After Xuanyuan Tianci left the old house, he went to a hotel in Longcheng with anger.

This hotel is not big, but the location is relatively remote, in the middle of two high-rise buildings, the concealment is particularly good.

He stayed in the hotel for a while, made a call, and waited in the hotel.

About half an hour later, another person came here.

This person is none other than the Red Thorn who just came out of the Expo Center.

Red Thorn just entered the door, just closed the door, and asked Xuanyuan Tianci: "Master, are you looking for me for something?"

As a result, the words fell, she turned her head, and saw Xuanyuan Tianci slap him at him.

Originally thought that Red Thorn's skills were completely capable of dodging, but she didn't.

Because in her eyes, Xuanyuan Tianci is heaven.


With a crisp sound, the red thorn was pulled over his head, the corner of his mouth was split open, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What are you doing to eat?" Xuanyuan Tianci asked on the spot, "How long have I arranged this for you, it's been half a month, you haven't even touched Qin Lie's clothes, what are you doing?"

Red Thorn covered his face, but didn't show much pain.

He quickly picked up his mood and said, "Master, the first contact with Qin Lie went smoothly, but then he went to the United States, and there was a break for seven or eight days. I couldn't get in touch with him..."

"Don't talk to me about this." Xuanyuan Tianci said in this way, "I asked you to do things, I just want to see the results, if you want to tell me why, just talk nonsense.

Your life is given by me, and your ability is given by me.

Without me, you still don't know where to be a prostitute. You are a dog bestowed by my Xuanyuan, and a dog is delusional to bargain with its owner.

I'm in a very dangerous situation right now, and there's a possibility that something will happen to the public at any time. If I'm in an accident, don't think about it. Even if it's an aphrodisiac, you'll have to pull Qin Lie onto your bed, understand? "

Red Thorn was very sad, after all, her first time was also a gift from Xuanyuan.

In her heart, Xuanyuan Tianci was not only her master, but also her man.

While feeling Xuanyuan Tianci's indifference, and thinking of Qin Lie's attitude towards his women, the huge gap in the middle inevitably made her feel lost.

But she has been like this all her life, and she can't resist.

She can only do whatever Xuanyuan Tianci arranges.

Resisting the sadness in her heart, she answered Xuanyuan Tianci expressionlessly: "Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

"Don't tell me about it as soon as possible!" Xuanyuan Tianci was still impersonal, "I want you to give me a specific time, the family competition is approaching, Qin Lie will also participate in the competition, and then we will settle the account with him. .

I don't want to settle accounts with him, he still has a time bomb like Ning Kun in his hand.

One month, at most one more month, you must find Ning Kun for me. "

"Yes!" Red Thorn could only nod his head.

"Go away." Xuanyuan Tianci finished saying what he wanted to say, and waved the red thorn directly.

He called Red Thorn over today, on the one hand to vent his anger, and on the other hand to urge Red Thorn to do business.

The goal has been achieved, and naturally she will be let go.

As for Red Thorn, she originally thought that Xuanyuan Tianci asked her to come to the hotel, and it would be as lingering and rolling as before. That was the happiest moment for her—even if it was just a physical tool, she felt happy.

But what happened today made her uncomfortable.

She didn't know when she became such a dispensable thing to Xuanyuan Tianci.

But Xuanyuan's lack of nostalgia made her even more heartbroken.

After saying that, Red Thorn remained expressionless and exited the hotel all the way.

From the hotel to the door, the red thorn looked at the sky, a haze.

For the first time, she felt that her life seemed so meaningless, and she began to wonder what the meaning of her actions was.

Are you born a tool man?


Not to mention Xuanyuan Tianci's side, Qin Lie took Chen Xiaoyu to the hospital for examination, and found that Xiaoyu was fine, so he went home all the way.

Qin Lie asked Su Xiaoxiao to accompany Chen Xiaoyu at home, and went to the Tang family for training.

Then Chen Xiaoyu and Su Xiaoxiao fell into boredom again.

With this experience, Qin Lie is more determined not to let Chen Xiaoyu go out.

At least not until after she gave birth.

Staying at Tang's house until ten o'clock in the evening, looking at the time, it was almost when Ye Yuqing got off work, Qin Lie stopped by the cosmetics company to pick up Ye Yuqing and Makasha.

Forgot to mention, since Makasha shined in the live broadcast room and set a record, Makasha has become the super host of Qingqing Beauty.

The foreign anchor's own halo, plus slightly accented Chinese, as well as super high appearance and good sense of humor, have made her a treasure in the live broadcast room of Qingqing Beauty.

Now Makasha broadcasts live for two hours almost every day, and she and Ye Yuqing have formed a strong female cp.

This Makasha also seems to have found her second spring, and she is very passionate every day.

But that's fine, at least this girl's change is in sight.

Who would have thought that the person who can blow a bottle of Erguotou with the person they just met now, when they first arrived in Longcheng, the contrived princess sickness almost drove the hotel staff of Century Palace insane?

Today's Makasha is no exception. She has just finished her work, but she still has nothing to do.

Along the way, I was discussing the live broadcast with Ye Yuqing.

Which little things are not done well, is it appropriate to reply to the audience, is the product introduced incisively and vividly, and so on and so on.

When they got home, both of them were still talking about these things.

And their words also fell into the ears of Su Xiaoxiao and Chen Xiaoyu who were sitting in the living room watching TV.

Su Xiaoxiao was very interested in this topic, and asked Ye Yuqing, "Sister Yuqing, how much did you sell today? Did I sell more?"

If Su Xiaoxiao hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten about it.

In fact, Su Xiaoxiao also helped Qingqing beauty bring goods once before.

At the beginning, Su Xiaoxiao's performance in bringing goods seemed to be five or six hundred million, right?

Ye Yuqing immediately replied Su Xiaoxiao: "How can there be so many, our live broadcast room is open every day, people are tired of watching it, and there are no major events, the turnover of the live broadcast room is basically maintained at around 20 to 30 million per day. It's impossible to have as many goods as you brought."

"Hey..." Su Xiaoxiao immediately boasted, "So, Sister Yuqing, my performance of bringing goods that time is still the record of your live broadcast room?"

"Hey, that's really not the case." Qin Lie said immediately, "The real record holder is sitting across from you."

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