And this was also expected by Qin Lie.

He had already calculated that this police chief would come to him.

However, Qin Lie is not afraid. After all, during the battle between himself and the Locke family, no one from the Los Angeles Police Department appeared, which has already explained the attitude of the police department.

On the Huaxia side, there are still the family annihilation cases of Dabi and Qiu Bai. Qin Lie has not been in the United States for two days.

Most of the aftermath work will be left to Kapuao and his son. Qin Lie can help them deal with a little before he leaves.


Qin Lie asked Chen Jinhu to lead the way, and then went under the casino.

Outside the first floor of the casino, Qin Lie met this tall Barossa, which was the first time the two met.

Qin Lie walked up, shook hands with Barossa, and said with a smile, "Mr. Sheriff, we finally meet."

"Yeah." Barossa also said, "Mr. Qin, I have heard a lot of your name in the past two days. I have always been looking forward to you, and now we finally meet."

"But I must first congratulate you for making the right choice." Qin Lie said, "It seems that you are a smart person, and our cooperation may be very smooth in the future."

"There is no way." Barossa laughed. "As you said, the times are changing all the time. Only by adapting to the changes of the times can we live better, right?"

"Haha...Yes." Qin Lie laughed, "It seems that Mr. Barossa has understood the essence of what I said."

"Hahaha..." Barossa also laughed.

The two talked very happily, like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

But looking at such a scene, who would have thought that just one day ago, Barossa swore allegiance in front of Abraham.

For such people, Qin Lie will also be wary.

Qin Lie deeply understands that with such a person, you can cooperate with him and use him to do things, but you must not trust him.

Qin Lie thought for a while, then asked Barossa: "Barossa Sheriff, I want to know, how do you plan to explain to the citizens of Los Angeles that so many people died in David's casino tonight?"

"Oh?" Barossa seemed to be experienced in this regard.

He whispered: "David Casino is suspected of gang gambling, and has oppressed the people of Los Angeles for many years. Our great and righteous Los Angeles police also witnessed the murders that took place in David Casino when they were secretly investigating, and even found a lot of arms.

And our Los Angeles Police Department has been deliberate, strategizing and meticulous planning for a long time, and finally launched a total attack on David Casino!

Although, in the process, we encountered resistance from many illegal armed forces, but our heroic Los Angeles police punished evil and promoted good, annihilated hundreds of enemies, and won the final victory.

And this victory will surely go down in the history of the Los Angeles Police Department. "

Barossa said a lot of impassioned words, meaning that what happened tonight was the confrontation between the Los Angeles Police Department and the Locke family's underworld department, and it had nothing to do with the Chinese people.

He can take it all down without even revealing any news about Qin Lie and the Longyan team.

Sure enough, Barossa had done a lot of similar things with Abraham before.

That's the best way for him to do it.

While not exposing himself, he gave the Los Angeles Police Department the credit. At the same time, the entire logic line was very smooth.

Qin Lie was very satisfied after listening to it, and praised Barossa: "Mr. Barossa is indeed the sheriff who thinks about Los Angeles the most. I am happy that Los Angeles has a sheriff like you."

"Hahahaha..." Barossa laughed loudly, "Mr. Qin is too complimented, but for the citizens of Los Angeles, these are what I should do."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qin Lie also laughed, the two of them touted each other, but in fact, basically none of what they said was true.

After the matter was dealt with, Barossa began to focus on his own interests.

He suddenly asked Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, now that the Locke family has changed its dynasty and ushered in a new era, I just want to know about the treatment of the Los Angeles Police Department..."

Abraham used to manage the Locke family and acquiesced in almost everything Barossa did.

Barossa and the others bully civilians and turn a blind eye when encountering things, which has resulted in a very poor reputation among the public for their police station.

Instead, their police force has become the official shelter of the Locke family.

Judging from Qin Lie's experience, although such a police station can gain a lot of benefits in a short period of time, in the long run, it will definitely lead to public resistance.

Including the reputation of the Rockefeller family among the public, it will also be implicated.

Qin Lie didn't want such a thing to happen.

So after thinking about it, I told Barossa: "Mr. Barossa, regarding your question, I will tell you clearly, the things you acquiesced to do to the citizens of Los Angeles will not be allowed to exist in the future.

The only thing I want you to do well is to be a good sheriff and do what you should do yourself. "

This answer obviously dissatisfied Barossa.

Before he made so much money on the commoners, deducting the poor was a huge cake for them.

Now that Qin Lie is better, he stole this cake as soon as he came, how could he accept it.

Barossa immediately said: "Mr. Qin, I don't think this is a very good suggestion. There are also many people in our Los Angeles Police Department. They all point to this salary to support their families. Your suggestion will obviously make our police officers. The bureau's revenue has dropped significantly.

It's not just me, other police officers in the police station may not agree. "

"Don't worry about this." Qin Lie had already guessed that he would make this request, and immediately said, "I won't affect your income, how much money you took before, and how much money you will keep in the future.

It's just that this part of the money does not need to be taken from the heads of the citizens, and the finances of the Locke family will help you make up for this. "

Barossa came here this evening to ask this question clearly.

As long as his interests are not affected, everything else does not matter.

Hearing Qin Lie's assurance, Barossa burst into laughter.

He nodded with satisfaction and said, "since Mr. Qin said so, then I can rest assured. Mr. Qin, you are really a great leader."

Qin Lie said politely, "You are also a good sheriff who considers the police with all his heart."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After the two of them were finished, they laughed again.

The two finally came to an agreement on this matter.

And after dealing with Barossa, today's things finally come to an end.

The rest is to deal with other funerals, these things Kapuao and his son can do.

The next day, Qin Lie summoned all the members of the Council of Elders to meet at the Rockefeller family's headquarters, Capuo's manor.

The old men of the Senate conducted a wave of symbolic elections, and with a unanimous vote of seven people and seven votes, Kapoor was passed the resolution to become the new patriarch of the Locke family.

All of Qin Lie's goals in coming to the United States this time have also been achieved.

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