"No no no..." Abraham waved his hand and said, "I never thought about perfecting you, it's your ability."

Both sides are smart people, and many words do not need to be so thorough.

Qin Lie's gratitude to Abraham for his accomplishment means that Abraham's outbreak gave him the opportunity to attack this time.

If Abraham could continue to endure, he would not even have a reason to do this total attack.

But in fact Qin Lie accumulated the contradictions to this level in just three days.

He has already deposed David. Abraham is both the patriarch of the Rockefeller family and David's father. After a father sees his son being eliminated directly, there are still a few who can endure it.

So in general, Qin Lie did his best.

"Qin Lie..." Abraham said, smoking a cigarette, "You can tell me now that the purpose of your visit to Los Angeles this time is to help Kapuo get the position of the patriarch, right?"

Qin Lie sat down opposite Abraham, and said casually, "Is there anything to hide from these things, aren't these things on the surface?"

"So..." Abraham said, "From the beginning, you have already calculated everything, and everything was planned by you, including the confrontation with the police station outside."

"Almost." Qin Lie said, "It's just that the one you mentioned was not in my plan. Except for the confrontation with the police station, I arranged almost everything else."

"Haha..." Abraham crushed the cigarette butt and said helplessly, "Hey, sure enough, I'm still too old to compare to you young people, Qin Lie, you are indeed very ambitious, and you will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future."

Qin Lie said, "I can't think about that much for the time being. I just do what I think and do what I can do first. What an extraordinary achievement, take your time."

"I just don't understand a little bit." Abraham said, "I really want to know, why did you choose to help Kapuao, is Kapuao worth your energy to cultivate?"

"I need a spokesperson in the United States." Qin Lie said directly, "This person can't be too smart, can't be too rebellious, but also can't be completely without means."

Qin Lie continued: "What I need is a spokesperson who can control things. He can handle things not very neatly, but he must be obedient. Kapoor has endured under your oppression for so many years. He has resentment in his heart, but even if it is Yesterday, when you promised to give him back everything he had before, he could still choose to continue to forbear."

"This shows that he is a very obedient person. Similarly, in the promotion of the products I cooperated with, he has done a good job, allowing my products to have a considerable market share in the United States, which also shows that he has the ability to do things. "

"A person who is obedient and capable of doing things happens to be full of resentment against you. Everything is just fine, why don't I support him?"

"In contrast, if I cooperate with you, you are not under my control. I will work with David, who has no ability. To sum up, only Capo is the most suitable candidate."

"I understand." Abraham said, "It seems that you still think more than I do, and you have your own grand blueprint. I still think about you simply."

"Don't worry." Qin Lie said, "I won't embezzle any of your Locke family's assets. Kapoo is still your Locke family after all. How much should your assets be? It's just for your leaders. It's just a blood change."

"Oh yes, by the way." Qin Lie said, "The Locke family under your rule is really dark."

In the last sentence, Qin Lie actually complained about it.

These things are meaningless so far.

Abraham couldn't survive tonight. Tomorrow, the whole pattern of Los Angeles will be changed because of Kapoor's coming on stage. At that time, we will watch Kapoor's performance.

Abraham was defeated and talked a lot to Qin Lie.

But in fact, in his mind, he also gave up resistance, but before he died, he wanted to know more.

"I have a request." Abraham finally said, "I hope you can agree..."

"Let's hear it." Qin Lie and Abraham did not have such a big hatred. The hatred between the two sides was not comparable to that of Qin Lie and the Xiao family, or even Qin Lie and Xu Ying.

If Abraham had a request, he could barely agree to it.

Abraham looked at David who had been dizzy for a long time and asked Qin Lie: "It's still about David, I can die, but David is my son, he is still young, you should let him live, anyway, he It's no longer a threat to you."

Yes, it is a miracle that a man with both hands and feet plus the bottom is broken, he can survive by himself, where can there be any threat.

Qin Lie also gave Abraham a little face, and agreed decisively: "Yes, I won't kill him."


Abraham lit another cigarette at the end, and it seemed that all had been settled.

He also knew that his hedging with Qin Lie ended in a disastrous defeat, and he no longer wanted anything extra.

"Okay." He exhaled heavily, and finally said, "Call your people in, I'm ready."


This Abraham is actually quite a man. If he loses, he loses, and there is no denying it.

Qin Lie didn't talk nonsense. He stood up and walked out of the room. After opening the door, he told Jiang Lei: "Jiang Lei, you can do it. Give Abraham a good time, and let him go without pain. In addition, David will keep him one. Please find someone to take him to the nearest hospital."


Jiang Lei got the order and went to work quickly.

As for Qin Lie, looking at the messy casino, he also silently lit a cigarette.

Since Chen Xiaoyu became pregnant, he has quit smoking for a long time. Today, he felt a little emotional, so he smoked another one.

Breathing out the smoke ring, Qin Lie watched the members of Longyan Squad clean up the battlefield and thought about something.

He was thinking, sometimes there is really no right or wrong in doing things, and the contradictions between the two sides only originate from different camps.

During the whole process, did Abraham do something wrong? No, just because he was in a different camp from his own, he was dealt with by himself.

Qin Lie suddenly thought, what would he do if he also encountered such a thing one day.

So in the final analysis, you still have to let yourself have more power.

Qin Lie thought, his vision was a little blurred, and he was fascinated by the smoke in front of him.

His throat choked a little, Qin Lie was not used to the smell of smoke.

Quickly put out the cigarette butt, and at this time Chen Jinhu just came to report: "brother lie, the police chief of Los Angeles wants to meet you, can we see you?"

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