Obviously, it was because they didn't believe Qin Lie that everyone was nervous.

Hou Junjie clutched Qiu Bai's hand tightly, almost smashing Qiu Bai's hand.

"Master, you must do your best!"

And Qin Lie hung this barbell in the air for a long time, constantly adjusting his breathing.

Finally, as if he was fully prepared, he tried his best to lift it up, over his chest, over his head, and with one hand up, he finally lifted the barbell upright.

At the last moment, he almost used up all his strength, and the muscles of his entire body were shaking because of the 170 kilograms.

But he did it after all. He grabbed the 180kg barbell with one hand and paused for five seconds in the air, declaring success.

After success, he slammed the barbell on the ground heavily, and he almost lost his strength at that time, and lay on the ground weakly.

Put on a big character, panting hard.

He had never felt so comfortable lying on the ground.

And his sudden move completely shattered the imagination of everyone around him.

Whether it was the Tang family or Qiu Liyuan, whether it was Hou Junjie or Qiu Bai, all of them were extremely shocked by his feat.

This is really scary.

Hou Junjie, the number one fan, almost dropped his chin to the ground, his mouth grew into an O-shape, and he was so frightened that he almost froze in place.

The others were similar. The four Tang family members, including Tang Lingxue, widened their eyes and expressed incomprehension.

Qiu Liyuan's reaction was a little smaller, but he kept nodding, expressing his extreme satisfaction.

Qiu Bai, on the other hand, had a proud look on his face, looking at the shock of the people around him, he felt a little bragging, as if he was telling others: Look, this is the apprentice I taught.

In any case, Qin Lie's action really surprised everyone.

Lying on the ground, Qin Lie took five minutes to recover before his breathing rate returned to normal.

However, his body was still a little sore. Qin Lie continued to lie on the ground and raised his head to look at Qiu Liyuan.

Looking at Qiu Liyuan, he said, "Old man, how is it, are you satisfied with the performance of this move?"

Qiu Liyuan didn't lie, he still had to boast when it was time to praise, and said with a low voice, "Boy, do you know that your weight with one hand almost surpassed the world record for weightlifting with both hands, you boy, It's really hidden!"

Qin Lie was lying on the ground and smiled to himself: "I just tried it, I didn't expect it to succeed in the end, and I didn't expect myself to be so powerful, hahaha..."

"Okay!" Qiu Liyuan said, "Even if you pass this one-handed strength test, I originally thought that if you can't lift 100 kilograms with one hand, I have to train more on your strength. Looking at it now, it shouldn't be necessary."

"Haha!" Qiu Bai said with a sneer, "Old old man, Qin Lie was trained by Lao Tzu, and later received intensive training from Situ Xuan. We have all practiced his strength, and this strength is still trained by you? "

"Xingxingxing..." This time Qiu Liyuan didn't quarrel with Qiu Bai, "You've trained Qin Lie well in terms of strength, so your old man still has some use."

Qiu Bai listened to Qiu Liyuan's words, and such words were considered soft in their eyes.

After finally scolding Qiu Liyuan for winning once, Qiu Bai held his head high, like a big rooster who had won, not to mention how happy he was.

But things are clearly not over tonight.

Qiu Liyuan then said: "But you have completed this test, and there is another test that you must not complete. Come with me."

Saying that, Qiu Liyuan didn't stop for a moment, and continued to lead people into Tang's house.

The Tang family is not surprised, because they know all the arrangements of Qiu Liyuan tonight.

Only Qin Lie, who had exhausted all his physical strength just now, is now facing a new test, and he is about to collapse.

He complained: "No, elder, your training is too intensive, you can't let me rest for a while?"

"No no no..." Qiu Liyuan said, "These are not formal trainings, just simple tests. Don't worry, you don't need much physical strength for the next test, just come with me."

Qin Lie then remembered that he trained with Qiu Bai before, and then trained with Situ Xuan.

The old men of their generation, the martial arts masters, have extremely extreme training methods. Compared with the first few trainings, the content of this time is really much easier.

Qiu Liyuan assured that the next test would not require much physical strength, and Qin Lie was relieved.

With the help of Tang Lingxue and Hou Junjie, Qin Lie got up from the ground again and walked over with Qiu Liyuan.

This time, everyone came to the Tang family's backyard.

The backyard used to be a large garden, and the center of the garden was a circular space. In the central space, Qin Lie saw that around the circular space, there were about ten cannonball launchers placed around it. .

And then behind these machines, you can see whole racks of tennis balls.

These transmitters should be tennis transmitters.

Tennis transmitters are very common in the tennis world, and are used by professional players to practice their return and reflexes.

Qin Lie couldn't figure out what to do with so many tennis transmitters in a circle.

Qiu Liyuan walked in the front and called Qin Lie over.

He pointed to the open space in the backyard and said, "Boy Qin, the test this time is called the test of observation and reaction. You can also see that there are a total of ten tennis launchers around.

These transmitters can serve up to one per second, and they are all aimed at the center of the field.

And all you have to do is dodge all tennis balls within the circle in the center, and within a minute, I want you not to be hit by a single tennis ball. "

Only then did Qin Lie realize that there was a small circle in the very center of this circular open space. The diameter of the small circle might be about one and a half meters, not too big.

The rule is that there are a total of ten launchers around, firing towards the center circle at the same time.

Then Qin Lie wanted to be in that circle, dodging all the tennis balls and not being able to hit a single one.


When Qin Lie heard this rule, everyone went numb.

In front of Qiu Liyuan, he said rudely: "Elder, can you do this test by humans? What frequency did you say this machine serves?"

"One every second." Qiu Liyuan said calmly.

"One per second." Qin Lie replied, "One machine is sixty per minute, ten machines is six hundred, you want me to dodge six hundred tennis balls in one minute, and none of them can be touched. Now, do you think normal people can do it?"

After hearing this, Qiu Liyuan smiled and said, "Normal people can't lift one hundred and seventy kilograms with one hand. How do you know if you don't try?"

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