After being stunned for a long time, Wen Jing finally asked Qin Lie, "Is it really that easy to leave the current life?"

"If you have nothing to worry about, you can go up the mountain to be a nun and no one will care about you. What's the problem?" Qin Lie said.

"But..." Wen Jing said, "The background of that person is too big, and I can't escape at all."

"How big can it be?" Qin Lie said, "Can you be bigger than the eight great families?"

After a pause, Qin Lie continued: "Do you know what background I was from? I only came from the countryside at first, and no one treated me well except my grandfather.

But look at me now, the Xiao family is unhappy with me, the Kong family is unhappy with me, the Su family is unhappy with me, and half of the eight great families are unhappy with me, but they have nothing to do with me.

You said that you have a big background and can't escape his grasp. No matter how difficult it is for you, can I have difficulty? "


Qin Lie's words silenced Wen Jing again.

After thinking about it for a while, Wen Jing said, "But I really don't want to go against him."

"You are really stupid." Qin Lie sneered, "That person pushed you out to seduce me in order to do other things, and sold your body to accomplish his business.

In his eyes, you are a tool, not even a person, and I don't know what you are missing. "

In fact, Qin Lie said so much, but also has his own ideas.

He certainly wouldn't waste so much time on someone who didn't matter.

Then the topic started.

Now that it is almost certain that the person behind this incident is Xuanyuan Tianci, Xuanyuan Tianci wants to use Wen Jing to come over and be an undercover agent by his side.

If Wen Jing can be turned against, then she is a ready-made undercover agent by Xuanyuan Tianci's side.

And if all the guesses are true, then Wen Jing must have been with Xuanyuan Tianci for some years.

She alone may know a lot of information.

As long as you can turn her back, you will definitely get a lot of useful things. This is what Qin Lie thinks.

Therefore, although Qin Lie seems to be a close brother, he actually just wants to use Wen Jing in reverse.

That's all.

In addition, being able to save a person is somewhat comforting in my heart.

This is Qin Lie's motivation for doing this, not the so-called good old man.

The first words touched Wen Jing very much, especially the sentence "He doesn't take you as a person at all, I don't know what you still miss".

From the perspective of a bystander, Qin Lie could see more clearly than herself.

This sentence seemed to speak her heart.

"Then, what do you think I should do?" She asked back, which is good news.

Qin Lie said: "If he is not good to you, you are not good to him. If he does not treat you as a human being, there is no need for you to help him. You can do it according to his wishes first, and don't do it for the time being. Let him see your change.

When the matter is over, I can send you out of Longcheng to a place where he will never find it.

That way, you can start living your new life. "

I have to say that Qin Lie's promise is very tempting for Wen Jing.

For so many years, she has been helping the Xiao family and Xuanyuan Tianci, either killing or seducing.

In the twenty years she has lived, she doesn't know how many men she has slept with. Like Qin Lie said, sometimes she doesn't know whether she is a human or a dog.

If she can really fly away from now on, as Qin Lie promised, but go to a place where even Xiao's family and Xuanyuan Tianci can't find it, and live the rest of her life, then she can start her whole life all over again.

It's just that for her, the temptation is huge, but it's not that easy to do.

After all, she has feelings for Xuanyuan Tianci in her heart. In current words, she has already been puaed. Xuanyuan Tianci controls her spiritual world. It is not that simple to get rid of this spiritual control.

At this time, she was very entangled, so entangled that she didn't know what to do.

"Huh?" Looking at Wen Jing, Qin Lie continued to ask, "What do you think?"

"I, I don't know," she said. "I really don't know."

Qin Lie continued to stir up her emotions: "Could it be possible that you can find a better way than what I said?"

"I, I don't know." Wen Jing still shook her head, "I need time, I need to think about it."


Seeing that Wen Jing's entanglement didn't look fake, Qin Lie didn't press him any further.

This was something that changed her mind, and it couldn't be done so easily.

So Qin Lie decided to give her some time: "Okay, then you can think about it, and come to me when you figure it out..."

After that, Qin Lie got up again, and this time he walked towards the door of the room without stopping.

However, just as he was walking to the gate, Wen Jing stopped him from behind and said loudly, "Qin Lie, can you really send me out?"

Qin Lie raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly: "I don't make promises easily, but once I make a promise, I can definitely do it."

"Okay!" Wen Jing said, "I believe in you, I will find you again in two days, and I will provide you with some information in exchange."

now it's right!

What Qin Lie wants is a quiet attitude.

As long as she is willing to cooperate, the rest will be easy.

Seeing the hope of a successful counter-insurgency, Qin Lie was not in a hurry and followed her words: "Well, I'll wait for you."

After saying this, Qin Lie opened the door of her house and walked out all the way.

Walking from the quiet neighborhood back to his own neighborhood, Qin Lie whistled all the way.

Today's events, it is estimated that it will play a big role in dealing with Xuanyuan Tianci.

Good harvest, naturally satisfied.

After Qin Lie returned home, he quickly washed his face and went to sleep.

In the next two or three days, there were no big things. Qin Lie handled official business in major companies during the day, and went to Qiu Liyuan's side to receive Qiu Liyuan's training at night.

With continuous practice every day, Qin Lie has made great progress in his reaction ability.

Now Qin Lie can last for more than thirty seconds when he has ten tennis launchers around.

It is estimated that in two days, he will be able to complete the one-minute challenge.

And Qiu Liyuan also promised that as long as he completes the one-minute challenge, he will begin to formally teach him the Random Cloak Sword Technique.

This day is getting closer.

In the past two days, Qin Lie also noticed that Qiu Bai and Hou Junjie, their grandfathers and grandsons, were quite strange.

The two actually got up earlier than him sometimes, wandering outside all day, and then didn't come back until 90 o'clock in the evening.

Qin Lie also asked them what they were doing, and after remembering them, they replied: they are doing something big.

After getting it done, Qin Lie was curious and confused.

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