A total of three people came from the opposite company, two men and one woman.

The two men were both older, in their forties.

The woman was probably in her thirties, but she was well maintained and looked in her twenties.

When he saw this woman, Qin Lie always had a familiar feeling in his heart. She should have seen this woman somewhere. She is also an actress who has acted in many high-quality movies.

Qin Lie always remembered that she had a good impression of her, but she couldn't remember her name for a while.

As for the other two men, Qin Lie didn't know each other.

As soon as the three came in, they were quite respectful towards Bauer. When shaking hands, they all bowed their heads 75 degrees, giving Bauer enough face.

"Director Ball, it's been a long time since I saw you. I'm very happy to see you this time."

Bauer naturally got up to greet him and said, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Yi, long time no see, Miss Yu Nan, hello..."


After being mentioned by Ball, Qin Lie finally remembered who the leading actress was.

Yu Nan is one of the most talented actresses among the Mesozoic actors in China.

The very famous "Fighting Tiger", "No Man's Land", and the "Fighting King" in the earlier years and other classic films were all made by Yu Nan.

The actor Yu Nan is indeed very skilled in acting, what he acts like.

And her facial features are not gorgeous, and in terms of Oriental aesthetics, she is not even good-looking.

But the aesthetics of Westerners are very strange, and they are qualitatively different from those of the East.

In the selection of Western media, they even put Yu Nan in the top ten of Chinese beauties.

Yu Nan's popularity in China is only above average, but internationally, her influence is beyond Su Xiaoxiao's.

It seems that this time, China Entertainment Entertainment has come over and vowed to get the production rights of Ball's film and the female lead.

Qin Lie was thinking silently, already thinking about how to deal with this opponent.

Ball greeted the three from China Entertainment Entertainment and introduced Qin Lie at the same time.

The man surnamed Wang was named Wang Bin, the vice president of China Entertainment Entertainment, and the man named Yi was named Yi Kang, who was an executive in charge of film production at China Entertainment Entertainment.

Qin Lie also greeted them when they got to know each other, and obviously felt a trace of hostility from their performance.

Of course, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the opportunity to compete tonight is on the bright side. Everyone is a competitor, and it is normal to smell a little gunpowder.

And when everyone was seated, the food in the hotel came quickly.

The waiter poured the wine, and Bauer actually knew the etiquette of Huaxia. As soon as he came up as the host, he invited everyone to have a cup.

Qin Lie and the people from China Entertainment Entertainment sat beside him. He took care of him from left to right, looking for topics for each other, and did not ignore either side.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone's emotions were almost open, and Ball turned the topic to the movie.

He said: "Mr. Qin, Mr. Wang, I called you here this time, maybe you all know what my purpose is."

"I'm currently planning to shoot a science fiction movie with China as the theme background board. I need to find a female lead from China, and then I hope to find a producer in China."

"According to my observation of the Chinese film market, the two leading actresses I have targeted are Miss Su Xiaoxiao and Miss Yu Nan. It just so happened that the two entertainment companies I targeted, one is Mr. Qin's Shinhwa Entertainment, One is China Entertainment Entertainment, both of you, and that's why I invited you here today."

"As an emerging entertainment company, Shinhwa Entertainment has had a good response to its recent films, and its variety shows are also very popular. It has a bright future for future development."

"As for China Entertainment Entertainment, it has a very deep foundation and produces high-quality movies. I am very satisfied with both of your companies, so I need you to introduce the advantages of your respective companies and let me know exactly who to choose."

At this time, it's time for people from both companies to perform for each other.

The person on the other side seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

As soon as Bauer mentioned this issue, the vice president Wang Bin stood up in an instant, holding up his glass of wine and talking freely.

He said loudly, "Director Ball, I don't think this multiple-choice question is a multiple-choice question at all!"

"No matter in terms of company size, company maturity, cultural heritage, management model, personnel composition, etc., China Entertainment Entertainment and Shinhwa Entertainment are not of the same order of magnitude."

Wang Bin said while looking at Qin Lie with disdain written all over his face.

Continuing to look back at Ball, he said, "Director Ball, if you choose us, after our investment, we will not only give you the best financial guarantee, but also mobilize our company's contacts, except for our Miss Yu Nan as the female lead In addition to the number, we can invite other famous Chinese actors with mature acting skills to assist you.

In terms of publicity, our company's procedures are mature, and we have our own publicity system to ensure that the movie will be the most popular before it is released.

We also have many mature commercial film directors in our hands, all of whom can act as your assistants and help you create this perfect artwork together. "

"As for Shinhwa Entertainment," Wang Bin said with a sneer, "I just ate the benefits of traffic, made a few actors popular, and made a few vulgar variety shows. There's no way to compare."

"You are an international director. I think you know better than us which company to choose for cooperation."

Originally, Qin Lie was quite indifferent to this Wang Bin, but neither liked nor hated it.

But when he said these words, Qin Lie was suddenly upset.

Putting down the wine glass, he opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Wang, if you introduce your own strengths, just introduce your own strengths. What do you mean by slandering my company when you come here? Is it interesting?"

The one named Yi Kang also helped: "Mr. Qin, we only state the facts, and saying the facts can be called slander, so who dares to tell the truth?"

Qin Lie said unhappily after listening to it: "Then tell me, what is a vulgar variety show, and whether the variety show we are doing is rubbing the edges or doing some unspoken rules, but you can explain it to me clearly."

"Is there any unspoken rules that only your own people know." Wang Bin said, "Anyway, as soon as I opened your program, I saw a screen full of white arms and white legs. I see, those female artists of yours. , they are all sold as meat!"

What the hell!

Qin Lie really didn't expect that the president of Tangtang Entertainment Entertainment would speak so disgustingly.

At the beginning of the show "I Am a Goddess" Qin Lie put a lot of effort into it, and those girls Qin Lie have also been in contact with them, and they are basically good girls who pursue their dreams.

Qin Lie really can't hear this now.

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