This time Wen Jing's cry was not fake crying, she was really sad.

This afternoon, he was called over by Xuanyuan Tianci and scolded her again, scolding her bloody.

Words like slut, trash, bitch came out frequently, and even slapped her in the end.

Xuanyuan Tianci's intention is very clear, asking her to break Qin Lie as soon as possible, even if she goes to bed, she must deceive Qin Lie's trust.

And after that beating and scolding, Xuanyuan Tianci stripped off her clothes again, and pressed her against the wall again.

In the past, if Xuanyuan Tianci wanted to sleep with her, she would definitely be willing to, and even regarded it as an honor.

But I don't know why, today's process made Wen Jing feel like she was being insulted.

full of grief.

She felt that she was really like a dog. When Xuanyuan Tianci needed her, she had to be there, and when he didn't need her, he would kick her away.

It's not over yet, and even beat her to vent her anger when she's unhappy.

Wen Jing felt that her life was really boring, and she was so aggrieved when she came back, she even cried.

She had already decided that she would try her best to trick Qin Lie into bed with one last effort today.

If it doesn't work, she doesn't want to go back to face Xuanyuan Tianci, she'll be dead then.

This is quiet thought.

And Qin Lie didn't know anything about her thoughts at this time.

Qin Lie passed through the Wenjing community, and soon reached the Wenjing door.

After pressing the doorbell, Wen Jing opened the door after about ten seconds.

At this time, Wen Jing was dressed very sexy.

A translucent lace nightdress with a low neckline and a very loose fit.

The nightdress is not long, she has a model figure, a pair of long straight and snow-white legs, and a pair of slippers underneath, which makes people look very lustful.

It's just that her eyes are red and her upper eyelids are a little swollen, which is a symbol of crying a lot.

Qin Lie was quite surprised. After all, she couldn't make up for this look. She really cried.

Is it true that you were hurt by your ex-boyfriend? ?

Qin Lie didn't understand and quickly entered the room.

After Wen Jing closed the door, she reluctantly sorted out her emotions and said, "Brother Qin, I'm really sorry to bother you so late, but I'm really uncomfortable, and I can't find anyone else, so I can only find you."

"It's alright." Qin Lie said, "I'm used to staying up late for anti-shocks, so I'll come to accompany you if I have nothing to do."

"Thank you." Wen Jing said.

Qin Lie had already sat on the sofa at her house, looked at the red wine and wine glasses on the coffee table, and said casually, "Why, it's so uncomfortable, I drank it all by myself."

"There's no way." Wen Jing said, "I think only if I'm dizzy, I can feel better if I don't think about these things. Brother Qin, please accompany me for two drinks."


Qin Lie didn't refuse. He picked up the empty glass in front of him and poured a glass. He said, "I am your confidant today. If you have anything to say, just tell me directly."

Wen Jing also slowly touched it from the front, and sat down beside Qin Lie about a seat away.

Then slowly began to tell the story of her and her ex-boyfriend.

Anyway, in the story, they were very in love at the beginning, and they had a good time for a long time, but then the man gradually changed his heart, cheated, and even brought the woman home to bed and so on.

Then he talked about what happened when he met that scumbag today, was scolded, and remembered those hard days together, etc., and was so wronged that he couldn't help crying.

It's all a bit of a cliche anyway.

Qin Lie didn't listen very seriously, and mainly didn't believe it.

Instead, his focus has always been on the glass of red wine in front of him.

The last time he was cheated by Zhao Xiaoying, Qin Lie has always been careful about these. He did not refuse to accompany Wen Jing to drink, but at the same time he was always feeling his own body reaction.

Soon, he felt that his brain and face began to heat up, and his abdomen felt like a fire was burning there.

As for his brother, he would respond to almost any stimulation.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Lie was immediately certain that there was medicine in the wine glass.

Wen Jing is so sexy, she took medicine again, and made up such a pitiful story, because she wanted to put herself on the bed again.

With the bottom line in his heart, Qin Lie didn't react much, but secretly cooperated with Wen Jing's approach.

Excited to say, Wen Jing began to drill into Qin Lie's arms and said: "Brother Qin, if you say that you are good to others in this world, you will not get anything in return, I think when I was with him before , is good enough for him, why does he still treat me like this?"

While talking, Wen Jing has slowly leaned on Qin Lie's body.

Taking advantage of the wine, Wen Jing is like a kitten, constantly rubbing beside Qin Lie.

He was blowing wind by his ear, his lips seemed to slide on Qin Lie's face, and his chest was slowly resting on Qin Lie's arm.

How to say, very tempting.

Even though Qin Lie already knew that he had been drugged, his body couldn't help but turn red and react.

It's just that Qin Lie still has a bottom line, knowing what can be done and what can't be done.

Slowly, the breathing became rapid, giving Wen Jing a hint that he could continue to attack.

This time, Wen Jing's movements became bigger, and her mouth was directly attached to Qin Lie's face, and she slowly leaned towards Qin Lie's mouth.

The action below was even bigger. He stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Qin Lie's neck. He also moved his legs and stepped onto Qin Lie's body. At this time, it was already an extremely dangerous move.

But Wen Jing is obviously not satisfied with this, her goal is to let Qin Lie sleep with her.

The subordinates also began to move, and slowly reached into Qin Lie's clothes.

At this point, Qin Lie also knew that it was almost the same, his lips loosened from Wen Jing, and said, "Okay, is it time to talk about what you want to do?"


Wen Jing, who was still quite devoted, was woken up by Qin Lie's question and said with wide eyes, "Brother Qin, what are you talking about?"

Now that everything has been said, let's put everything on the bright side.

Qin Lie continued: "You have spent so much time trying to get close to me, all kinds of acting and plots are emerging one after another, and now you are drugged again, and you want to have a relationship with me, what are you trying to do?"


This time, Wen Jing was completely panicked, mainly because she didn't expect that all these things were in Qin Lie's observation.

"Brother Qin," she said. "Although I did that just now, I did cross the line a bit, but I'm not too much, right?"

"You know better than me whether you did this." Qin Lie picked up the wine glass and said, "How do you plan to explain the medicine on it?"

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