
Wang Sanxi was still honest and honest, and didn't understand what Qin Lie meant: "Mr. Qin, what should I do?"

"Let me ask you." Qin Lie said, "How much did you sell for the super steel you made in the last month?"

"Me." Wang Sanxi said, "I will sell it a little more than the market price, five thousand yuan a ton."

Qin Lie patted his forehead and said, "You are really doing charity work, do you know how much I paid for the super steel used on our construction site? Two hundred thousand dollars a ton!"

Wang Sanxi was stunned and couldn't believe it: "No, it's so expensive?"

"Yeah!" Qin Lie said, "That's why I said you were doing charity."

"What I mean is this." Qin Lie said, "You do it here, I will provide you with equipment and raw materials, you provide technology and formula, and we will share the products sold in the future, and you will share 3%. Ten, I give 70%, according to my idea, even if the annual output is only a few thousand tons, we still have hundreds of millions of income.

Excluding the cost, you can take away 20 to 30 million yuan every year. This is my plan. "

Wang Sanxi is just an ordinary worker. When did he hear such a large astronomical figure?

In the past one or two months, he has sold more than 100,000 yuan with his own technology.

In fact, this made him very satisfied, but Qin Lie suddenly came, and he could get more, he could get 20 to 30 million.

This made Wang Sanxi feel like sitting on a cloud!

He just felt his heart beat faster, and everything around him seemed less real.

"Really?" he asked.

Qin Lie said: "You can investigate my assets. The legal persons of those companies are all registered with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Lao He also followed me. You can ask him directly."

He Linfeng immediately echoed by the side and said, "Little Wang, you just follow Director Qin, he can't treat you badly."

"I think Tianlin Technology almost went bankrupt back then. If Mr. Qin hadn't come over, I would have become a beggar now. Trust him!"

Although Wang Sanxi still had doubts in his eyes, Qin Lie's economic foundation was there after all.

The behind-the-scenes boss who can invest in such a large arsenal is definitely not an ordinary person.

Maybe 20 to 30 million people don't care at all.

Wang Sanxi thought about it, and quickly agreed: "Okay, President Qin, I'll listen to you, you can do whatever you want me to do!"

"Okay!" Qin Lie said with satisfaction, "I like a decisive young man like you."

He continued: "I don't need you to do anything in the near future, you just need to stay well and protect your own safety. We do this project will shake the fundamental interests of the Su family, and they will definitely target us, so in the steelmaking plant You have to try to be as low-key as possible until you make it out.

Don't worry about the ones that have been sold before, and don't sell new ones in the last month. When the work starts, wait for my notice. "

"Okay!" Wang Sanxi also agreed, "Mr. Qin, I will listen to you."


Having said this, Qin Lie looked back at He Linfeng and said, "Lao He, recently find a safe place for Sanxi to stay, and send some brothers to protect him, and then you can hurry up with the steelmaking. "


He Linfeng responded, and this matter is almost over here.

As for the production and sales after the steelmaking plant comes out, that will be discussed later.

After dealing with Wang Sanxi's affairs, Qin Lie drove Wang Sanxi and He Linfeng back to Longcheng.

Because the iron factory was so far away, Qin Lie drove back and forth, and the day was over.

After arriving at Longcheng, Qin Lie went all the way to Qiu Liyuan for training.

It was back home at ten o'clock at night.

Damn, he's exhausted from running around outside all the way.

When I got home, I happened to see Ye Yuqing and several girls playing cards and tractors there.

Ye Yuqing, Su Xiaoxiao, and Chen Xiaoyu took out a Makasha, just four of them.

Playing and losing stickers.

Three Chinese locals bullied Makasha, a foreigner, and Makasha's face was almost invisible by now.

Seeing Qin Lie coming back, Makasha hurriedly asked Qin Lie for help: "Qin Lie, come and help me, I can't stand losing!"

Qin Lie ran outside every day and went back to training after coming back. He was too tired to take it.

Where is the mind to control them playing cards.

Drifting past them all the way, going upstairs, saying, "Come on, my will supports you in your dreams."

Having said that, he went all the way to sleep.

Made Makasha very depressed.

Originally, Qin Lie really wanted to plunge his head into the pillow and would not get up, but things often backfired.

He was just lying on the bed, and the phone was about to be turned off before mute was turned off. At this time, a call came to his phone.

The phone is none other than quiet.

Originally Qin Lie really didn't want to pick it up, but because he was Wen Jing, he also wanted to figure out what Wen Jing wanted to do, and finally he picked it up after thinking about it.

As a result, as soon as he answered the phone, he heard Wen Jing crying over the phone, and crying a lot.

Hearing this voice, Qin Lie immediately asked her, "What's wrong with you, why are you crying?"

"Wuuuu..." Wen Jing kept sobbing and said to herself, "Brother Qin, can you, can you come and stay with me for a while, me, I'm so sad right now!"

Qin Lie was very strange and asked her, "You, what's wrong with you?"

"I, I met my ex-boyfriend this afternoon, he said a lot of ugly things, I, I can't stand it anymore, I don't know who to call, I, I picked up the phone and thought of calling you for no reason. Phone, you, can you come over?"

Qin Lie thought it was very interesting.

In the middle of the night, he got himself over there, alone, and the woman was still so sad.

In the past, Qin Lie must have thought it was a good opportunity to chase after the goddess, but now, he just wants to be clear enough about what Wen Jing wants to do.

Anyway, it's basically unbelievable to meet her ex-boyfriend. She should have other ideas after this trip.

After thinking about it, Qin Lie finally decided to go.

"Okay, then I'll come over now, you stay at home and wait for me, I'll be there soon."

After saying this, Qin Lie stopped lying down to sleep, got up quickly, put on his coat, and rushed downstairs.

Ye Yuqing and the others were still playing cards downstairs, watching him go out and asking casually, "Qin Lie, why are you going out so late?"

"Pick up girls!" Qin Lie shouted and rushed out the door.

Everyone knew Qin Lie very well. They knew that he was running trains with his mouth full. If he said that he was going to pick up girls, he would definitely not pick up girls.

Qin Lie went out and had been to Wenjing's house twice, but this time he went to her house with ease.

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