It also felt that Qiu Bai was telling the truth, so Qin Lie didn't ask any more questions.

But it is clear that this Qi Yunshan must be the key figure in the baby transfer case more than 20 years ago and the Qiu family annihilation case more than ten years ago.

Qin Lie questioned Qi Yunshan, and he also had his own selfishness.

I just returned to Haitang Village today, and I learned from Ma Jianguo that there was a tall man who came to my house and always paid attention to me.

And, suppose that the transfer in that passbook was made by someone rich.

Then this Qi Yunshan has the greatest possibility. After all, he started a trading company in the 1990s, and he must have two money in his hand. 150,000 should not be a problem for him.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie didn't tell Qiu Bai this.

Take this to heart.

After saying these words, Qin Lie finally took his mind out of what happened more than ten years ago or even more than twenty years ago.

Ask Qiu Bai: "By the way, Master, do you know Qiu Liyuan?"

"Qiu Liyuan!"

As soon as the name was mentioned, Qiu Bai became interested, and his body sitting on the sofa straightened a little: "Why did you ask him suddenly?"

"That's it..." Qin Lie said, "Didn't I promise the Tang family to help them participate in the family competition this time, and then there are two rounds of the family competition, one is boxing, and the other is weapons. They will compare to me in boxing and Kungfu. Don't worry, it's just that the weaponry is a little worse, so I asked Qiu Liyuan to teach me."

Qiu Bai continued: "I'm relatively familiar with Qiu Liyuan, this shameless old man always wants my golden saber, Gou Ri's saber technique is really good, but he doesn't have a weapon that he can master, this old man is so I have offered to buy my golden knife more than once over the years..."

"Take care of your kid, you can't give him that golden saber, and you can't give it to that old boy in the future..."

"As for teaching you, the old man's swordsmanship is indeed unique in the weapon kung fu world. I'm not his opponent anyway. If he is willing to teach you, it will be good for you."

"Okay, I get it..." Qin Lie said, "Actually, I just wanted to tell you that the elder Qiu Liyuan asked me to invite you to join him. You old friends haven't seen you for many years, and you want to discuss kung fu."

"So you've already met him..." Qiu Bai said.

Qin Lie said: "I have seen it, and I have also seen the way he beats him with the cloaked sword."

"Then you're talking shit to me!" Qiu Bai said angrily, "Then you don't know what happened to him, you still ask me."

"It's not that I'm afraid that Master, you will have enemies all over the world. Let's test your attitude towards him. What if I bring you to the elder again and the two of you fight directly."

"You kid!" Qiu Bai said, "When did Lao Tzu become enemies all over the world, and my enemies are not only the one who killed me??"

Qin Lie smiled: "It's not that you have been out for so many years. It seems that you are struggling with people. I guess I will go to see the old man in the next two days and ask him to train me in swordsmanship. Whether you go or not."

"Alright." Qiu Bai said, "After that old man Situ Xuan left, I was bored every day. Now come to Qiu Liyuan, and I can have someone to bicker with. Please call me when you come."

"Got it."

Qin Lie replied and was quite happy.

In any case, if the two Taishan Beidou in the martial arts unite to teach themselves, the benefits will definitely be leveraged.

After the conversation with Qiu Bai, Qin Lie took a shower and went upstairs to sleep.

I was running around all day today, I was a little busy, and I was so tired that I slept to death.

He didn't wake up until ten o'clock the next day.

The first thing Qin Lie did after waking up the next day was to call Han Qi again and ask Han Qi to come out.

In the same cafe yesterday, Qin Lie and Han Qi met again.

It was Qin Lie's own intention to call him out this time.

After the meeting, Qin Lie directly handed the deposit to him, and asked him: "Han Bureau, do you have anyone at the head office of Agricultural Bank of China, you can help me check that there are three transfers in this passbook, and transfer them here. Who is the opposite account?"

Originally, checking accounts was an easy task for an agent of Han Qi's level.

But when he took a look at the passbook, he frowned: "No, the transfer more than 20 years ago, why are you checking this?"

"Of course it works." Qin Lie said, "I can't tell you the specifics, you can just say whether you can do it or not."

Yesterday's Hayama just said it could be done.

But Han Qi gave a clear answer: "It can definitely be done. We have also checked the relevant data before. We checked the bank records more than 30 years ago, but this is quite a waste of time."

"The hard disk that stored the data was very old. We could only use the computers of that era to decipher it. You know how slow the compilation speed of the computer was at the time. It will take at least half a month to check."

"It's ok!"

Qin Lie has been waiting for so many years, and he is not in a hurry for this half month or month, as long as he can do it.

"Then you can help me check it out. When you find this record, you can call me and let me know."

"Yes." Han Qi readily agreed.

With Han Qi's assurance, Qin Lie was like a reassurance pill, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Regarding his life experience, he finally made good progress.

At this time, Qin Lie remembered another thing and told Han Qi: "By the way, Han Bureau, there is one more thing I need you to check for me. I need to know the whereabouts of a person."


"It's called Qi Yunshan, the boss of Yunshan Trading Company." Qin Lie said, "But this trading company is from ten or twenty years ago. I don't know what happened to this person after that. You can help me check."


Han Qi agreed very readily on this matter: "This shouldn't be a big problem. When I go back, I will find someone to look at the archives in the bureau. I guess I can give you an answer tomorrow about this person's information."

"Thanks." Qin Lie nodded in thanks.

Han Qi just nodded slightly to indicate that he knew.

Since Qin Lie has done so many things for him, in exchange, he should do these things for Qin Lie.

Handing over the investigation to Han Qi, Qin Lie can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After returning to Huaxia, things here are finally sorted out, Qin Lie can also handle the chores in the pharmaceutical company and cosmetics company with peace of mind.

It's just that these transactions took Qin Lie two days.

Two days later, Qin Lie finally had some free time.

At this time, Qiu Liyuan's call finally reached his mobile phone.

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