Because he knew the relationship between Qin Lie and Qiu Bai, Hou Junjie still listened to Qiu Bai's words.

Walking respectfully in front of Qiu Bai, he bowed and said hello, "Hello, Master."

"Well." Qiu Bai nodded with satisfaction, as if his own incense had also been passed down.

After reading Hou Junjie over and over again, he was quite satisfied with Hou Junjie's bones: "Well, my body is good, and it's a good material for martial arts."

After saying this, he looked at Hou Junjie and said, "Come on, give this old man some tips, and I'll see how you are doing."

Hou Junjie suppressed his voice and said, "Master, you are so old, can you handle it?"

"Hahaha!" Qiu Bai laughed after hearing this, "Monkey, look, this little monkey is not too old, but he is more confident than you. You have found a confident apprentice."

Qin Lie also smiled, looked at Hou Junjie and said, "Monkey, don't be too arrogant, even if my master is this age, even if I want to fight him, he is still not an opponent, you are still pretending."

Hearing this, Hou Junjie opened his mouth into an O shape, and wrote all the words he had never seen before on his face.

"so smart……"

Qin Lie smiled: "Then why don't you try it?"

"Then I..." Hou Junjie said with anticipation, "Then I, just try?"

Qiu Bai sat on the sofa and didn't move.

Hou Junjie prepared for a bit, then rushed towards Qiu Bai and started to do it.

Hou Junjie was also timid at the beginning, for fear of hurting Qiu Bai, but since he found out that Qiu Bai could withstand his attack with one hand, he let go.

And Qiu Bai is the same.

At first, he didn't think much of Hou Junjie, but as time went on, he found that he couldn't resist this little monkey just sitting, and he had to stand up to resist.

Master, disciple and Sun quickly passed through the living room with at least a hundred strokes.

In the end, it ended with Qiu Bai's call to stop.

After the fight, Qiu Bai looked at Qin Lie in surprise and said, "Boy, this little monkey's foundation is better than yours. You are not as capable as him at your age."

"That's right!"

Qin Lie nodded and said, "otherwise why would I accept him as a disciple and bring him back from the United States all the way back."

"Hehe." Qin Lie continued to laugh, "Master, when we first looked at this kid, we didn't take him seriously like you did, but after we got our hands on it, we found that this kid is not ordinary. If you can practice, you will definitely be better than me in the future.”

Qiu Bai was very excited, and immediately said to Hou Junjie: "Little monkey, you don't have to follow your master in the future, you can follow me, and I will teach you Kung Fu myself."

"Really?" Hou Junjie was surprised and said with wide eyes, "You have to teach me yourself."

"Anyway, when I'm idle, I'm idle. I finally found a piece of good material like you, and I can't put it in your master's hands to waste."

"No." Qin Lie looked at Qiu Bai and said, "It's too unkind for you to steal someone from me right now?"

"What..." Qiu Bai said, "Can you teach people, is it a waste of material to put people in your hands, and besides, you run around every day, whether there is something here or there, you can teach him what."

"Okay, okay." Qin Lie couldn't say enough about Qiu Bai, so he had to say, "You are amazing, whatever you say is what you say, I will listen to you."

Only then was Qiu Bai satisfied: "It's almost the same."

The boy Hou Junjie was also very excited when he heard that Qiu Bai was going to teach him personally.

Cheering and cheering, I forgot that I said this morning that I would always follow Qin Lie to learn his skills.

Only then did Qin Lie find out that there is actually a saying of intergenerational relatives in terms of accepting apprentices. , Axiba, how could Qiu Bai have been so nice to himself before.

But Qin Lie doesn't matter, Qiu Bai went to teach Hou Junjie, and he himself was happy to relax, otherwise he would have to bring a little monkey to do everything, and it would be inconvenient for him - it's not easy to flirt with girls.

After introducing the grandfather and grandson, Qin Lie let Hou Junjie go upstairs to play.

Qiu Bai and Qin Lie were sitting on the sofa downstairs to discuss business affairs.

Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing were also very sensible, they each lay in their own room and did not come out.

The first floor of the villa is quiet.

"Master..." Qin Lie sat on the side and asked Qiu Bai, "I didn't see you when I came back from the United States yesterday, where have you been?"

Qiu Bai said: "I went back to my hometown for a walk to see if I could find some clues, but it's a pity that I won't gain anything when I go back this time."

"Can you show me Shi Niang's diary?" Qin Lie was also thinking about this matter.

Qiu Bai took out a copy from his clothes pocket and handed it to Qin Lie: "Here is a copy, I already gave it to Guan Hai, he is going to check if the paper is 95 years old... "

"By the way, the Guanhai you asked me to give to you, is that Guanhai reliable?"

"No problem." Qin Lie said, "If the diary is real, then the Xuanyuan family doesn't know anything about your family's annihilation. Instead, it was the mistress who did bad things to the Xuanyuan family. Guan Hai is sure about this. Do your best to find out."

"That's good..." With Qin Lie's assurance, Qiu Bai finally felt relieved.

On Qin Lie's side, while talking to Qiu Bai, he flipped through all the days one after another.

The general content is the same as what Qiu Bai said on the phone, but Qin Lie found a key person in the diary when he was looking through the diary in person.

In Shi Niang's diary, Qin Lie saw that there was another person who cooperated with Shi Niang to change the baby.

This person's name is Qi Yunshan.

When the ingot was threatened, the mistress Yang Hui helped the Xiao family exchange the baby, and the exchanged baby seemed to be handed over to Qi Yunshan to deal with.

Qin Lie noticed this detail and asked Qiu Bai, "Master, do you know this Qi Yunshan?"

"I have a little impression, I can only say." Qiu Bai said, "Your wife was also a college student before marrying me, and this Qi Yunshan seems to be her college classmate. They have always had a good relationship, and the two of them have never crossed the line. I've never cared about it.

Who knew that she actually cooperated with Qi Yunshan to do this, which was very unexpected to me. "

"Master..." Qin Lie continued to ask, "What does this Qi Yunshan do in real life, do you know?"

"It seems to be a trading company. It seems to be called, what is the name of Yunshan Trading Company." Qi Yunshan himself can only remember a small part.

Qin Lie continued to ask, "Then is this person still alive?"

"I don't know." Qiu Bai said truthfully, "Since Ah Hui died, I've been desperate for a long time, and I haven't had much contact with these people."

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