In the strength test not long ago, Qin Lie still had a bottom no matter what.

As soon as this rule came out, everyone else was numb.

What is the difficulty of this challenge?

Hit ten balls at the same time in one second!

In fact, this is all good. The most uncomfortable thing is that he has set up ten transmitters in a circle around him.

Such a fight, that is, from all directions.

Qin Lie is not a Nezha, and he has no three heads and six arms, so he can only observe the area in front of him, who can control his back.

One minute, six hundred balls, one cannot be touched, Qin Lie felt that it was almost impossible.

"I can give you a baseball bat." Qiu Liyuan said, and he didn't know where he got the baseball bat, and handed it to Qin Lie, "You are allowed to hit it with a baseball bat when you are about to be hit by a tennis ball. A baseball bat hitting the ball doesn't count as a failure."


Qin Lie scolded inwardly, what's the use of such a baseball bat.

Those who should be hit will still be hit!

However, the appearance of this baseball bat also made Qin Lie somewhat understand Qiu Liyuan's intentions.

The attacks of these tennis balls can be compared to the attacks of the enemy, and they are attacks with weapons.

Those attacks cannot be carried with the body, so they must be avoided. If they cannot be avoided, they will use the weapons in their hands to fight back, so that they can exercise their observation and reaction speed.

The original intention should be this original intention, but even so, Qin Lie still thinks it is too difficult.

"Elder." Qin Lie asked Qiu Liyuan, "Can you complete this test?"

Tang Hongxiao, who was on the side, added: "The veteran can complete the challenge of these machines with two serves per second. We have all seen it with our own eyes. Yours is still less difficult."

Qiu Liyuan was very confident, as if he had come to his domain.

He whispered, "So, don't be afraid, nothing is impossible."

What the hell!

This simply refreshed Qin Lie's understanding of Qiu Liyuan, two balls in one second, 1,200 balls in one minute, how about you play!

Qiu Liyuan said this for his sake, and Qin Lie didn't know how to refute it.

In the end, he could only accept the challenge, took the baseball bat, and walked all the way into the circle.

Standing in the center circle, Qin Lie took a deep breath, looked around, and found a comfortable position.

Then he gave the surrounding servants an ok gesture, which meant that he was ready.

After standing still, a special person pressed the timer, and immediately, the surrounding transmitters all started to work.

bang bang bang bang...

Qin Lie heard the continuous sound of the transmitters around him, and soon, those tennis balls came up like a tide.

It was not until the center of the venue that Qin Lie found out that he underestimated the difficulty of this test.

What he originally imagined was that once a second, these tennis balls could be regarded as coming out in batches.

As a result, when he got to the center of the field, he realized that he was wrong.

The speed of a ball per second is too fast, and the ten transmitters are not activated at the same time, and the timings of the tennis balls they launch are staggered.

This caused the whole tennis ball to feel very messy, and there was no regularity at all.

Many of the tennis balls in the first round have just flown out, and some tennis balls have already flown out in the second round.

Then the tennis around it is uninterrupted, and it flies in all directions irregularly.

This is equivalent to what it is, it is equivalent to not using an umbrella to hide the raindrops on a rainy day, and in the messy raindrops, the raindrops are not stained at all.

All reactions depend on the spot, and there is no pattern to be found.

Unlike the strength test at the beginning, this time, in the first round, about ten balls flew out, and Qin Lie was hit.

The first second, the beginning is over.

Qin Lie was beaten to pieces by these balls.

After seeing that Qin Lie was hit, the servants turned off the transmitter, and Qin Lie stood weakly in the middle of the production area.

Dejectedly said: "Elder, this is impossible at all, it's too messy, I can't find a way to escape."

"That's why." Qiu Liyuan said, "Your ability to react and observe is not enough. Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan have not trained you in this area before, right?"

Qin Lie thought for a while, then finally shook his head and said, "That's not true."

Qiu Bai was displeased and explained to Qin Lie: "Old man, all we teach is boxing, and in our philosophy, the best defense is offense, as long as Qin Lie's offense is strong enough, It is impossible to put him in such an embarrassing situation, your training is useless at all."

"It's useless, what do you know!"

Qiu Liyuan immediately retorted: "The strongest defense is the offense, and you are just fooling around."

"You can do this against people with a big gap in strength, but this time it's a big competition from aristocratic families. All the most powerful young people from the major families come. Their strength is almost the same as Qin Lie, and some are even better than Qin Lie. Can you guarantee that Qin Lie can win just by attacking?"

"Moreover, in the competition of weapons, a knife will be seriously injured. Can you avoid these!"

"You know, weapons are my domain, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"Hey!" Qiu Bai's temper was really aroused by Qiu Liyuan, "Even if it is a weapon, one-on-one is basically in the front. What's the use of putting so many launchers behind others?"

"These balls can't be seen, you come to hide from me and see?"

"If I come, I will come!" Qiu Liyuan confronted Qiu Bai again, "Old man Qiu, do you think I'm bragging that I can complete it?"

"I just think you're bragging!" Qiu Bai said, "If you have the ability, come here once!"

The two had a quarrel over whether the matter could be completed.

Qin Lie had a headache and interrupted them quickly.

"Master, elder, stop arguing, let me try again."

"Don't try." Qiu Bai maintained Qin Lie and said, "It's impossible. You can't see behind you, and you don't know where you are when you fly over. This is absolutely impossible."

Qin Lie himself said: "It should be possible, although there is also behind it, but if I look back, I can barely see it. In theory, as long as the reaction is fast enough, the brain is fast enough, and the observation is meticulous enough, it should be able to be completed. the challenge."

"Look!" After hearing what Qin Lie said, Qiu Liyuan said loudly, "Look at Qin Lie's enlightenment, what enlightenment you have as a master, everyone says it's possible, and you are still arguing with me. "

"Okay, okay." Qiu Bai didn't bother to fight for talent. "If you think it's okay, you can continue, and I'll watch..."

And Qin Lie stopped the quarrel between the two, took a deep breath, and started the second challenge.

The first time I was completely unfamiliar, I was at a loss.

This time, with experience, it should be better.

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