you stand on.

He wants you to listen to him, it's good for everyone, if you don't listen, he can only take some coercive measures! "

The movements of several members of the Longyan Squad are also in the eyes of William on the opposite side.

How could William not know that this was Qin Lie's deterrent.

He was even sure that if he insisted on breaking through the blockade of these few people, they would definitely draw a gun and kill him immediately.

Dare to start a war with the Locke family in Los Angeles, this is a piece of cake for him.

This Chinese man's wrist is too bloody!

"It's unreasonable and unreasonable!" William denounced loudly, "This is my home, I have my freedom wherever I go, you wait, wait for me, I will definitely find someone to come over immediately!"

"You dare to ban my feet, I must be rude to you!"

William scolded, but he had actually compromised, and walked back to his house while scolding.

When several members of the Longyan Squad saw this, the corners of their mouths rose, they glanced at each other, put away their pistols, and found a place near William's house to squat again!

At the same time, in the other direction of Los Angeles, the entrance of the police station in Los Angeles.

After Barossa knew that there was a fire at the David Casino, it was the first time to prepare to take the police to the police.

He thought to himself that the Chinese who came to Luocheng was too arrogant, and even directly fought with the Locke family.

Almost all of their Los Angeles Police Department were raised by the Locke family, and his chief was also supported by Abraham. He couldn't watch Abraham being bullied by Qin Lie like this.

The key point is that he is a Chinese, and he has bullied them to the United States. Even if it is for the sake of national justice, Qin Lie cannot be allowed to succeed.

So he decided to lead the team to the casino to help Abraham.

But like William, Barossa ran into a Chinese man the first time he left the police station.

Yes, Du William Qin Lie has arranged four Chinese people, and he even sent only one person to deal with Barossa.

"Mr. Barossa, Mr. Qin hopes you can take a look at this photo." After the Dragon Flame team appeared, he went straight to the front of Barossa and handed Barossa a photo.

Barossa is not as easy to deal with as Willian, and almost ignores this player.

Immediately instructed his subordinates to arrest this member of the Longyan Squad.

But the team member insisted on telling Barossa: "Mr. Barossa, Mr. Qin also said that no matter what you do, you have to look at this photo first, and he asked me to tell you that times are changing, you have to do Make the right choice!"

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