This time, Qin Lie was well prepared for these tennis impacts.

With previous experience, Qin Lie thought he could do better this time.

As a result, the challenge was more difficult than he had imagined.

There has indeed been progress. In the first round, he barely escaped. This wave lasted for maybe three seconds. When the tennis attack in the third round came, Qin Lie was still beaten.

This time, Qin Lie was a little dejected.

He sighed and said, "Old man, do you really think this thing can be done?"

"Look!" Qiu Bai, who was on the side, finally seized the opportunity to speak again, "Old man, I didn't say this alone, Qin Lie thought it was impossible."

Qiu Liyuan didn't pay attention to Qiu Bai, and responded to Qin Lie: "It's just because you haven't done any relevant training before, and you find it difficult. This thing also needs more practice, and in the end it's definitely no problem. ."

Qin Lie stood on the spot and asked Qiu Liyuan, "Elder, why don't you really show me, let me see how you did it?"

Qiu Liyuan reacted and said immediately: "You kid also wants to be like your master, waiting to see the old man's joke, right?"

"No no no..." Qin Lie waved his hand and said, "I've really encountered a bottleneck. I wonder if I can see a little inspiration from your demo, which is also good for me."

Qiu Liyuan stood there and thought about it, mainly to shut up the old man Qiu Bai.

He quickly replied: "Well, I'll show it to you now, so as to convince a certain person, you should pay attention."

He waved Qin Lie to step down, and Qiu Liyuan quickly took Qin Lie's place and stood in the center of the field.

With unparalleled confidence, he said to all the servants around him: "You can start at any time."

Qin Lie stood on the edge of the field, carefully observed Qiu Liyuan, and wanted to see what Qiu Liyuan did.

And with the order of one of those staff members, the switches of the ten transmitters were all pressed down at once.

As a bystander, Qin Lie discovered just how difficult the challenge was.

Standing on the side, watching those tennis balls play together in the middle, even more densely packed.

But because of this, Qin Lie wanted to see if Qiu Liyuan could do it, and what was the difference between him and Qiu Liyuan.

Tennis set off, and Qiu Liyuan began to perform.

Facing the tennis ball like raindrops, Qiu Liyuan was very calm with his hands behind his back.

He didn't even have the tools to hit the tennis ball in his hand, and after seeing this tennis ball, he moved around in circles, walking through all the tennis centers.

It was like in the dense labyrinth, he could find the only exit.

His body is very fast, mainly because his movements are very precise, and he hardly let any of the balls touch.

These are all good, but what scares Qin Lie the most is.

His head didn't turn from start to finish, but when the balls attacked him, he could still dodge it, as if he had eyes on his back.

Qin Lie was in a hurry to deal with this, and finally was bombarded.

He dealt with this, but he didn't know why he was inexplicably shocked and relaxed, like walking in the courtyard.

The whole picture is like an art, which is pleasing to the eye.

A minute later, Qiu Liyuan was really not hit by any ball, and the challenge of a ball in this second was really very difficult for him, and he didn't see any panic from the beginning to the end.

This is terrifying.

To be honest, Qin Lie was shocked, it was beyond his cognition.

How did Qiu Liyuan do this?

Especially the balls behind him, how did he manage to dodge without looking at the ball?

Qin Lie had too many questions in his mind, and after Qiu Liyuan left the field, he returned to the edge of the field, looked at Qiu Bai and said, "How about Old Man Qiu, what you can't do doesn't mean others can't do it, right? "

"嘁..." This time Qiu Bai's momentum weakened, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said disdain, "Isn't it just hiding a few balls, what's so great, this can still be used in actual combat. useful?"

"Frog at the bottom of the well, I'm too lazy to tell you." Qiu Liyuan waved, he felt that he had already won, and he didn't bother to argue with Qiu Bai.

At this time, Qin Lie went to his side and asked Qiu Liyuan, "Old man, what's going on here? I think you seem to be able to handle it with ease. How did you see those balls behind?"

"Boy..." Qiu Liyuan's next sentence made Qin Lie a little confused, "You remember, people have five senses in total, and the senses are not just vision, so I don't necessarily need to see, I can listen, I can smell, can feel..."

"I couldn't see the ball behind me, but I could hear it, and I could feel the whirlwind on my skin as it flew over, and with those things, it was enough for me to dodge."

"But." Qin Lie was still a little puzzled, "It's okay to rely on other senses, a small number is fine, but if there are a lot of them, will it be too difficult."

"So this is a question of proficiency." Qiu Liyuan said, "It takes a lot of long-term training to enhance the reaction ability. When you train this thing as a conditioned reflex, you will also feel very relaxed."

"This..." Qin Lie hesitated, "this may require a lot of practice."

"Not bad..." Qiu Liyuan said, "How can a really powerful kung fu be accomplished in a short period of time."

"There is still a month and a half away from the Great Competition of the Aristocratic Family. Anyway, you must come to me for two hours a day to receive my training. After a month, I guarantee that your strength will reach a new level."

Qiu Liyuan urged Qin Lie to step up his practice.

Qin Lie thought about it, and the last month or so should be used to prepare for the family competition.

There are too many things involved in the big competition of the family, and it is very likely that the grievances with the Xiao family will be completely settled.

Two hours a day should also be spared.

After thinking about it, I agreed: "Okay, I will come over once a day to receive your training."

"Okay." Qiu Liyuan was satisfied, "As long as you have this heart, this time the aristocratic family will guarantee you the first place."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and didn't answer any more.

Later, he practiced several more times on the field, but the final result was not very good.

He didn't last five seconds from start to finish.

Including what Qiu Liyuan said, he needs to use other senses to perceive these things, and he can't do it at all.

It seems that this thing also takes a long time to practice to achieve it.

In the end, I gave up. After all, I couldn't eat a big fat man in one bite. I will practice slowly later.

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