When Qiu Liyuan called Qin Lie's phone, Qin Lie was still in the office.

It was an unfamiliar number at first, but as soon as it was picked up, Qiu Liyuan said angrily and loudly, "Qin Lie, are you used to talking and not talking, how did you promise me? , you said seven days, you will come back from the United States in seven days, and ten days have passed now, how about you?"

Qin Lie still thought about it for a while before he remembered who the person opposite was.

After knowing that it was Qiu Liyuan, he immediately smiled and said: "Old man, you said that this is a mess, I just wanted to call you, and you called me, I just finished my work. ."

"You are very busy." Qiu Liyuan said, "You don't have to participate in the aristocratic family, right?"

Qin Lie quickly apologized and said, "Senior, I was wrong, really wrong. I did come back three days ago, but there are a lot of things in the company waiting for me to deal with, I really can't do anything about it."

"Then are you finished now?" Qiu Liyuan asked.

"It's really over, it's over!" Qin Lie responded, "I'll go when you want me to go now, you can send me a message."

Qiu Liyuan was not polite, and said directly: "Then you can come to Tang's house at night, I want to test something for you."

Qin Lie thought about it for a while, and it was indeed time to prepare for the great competition of the family, so he did not refuse.

He agreed and said, "Okay, then I'll be at Tang's house around six o'clock."


Qiu Liyuan said yes and hung up the phone.

As for Qin Lie, looking at the time, it seems that it is almost the same.

Remembering what Qiu Bai had warned him before, as long as he went to see Qiu Liyuan, he must inform Qiu Bai.

Qin Lie quickly called Qiu Bai's mobile phone, saying that he would go to Tang's house to see Qiu Liyuan later, and pick them up after get off work.

Just like that, Qin Lie quickly hung up the phone and left the company.

Drive back to the villa, pick up Qiu Bai and Hou Junjie, and the three of them went to the Tang family.

This time in the Tang family's old house, it's still those old acquaintances, Tang Feng, Tang Zhenbei, Tang Hongxiao, Tang Lingxue are all there, and Qiu Liyuan is also there.

The lineup is almost the same as Qin Lie's trip to Tang's house before he left for the United States.

But there is only one more Hou Junjie and Qiu Bai.

The funny thing is that as soon as Qiu Bai and Qiu Liyuan met, they started bickering directly.

Qiu Liyuan didn't expect Qiu Bai to follow him today, and after seeing Qiu Bai, he said loudly, "Old man Qiu, I thought you had died in the world after all these years, but I didn't expect you to be so dead. Big, haven't you hung up yet?"

Of course Qiu Bai didn't admit defeat, and opened his mouth to fight back: "Qiu Liyuan, you old man is not dead, how could I die, you are a few years older than me, don't worry, I will definitely go behind you and collect your corpse. "

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years. Your lip-smacking skills have improved. Did you learn all this outside?"

Qiu Baixiao: "Even if it's not lip service, you're not my opponent."

"What's the matter, look at what you mean, you were still not convinced when you lost my hand, and you still want to play with me twice?" Qiu Liyuan said.

"Come on." Qiu Bai said in the same way, "Don't you know such a set of swordsmanship, don't you, what are you pretending to be? If you have the ability, you can compete with Lao Tzu, and see if Lao Tzu won't kill you."

Qiu Liyuan was really unconvinced, he rolled up his sleeves and said, "Just you, do you think I'm afraid of you if you compare your fists and kicks? You think I have never practiced boxing and kicking skills, even if it's boxing and kicking skills, I'm not abusing you the same way. "

"Come on, come on, I'm just waiting for you to say this, come on, come on, it's useless to talk too much, let's end the game!"

With that said, Qiu Bai also started rolling up his sleeves.

The two were about to get up as soon as they met.

It was Tang Feng who persuaded them: "I said, two masters, both of you are old, why are you still so unstoppable, there will be opportunities for you to bicker in the future, or else we'll talk about it after dinner?"

"That's right." Qin Lie also helped Qiang said, "You two, why don't you train me today, how about I watch you fight while I eat?"

Hou Junjie also applauded: "Okay, I also want to see the two masters fight, it must be beautiful!"

As a result, Qin Lie told them to fight, but they both stood in the same camp.

Looking at Qin Lie in unison, he scolded: "Go away!"

Don't give the slightest chance to object.

With Qin Lie as the peacemaker, the two old men finally calmed down and went to the Tang's lobby for dinner.

It's just that this meal also tastes like gunpowder, and the two old men can even drink a drink.

One of them had a drink, the other had to drink two, and just like that, the two of them competed with each other and almost drank themselves.

Qin Lie was thinking, according to the drinking method of the two of them, it is estimated that they would lie down after eating, and maybe they would not have the energy to train themselves.

But it turns out that Qin Lie's idea is completely overthinking.

That Qiu Liyuan waited until the bowls and chopsticks were put down, and after everyone had finished eating, the first thing to do was: "Okay, now the meal is eaten, it's time to do some business, boy, come with me!"

Having said that, Qiu Liyuan fluttered forward and walked out of the S-shaped route.

Qin Lie had no choice but to go out.

The dishes and chopsticks were ordered to be cleaned up, and the Tang family followed Qin Lie out.

Qiu Liyuan took the lead and was the first to become the martial arts training ground in the Tang Family Courtyard.

There are a lot of weapons in the field, knives, guns, sticks, axes and golden forks.

In the middle of the martial arts field, there is a rather modern barbell, the kind of barbell used in weightlifting, surrounded by barbell plates of different weights, just like a weightlifting competition.

Qiu Liyuan pointed to the barbell in the middle of the field and told Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, I have seen your swordsmanship last time, it's very bad, you need to do systematic military training now, and then I have to check it first. How is your physical strength.

The barbell here, I want you to lift it with the hand you use the most, which is the hand you hold the knife, and let me see how much weight you can lift. "

Qin Lie understands that Qiu Liyuan's swordsmanship is all one-handed.

Although the whole body has to move when using the knife, after all, the strength of one hand plays a decisive role, and Qiu Liyuan's test is very targeted.

Qin Lie knows better that this test should be just a part of today's test, and there are more to come.

So without hesitation, I stood directly in front of the barbell.

Looking down at the barbell, he asked Qiu Liyuan, "Master, what is the initial weight of this barbell?"

"Thirty kilograms." Tang Hongxiao replied.

Qin Lie didn't even think about it, he told the people around him, "Give me 80 kilograms."

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