When everyone heard this request, they looked at each other.

Tang Hongxiao reminded him: "Qin Lie, you have to pay attention, the elder's request is to raise his right hand with one hand, not both hands."

Lifting eighty kilograms with both hands, Tang Hongxiao felt that Qin Lie's body was not too difficult.

But with one hand, I am afraid it is not so simple.

Before setting up this test, Tang Hongxiao tried to lift himself, and then he lifted a weight of 90 kilograms at the limit.

For the same simple mathematical addition and subtraction, lifting 90 kg with one hand is almost 180 kg with both hands, and the world record for weightlifting, such as Qin Lie's kilogram snatch, is almost 180 kg. .

Moreover, it is not possible to do simple addition and subtraction.

Lifting weights with one hand is much more difficult than lifting with both hands, because the human body cannot find a fulcrum at all, relying only on its own muscle strength.

Qin Lie suddenly increased to 80 kilograms, and Tang Hongxiao was afraid that he would not be able to hold it if he came too hard all at once.

Qin Lie himself said: "Uncle Tang, I know this rule, and I know it like this."

Since Qin Lie said so, what else can Tang Hongxiao say.

Order the next person to increase the weight of the barbell up until it reaches 80 kilograms before stopping.

Qin Lie waited until the barbell was added, walked to the barbell, adjusted his breath a little, and immediately leaned down.

After grabbing the barbell with one hand, with a slight effort, he lifted the 80kg barbell.

To be honest, Qin Lie felt that it was a little lighter than he thought after getting started, and it was not difficult to complete.

After lifting it, lift it up and lift it up, struggling to lift it over the top of the head, high up.

Everyone saw his relaxed look and kept nodding their heads.

Tang Zhenbei said in Tang Hongxiao's ear: "It seems that 80 kilograms is not difficult for this kid at all, we should underestimate him."

"Well..." Tang Hongxiao also kept nodding, quite satisfied with Qin Lie's performance.

And Hou Junjie opened his mouth into an O shape on one side, and kept applauding and cheering: "Master is amazing, scumbag master, you are too awesome!"

Even Qiu Liyuan nodded his head at this time, and seemed satisfied with Qin Lie's performance.

However, as today's chief examiner, Qiu Liyuan hasn't spoken yet. He wants to see where Qin Lie's limit is.

Qin Lie threw the 80kg barbell back to the ground, moved his shoulders, felt his body, and felt that it wasn't too difficult.

He continued to say to the servants of the Tang family: "Come on, add another 20 kilograms, I feel I can lift it again."

Add another 20 kilograms and it's already 100 kilograms.

Weightlifting, after reaching the limit, adding a few kilograms is a qualitative leap.

Lifting 100kg and 80kg must be different levels of feeling.

And this addition directly surpassed Tang Hongxiao's limit just now.

Everyone hugged their shoulders and didn't look down on Qin Lie because of this. They were just waiting, waiting to see his performance.

After all, he was too easy at 80 kilograms just now.

Qin Lie didn't smear any ink, and walked up to the bar again, leaned down, and grabbed the bar again.

Including this time, his expectations for this weight were the same, and it was not as difficult as he thought.

From grabbing it to lifting it over the head, it was done in one go, without pausing, without feeling any obstruction. Naturally, the final success was also expected.

Lower the barbell again.

Qin Lie moved faster, and he continued to ask the next person to increase the weight, which was another 20 kilograms.

The total weight this time has come to 120 kilograms.

Imagine if you compare this weight to an adult, it is already a super fat man.

How difficult should it be to lift such a heavy fat man over his head with one hand.

This time Qin Lie finally felt a little bit more difficult. He felt a little bit of obstruction in the process of raising the barbell over his chest and over his head.

This shows that the weight is gradually approaching his limit.

This time, 120 kilograms caused a little sweat on his forehead.

But it made him wonder even more where his own limits lie.

Continue to let the people next to you add it up, this time directly to one hundred and four.

This time, it finally took a lot of effort to call Qin Lie, his facial expression could not be controlled, it was a symbol of strength.

One hand trembled as he lifted it above his head, almost reaching his limit.

Although the process was a bit bumpy, it was all in the end.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After this lift, Qin Lie was already breathing heavily and was a little tired.

Tang Lingxue asked with concern, "Brother Qin, how are you? If you don't feel good, why don't we just let it go. I think the elders are satisfied with your performance."

"No..." Qin Lie shook his head and said, "Otherwise, I won't participate in this test. Since I have participated, I will try to see where my limits are."

Feeling that there was still some power left, Qin Lie asked the servants on the side to add the weight.

In this breath, he even weighed 170 kilograms, a full 30 kilograms, more than double the 80 kilograms he lifted for the first time!

As soon as this weight came out, everyone finally began to shake their heads.

Tang Zhenbei discussed with Tang Hongxiao in a low voice: "I don't think Qin boy will succeed this time. It is already very difficult for him to start with 140 kilograms. He actually dares to add 30 kilograms."

In fact, one hundred and seventy kilograms, three hundred and forty kilograms, is already a very terrifying number.

Like international heavy lifting competitions and snatch events, many kilogram world records are almost stuck in this position.

And they were all lifting weights with both hands. Again, Qin Lie is one-handed.

So in fact, his current performance has crushed the vast majority of professional weightlifters.

This time, even Qiu Liyuan kept shaking his head while standing on the spot. He had no hope for Qin Lie's attempt this time. He expected Qin Lie's results to be at least 80 kilograms and highest at 130 kilograms. In this range, as long as he does it, Qiu Liyuan will accept it.

As a result, the kid not only lifted 140 kilograms far beyond his imagination, but this time he dared to try 170!

This is a bit overpowering.

This is no longer a weight that a normal person can bear. Qin Lie is so stupid that he can easily hurt himself.

It's just that Qin Lie doesn't pay attention to the reactions of the people around him, he is now pursuing his own physical limit.

Bend down, grab the bar with one hand, and lift it up.

Unlike before, this time it took a lot of his physical strength just to mention it.

The barbell fell in the air, and beads of sweat dripped down his forehead like pearls one by one.

The people around looked at it tightly, clenching their fists and working hard with him.

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