
Su Xiaoxiao looked at the opposite Makasha with interest and said in surprise.

"Could it be that Sister Makasha is the record holder?"

Su Xiaoxiao is about a year older than Makasha.

"That's right." Qin Lie told Su Xiaoxiaodao, "When you sold it, the final turnover was 570 million, right? And then do you know what the highest performance of Ren Makasha is? "

Su Xiaoxiao was very enthusiastic and immediately asked, "How much??"

"Fourteen billion."

"Really?" Su Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it. "It's so powerful, she, isn't her language so smooth? How did she do it?"

"Luck is just good luck." Makasha also said modestly.

But Ye Yuqing helped Su Xiaoxiao with a sentence: "Xiao Xiao, but there is a record that you still maintain. At that time, the transaction volume of the single product you sold reached 4 million sets, which is the largest transaction volume.

The reason why Makasha's turnover is higher than yours is just because the unit price of the 'Flawless' suit is much higher, and her actual turnover can't compare to yours. "

After being said this, Su Xiaoxiao felt a little better.

But Makasha was unhappy again: "No, Sister Yuqing, I'm not happy when you say that. I asked you to prepare a little more Wuxia, but you only prepared 400,000 sets in total.

If you prepare a little more, I can sell more. "

No one doubted what Makasha said, after all, Qin Lie had also seen the situation in the live broadcast room.

Originally, Ye Yuqing thought that "Flawless", as a mid-to-high-end product, would not be bought by too many people, so only 200,000 sets were prepared.

Later, the popularity was so hot that I had to add 200,000 sets.

But even this amount is far from being in short supply.

Qin Lie also believes that Makassar can sell more if there are more flawless products available.

Ye Yuqing comforted Makasha again and said: "There is no way, the craftsmanship is limited, the factory can only produce so much, and I am very helpless."

"That's why." Makasha said, "You can't blame me, you can only blame yourself."

"Okay, okay." Ye Yuqing saw that it was impossible for both of them to be comforted, so she could only adopt the strategy of supplying water, "Both of you are masters in bringing goods, and both of you are the lucky stars of my company, right?"

Having said that, Ye Yuqing picked up the bowl and chopsticks and continued to eat her dinner.

And being mentioned by Ye Yuqing, Qin Lie also remembered something.

"Hey, that's right!"

Qin Lie said: "Since Xiaoxiao is back, and won't be going out for a while, and the two of them are at a stalemate, why don't we have a goods-carrying competition?"

"Ah?" Ye Yuqing was a little stunned. "The competition with goods, how do you compare?"

"I remember that there are two live broadcast rooms in your company, right, the main live broadcast room and the sub live broadcast room."

"That's right." Ye Yuqing said while eating, "You mean, let the two of them pk at the same time, sell the same product, and see who sells more?"

"Yes!" Qin Lie nodded, "This will not only drive revenue, but also see who of the two has the better ability to carry goods."

"Good idea." Chen Xiaoyu agreed loudly, "Let's have a game and make the live broadcast room a little more interesting."

"As long as I go to the scene to watch the game, I will raise my hands to express my approval." As a result, her foothold was actually here, and she just wanted to play with the past.

After hearing Qin Lie's idea, Ye Yuqing hissed, looked at the ceiling for a while, and said, "This seems like a really good idea."

"That is."

Qin Lie said: "One book can make a lot of money, it's definitely a good trick."

Ye Yuqing turned to ask Makasha and Su Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, Makasha, what do you two think?"

"I can." Su Xiaoxiao answered happily, "Anyway, I've been fine at home recently. I really miss the goods I brought that day. I can try it."

Makasha said: "It stands to reason that the little miss is now a top-notch actress in China. I will definitely suffer from a comparison with her, but I am not afraid. If I can win the star, I will be very happy."

It means that the two of them are completely fine.

With the guarantees of the two of them, this matter can be implemented.

After confirming, Ye Yuqing will start working immediately.

Immediately, I called the director of their live broadcast room and asked him to prepare for a game with goods tomorrow in the main live broadcast room and the sub live broadcast room of Qingqing Beauty's official live broadcast room.

Let him do the preparations such as copywriting and publicity in one day.

That's how the plan was made.

And Makasha and Su Xiaoxiao, when they got the news, immediately started to prepare for tomorrow's work.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Qin Lie even heard the sound of practicing tongue twisters from Makasha's room.

"Eat grapes and don't spit out grape skins, don't eat grapes and spit out grape skins!"

Forcing a foreigner to practice tongue twisters, Qin Lie's transformation plan for the Tsundere Princess is as successful as possible.

Time came to the second day.

Because the live broadcast work of Qingqing Jiaren basically starts in the afternoon, there is not much work for everyone in the morning.

Apart from Su Xiaoxiao and Makasha's manuscripts when they were preparing for the live broadcast, Qin Lie, Chen Xiaoyu and Ye Yuqing were quite idle, and went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and make a meal.

After eating, a group of people rushed to the cosmetics company with high spirits.

At this time, the preparations for the main and auxiliary live broadcast rooms are basically ready.

From yesterday to this morning, Qin Lie opened the live broadcast room from time to time to see that the director completed Ye Yuqing's deployment very well.

The live broadcast room hung up the title early.

With the three words "Su Xiaoxiao" as the title of the drainage, it is said that Su Xiaoxiao airborne in the live broadcast room of Qingqing Beauty, competing with amateur anchors to bring the first goods.

One is a big star and the other is an unknown amateur.

That in itself is a big point.

In addition to the word competition, Huaxia people like to watch other people's competition the most, so the live broadcast has not officially started, and there are already a lot of lively viewers in the live broadcast room.

There were some videos from the past in the live broadcast room, and those viewers began to discuss the content of today's goods.

"No, is Su Xiaoxiao really coming again?"

"What is the relationship between the beautiful lady and Su Xiaoxiao?"

"I came to the live broadcast room twice in such a short period of time!"

"I don't know who her opponent is."

"I feel like no one will be Su Xiaoxiao's opponent!"

"After all, it's the top in the country."

How should I put it, the comments in the entire live broadcast room are basically based on Su Xiaoxiao.

The first-line stars have their own traffic, and before the game officially starts, they naturally occupy people and people.

It's just that although Su Xiaoxiao is very popular, her skills in carrying goods are not necessarily as high as Makasha.

Moreover, in order to strive for relative fairness, Ye Yuqing arranged Su Xiaoxiao in the sub-broadcast room with relatively small traffic, so that the popularity of the two people can be relatively balanced.

So who will win and who will lose in today's pk is really uncertain.

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