As soon as this information came out, Wen Jing was finally unable to argue.

She slowly moved away from Qin Lie, sat next to her, and took out a cigarette: "You already know?"

Qin Lie said: "You're not very lucky. Someone has used this trick on me before. I've already been fooled once. How could it be the second time?"

"But..." Wen Jing hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly defended, "But, even if I use aphrodisiacs, I just want to be nice to you. With such a high status, which woman doesn't want to be near you?"

Qin Lie said: "There is no problem with the logic of the words, but from the moment you appear, your purpose is very strong."

"I can't figure out why you dress so revealing in public since you hate other men paying attention to you and molesting you so much."

"And you seem stubborn, but you are tempted step by step in front of me. Do you really think I can't see these things?"

Wen Jing listened, and finally gave up: "So, in fact, you never believed in me from the beginning, you have only been acting with me for so long?"

Qin Lie nodded without denying: "You can say that."

"Hehe, hehe..." Wen Jing was desperate as soon as these words came out, she sat down on the sofa and drank wine by herself.

Her laughter was desperate, and she said: "It's really good, what he said is really good, I'm just a waste, I can't do anything at all!"

"He?" Qin Lie grabbed the key point and asked, "Who is he?"

"Qin Lie." Wen Jing said, "Although I have been exposed by you, how could I reveal his name?"

Qin Lie was very calm, lying on the sofa and said with a smile, "I can probably guess who it is even if you don't say it."

"At this point in time, the person who still wants to have an undercover beside me is either the Xiao family or Xuanyuan Tianci, and I see that when you talk about him, your eyes are full of friendship, and this person is most likely Xuanyuan Tianci."

Wen Jing's body froze slightly, which was enough to show that Qin Lie guessed right.

Now that this is confirmed, the rest of the things can actually be confirmed.

Qin Lie could even guess why Xuanyuan Tianci did this.

When he was in Taizhou, he snatched Ning Kun from him. Although he was covered, he was 90% sure that that person was him.

Then he was afraid that he would bring Ning Kun to Xuanyuan Hao, and he didn't dare to provoke him completely, so he thought of such a routine, got an undercover agent by his side, and then slowly inquired.

Wen Jing still didn't answer, lying on the sofa, said: "Okay, you don't have to guess who the person behind me is, I won't say it, since you found out, what are you going to do?"

Qin Lie listened to the hand and said casually, "What can I do? You neither cheated on my money nor hurt my people. I have no sin with you. I just want to know who is behind you."

Wen Jing immediately replied: "Then you have just answered this question, let's go, my mission failed."

Qin Lie didn't get up for a while, still sitting on the sofa, thinking to himself: "I see that you were not happy when you did this, including when you mentioned him just now, you were not happy, but why do you still do it? Woolen cloth?"

"I said you go!" Wen Jing yelled out at once, as if this incident had poked into her heart, "If you don't leave again, believe it or not, I will kill you."

Qin Lie was very calm: "You are not my opponent."

Wen Jing: "..."

I don't know about the others. Anyway, Qin Lie can see that Wen Jing's mood is really bad at this time.

She said helplessly: "I beg you to go, really, when I beg you, I won't bother you again in the future, you go, I don't want to see you now."

"Ok!" Qin Lie said, "then I'll go first."

He got up, got up from the sofa, and said, "But I still want to say, since you're so unhappy with that person, why don't you give up on a day like this."

"Give up, it's easier said than done..." Wen Jing smiled bitterly and drank the wine one sip after another, not wanting to talk about it with Qin Lie anymore.

As for Qin Lie, he got up and actually walked outside the door of the room.

It's just that his eyes are still watching Wen Jing behind him, to see how Wen Jing reacts, and at the same time to prevent her from suddenly attacking from behind and backstabbing himself.

But what Qin Lie didn't expect, Wen Jing not only did not attack him.

Even when he was about to reach the door of the room, he suddenly picked up a fruit knife from the table and stabbed her own heart.

Qin Lie saw this from the corner of his eyes, and Qin Lie's pupils shrank rapidly at that time.

It was too late to speak, Qin Lie saw this, turned around quickly, first took a shoe from the shoe rack at the door of the room, and quickly threw it there.

At the same time, he strode forward and leaned towards Wen Jing.

With Qin Lie's skill and strength now, the shoe hit Wen Jing's wrist with great force. Although he didn't smash the knife out of his hand, it completely smashed the direction.

Wen Jing's knife didn't pierce her own heart, but only slashed her chest.

Qin Lie just arrived at this time and snatched the knife from her hand.

Wen Jing's thoughts of suicide were shattered by the sudden and powerful intervention.

Before she came to Qin Lie today, she had thought about it. If Qin Lie could be dealt with, everything would be fine.

If it doesn't work, she kills herself.

Because she felt that she had nothing to cherish in this world.

Now stopped by Qin Lie, her promise was even more intense than before: "What are you doing, what are you doing! Return the knife to me, didn't I let you go, what are you doing here?"

Qin Lie threw the knife away and said at the same time, "If you really want to die, you should die after I go out and close the door!"

"I'm your enemy, why do you want to save me?" Wen Jing said loudly.

Qin Lie also said loudly: "I am like this, as long as I am not a mortal enemy, I can't watch people die in front of me with my own eyes!"

"But I really don't want to live anymore!" Wen Jing had already cried.

Qin Lie couldn't help scolding after listening to it: "I really can't figure it out, those of you who want to die are not afraid of death, you are not afraid of living.

The person who treats you badly will be finished if you do it, and the bad memory will be finished if you forget it.

If you don't like the present day, change your place, change your identity, and start over, it doesn't matter, I really don't know what you are looking for! "


Qin Lie's words made Wen Jing stunned.

She stayed in place for a long time, as if thinking about those words.

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