Qin Lie was very excited after hearing the news, and was completely helping Su Xiaoxiao happy.

"Then we must win this invitation, which will be of great benefit to your future development." Qin Lie said.

"I think so too." Su Xiaoxiao smiled, "That's why I came back in such a hurry."

"You can rest assured." Qin Lie assured, "Xiao Xiao, my brother will definitely produce it for you. No matter how much he asks for, I will satisfy him."

As for a movie, the maximum investment can be as much as four or five billion dollars. Now Qin Lie can fully support it.

"Hey..." Su Xiaoxiao smiled, "Thank you, Brother Qin, but you'd better not be so full of words. As far as I know, there is another entertainment company in the mainland that wants to invest in Ball's movie this time.

It is said that Bauer will invite the person in charge on the opposite side to come over when he treats guests tonight, and then the company over there also wants to hold an actress. We have opponents. "


After Qin Lie heard it, he felt a sudden realization.

Let's just say why Bauer personally organized this dinner party. It turns out that today's dinner party still has this trick.

So the dinner at night is still a small tender.

But Qin Lie didn't panic at all. After bidding, isn't this investment just a lot of money?

The current situation in China is not what Qin Lie is saying. Except for the eight great families, there are really no two people who are richer than him.

So Qin Lie's harsh words are put here, pointing at Su Xiaoxiao: "You can rest assured Xiaoxiao, if I can't win this project tonight, I will screw my head off tomorrow and let you kick the ball."

Su Xiaoxiao quickly waved his hand: "No way, no way."

And Chen Xiaoyu, listening intently on the side, asked Su Xiaoxiao, "Little one, let me ask you a small question, that is, how long will you be out with that director Ball this time?"

Su Xiaoxiao naturally knew what Chen Xiaoyu was thinking about, and immediately comforted Chen Xiaoyu: "Don't worry, Miss Yu, now the movie Bauer is still in the stage of project approval, the script is not perfect, and the investment is not in place.

His style of filming, everything has to be prepared without fail. When I officially start filming, the baby will be born long ago. "

Chen Xiaoyu snorted and patted her chest, only to be satisfied: "That's good, that's good, I thought you were going to leave me again."

"In that case." Chen Xiaoyu suddenly said with arrogance, "Qin Lie, you must take down this investment. This is about the future. How much money the other company pays, we will pay twice as much!"

This time it was Qin Lie's turn to counsel.

He hurriedly smiled and said: "No, no..."

But anyway, tonight's itinerary is scheduled.

Qin Lie was at home, so he cooked a meal for Chen Xiaoyu and let her eat it.

Later, I called Qiu Liyuan again and said that it might be eight or nine o'clock in the evening today. After all this was done, Qin Lie took Su Xiaoxiao out of the door together.

On the way, Qin Lie asked more information about the rival company.

Only then did I know that another company that wanted to invest in this film was actually China Entertainment Entertainment.

This company is one of several giants in the entertainment circle in mainland China.

At first, this company was established in the 1990s, and then it was a Hong Kong-owned company in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Since the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the company has been invested by mainland capitalists, and its shares have gradually turned into mainland China.

After more than 30 years, it can be said that it has a deep foundation.

Let’s talk about the results. Many well-known movies in the last century came from China Entertainment.

Like a few movies of Lord Xing and Brother Long, almost all of them are produced by their company.

After he moved to the mainland, he was still very effective. In the early days, Zhang Mou's films and later Wang Zheng's films also came from this company.

Not to mention the total strength of the group, just looking at the entertainment industry, Shinhwa Entertainment is indeed a scum in the eyes of others.

Including the current assets of China Entertainment Group, there are also 100 to 200 billion.

Today's mark is really not that good.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie still refuses to admit defeat. Whether he can win the bid or not, he has to try it first.

If you fight for assets, you may not necessarily lose to Huayu.

After figuring out the opponent, Qin Lie drove Su Xiaoxiao straight to the venue tonight.

The place to eat is really a place that Qin Lie is familiar with - Ziyang Hotel.

The scene of this place and Xuanyuan Tianci working together is still vivid in my mind.

The funniest thing is that Qin Lie's hard-working Xuanyuan Tianci at the Ziyang Hotel has almost become a legend in this hotel.

As soon as Qin Lie arrived at the hotel, the waiters in the hotel treated Qin Lie with respect.

Along the way, there was more than one person named Qin Ye.

Calling Qin Lie, it was like a fairy.

The specific location Su Xiaoxiao had already confirmed with Bauer, and soon went to the third floor of the hotel. In a huge private room, Qin Lie saw Bauer.

The old man was fifty or sixty years old, and he was probably not much younger than Qiu Bai.

But still energetic and enthusiastic.

When Qin Lie arrived, there was only Bauer in the private room.

Seeing Qin Lie, Bauer even took the initiative to stand up to greet him. From a distance, he stretched out his hand to say hello: "Mr. Qin, long time no see, my Huaxia friend."

"Mr. Bauer." Qin Lie was also polite and shook hands with him, "It's my honor to meet you. I originally went to the United States some time ago. I wanted to go to Hollywood to find you, but I was afraid of disturbing you. You work, I gave up in the end..."

Of course, this is just a polite remark. After all, today is to recruit him, and the flattery should be a little bit more.

"Hahaha..." Bauer laughed after hearing this, "Mr. Qin, I've had a lot of free time recently. If you really come, we might be able to sit and drink together."

Qin Lie also laughed, pointing to the red wine on the table and said, "Shouldn't we just drink it?"

I have to say that Ball is very polite.

Although he is a Westerner, he took into account that the people who ate today were basically Chinese. This time he ordered standard Chinese food, and the table was actually Maotai.

The two sides just sat down.

As soon as he was seated, Qin Lie asked his opponent's information and said, "Director Bauer, I wonder when the other friends who are coming to dinner today will arrive?"

"Oh?" Bauer was slightly surprised and asked Qin Lie, "Mr. Qin is clear about what happened tonight?"

Qin Lie nodded: "Eight and nine are inseparable from ten."

Bauer said: "So I have to ask Mr. Qin to understand more about this matter. After all, it is for the sake of the movie, and I have to do my best."

"Of course." Qin Lie nodded, "I naturally understand that it is your right to choose the best. After all, we also have to consider the benefits of the movie."

And while the two were talking, the third party, three members of China Entertainment Entertainment also arrived today.

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