Barossa turned out to be very disdainful, but after hearing the player's words, he hesitated for a while.

After all, the meaning of this sentence is too deep.

Times are changing, what times are changing, and that person named Qin Lie wants to change their times?

Originally, Barossa didn't want to pay attention to it, but the deterrent force of this sentence was too strong, so he had to care.

In this way, Barossa squinted at the player, hesitated for a while, and finally took the photo.

As a result, after seeing this photo, the deterrent force brought by the members of the Huaxia Longyan team became stronger.

The content of the photo was very simple. The photo was taken tonight. It showed the Rockefeller family's armed forces being chased out of the casino lobby by the Dragon Flame Squad.

The Rockefeller family in the picture was beaten to the point of losing their armor and armor. They were very embarrassed and kept fleeing outside.

The Longyan Squad in the rear is very powerful, chasing after the Rockefeller family, and their morale is high.

The player did nothing but told Barossa what was happening in the casino at the moment.

No p-pictures, no exaggeration, not a single word.

But Barossa, as the chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, had already seen how terrifying the Chinese Special Forces brought by Qin Lie in the afternoon.

In the photo, one side is Chinese, and the other is American. The camp can be seen quite clearly.

It was Abraham's people who were crushed by Qin Lie's people, and the fighting situation on the other side of the casino seemed to be about to end.

Just such a photo, it caused Barossa to think deeply.

So what Qin Lie meant was that he needed to change the dynasty of the Rockefeller family tonight, so that he could think more about it and figure out which side he was on.

It has to be said that this trick of deterring the mentality is quite effective.

It is true that Barossa was brought up by Abraham alone.

But when a catastrophe is imminent, they will fly separately, and it is at this time that self-protection is the most important thing.

If, as Qin Lie threatened, Abraham fell today, he would have to find a reliable backer.

Thinking of this, the Los Angeles police force, which was swift and resolute and about to be dispatched like a thunderbolt, became sluggish again.

A man next to him asked Barossa: "Director, are we still going to Mr. David's casino as originally planned?"

Barossa lowered his eyes, staring at the ground below, but hesitated.

"No no no!" he said, rubbing his chin, "Don't worry, don't worry, Jones, you lead the team, let the police car run around Los Angeles, and then go there after half an hour, remember, We must let everyone see that our police force is out of police, and the bigger the alarm bell for me, the better!"

Jones couldn't understand it here, and immediately asked: "Master Chief, if we arrive at the scene in half an hour, the fight over there may already be over!"

Hearing this, Barossa put his hand on Jones' shoulder and immediately said, "Jones, there are things you can't understand, but if you still want to stay in the police station, you still want the police station. If you have a better life, just do as I say, the rest, you will know later."

Having said this, Barossa waved Jones to do it.

Even if Jones looked puzzled, but following Barossa's footsteps, he could only follow Barossa's instructions. In this way, Jones took the members of their police team and rang the alarm bell throughout Los Angeles. Start shopping.

As for Barossa, he looked at one of the players and said in a low voice, "I hope your boss can do what he says. I don't want to see what Los Angeles used to be after today, and what it will be like in the future."

After saying this, Barossa went out with the police car.

The team member was very satisfied, nodded, and found a secluded place to call Jiang Lei, indicating that it was done.

Looking back at the casino, Abraham's people were already running out of steam.

At first, the big battle in the hall, after being defeated at the back, scattered scattered in the alleys of Los Angeles, and then the two sides launched a wave of street battles.

Including the interior of the casino, some residual forces are also doing the last resistance.

In the corridors, in the stairs, and even at the cashier counter, there are many small-scale collisions between the participating forces.

But a large-scale battle is not an opponent, and the collision of these small-scale people, the Rockefeller family is not an opponent.

Large-scale battles still have the advantage of a large number of people, and small-scale collisions, they don't even have this advantage.

Their sporadic resistance, and sporadic disintegration.

At first the sound of gunfire was almost like setting off firecrackers.

But as time went on, these gunshots gradually subsided, three or four shots per second to three or four seconds one shot, and not a single shot would sound for more than ten seconds. There was no movement.

This also means that the fighting this evening has gradually subsided, and things have come to an end.

Abraham and David hid in a room in the casino, guarded by many members outside.

He can't do anything, he can only watch the final result.

The final gunshots subsided, and Abraham looked at the door of the room, waiting quietly for the result.

If it was his people who opened the door, he would have won today.

But if it was Qin Lie's person who came in, he would have failed.

He couldn't figure out why Barossa's police force hadn't come yet. The matter was over, and he could only accept the arrangement of fate.

With a thud, the door was kicked open.

The person in the lead was none other than Qin Lie.

He walked in in high spirits, and his clothes were not messed up, indicating that he did not take care of the whole battle situation himself.

Seeing this, Abraham was also completely desperate.

There was a chair behind him, and he almost slammed into it.

All pursuits are lost.

It's over, it's over.

As soon as Jiang Lei and others entered, they surrounded Abraham, and the other team members also came in, and about a dozen guns were put on Abraham's head together.

Or he felt that such a battle was too big, Qin Lie planned to give the former Rockefeller family patriarch one last face, and he ordered Jiang Lei to take everyone out.

The people outside closed the door, and only Qin Lie and Abraham were left in the room.

Oh no, and a fainted David.

At the end of the song, Abraham sat in the chair as if he were ten years old.

Qin Lie lit a cigarette, didn't smoke it himself, and handed it to Abraham.

Abraham took the cigarette and looked lonely. After taking two puffs, he smiled bitterly: "Qin Lie, congratulations, you succeeded."

"You're welcome." Qin Lie said, "Mr. Abraham, thank you very much for your accomplishment."

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