"Oh, really?" Guan Hai immediately became interested and asked Qin Lie, "Have you really found it?"

Qin Lie also continued to act and said, "That's for sure, my master was a witness back then, how could he misread it?"

"That's right..." Guan Hai kept nodding his head and said, "So I'm also negligent in my work."

Having said that, Guan Hai changed his attitude again, and soon, he walked up to Xiao Yuanshan and said to Xiao Yuanshan, "Elder Xiao, look at me, it's my fault for not explaining it to you clearly."

"Recently, our Kyushu Bureau is investigating a case of killing a family 16 years ago, this gentleman..."

Guan Hai pointed at Qiu Bai and said, "All the family members of this old gentleman died of a murder 16 years ago. This is a tragedy on earth."

"You said, if such a big thing happened, can our Kyushu Bureau ignore it?"

"Recently, he has some clues and asked our Kyushu Bureau to investigate. Our Kyushu Bureau has already filed a case."

Xiao Yuanshan knew Qiu Bai and knew about Qiu Bai's tragedy.

After listening to Guan Hai's words, he asked Qiu Bai, "Qiu Bai, do you suspect that my Xiao family did the death of your whole family?"

Qiu Bai stared at him, neither admitting nor denying: "I just saw that someone related to you appeared at your banquet, I just wanted to go in and have a look."

Guan Hai also said: "Elder Xiao, look at it, just check the situation. This is a regular task of the Kyushu Bureau, not aimed at the Xiao family, so can you please be accommodating?"

"What is accommodating??" This sentence was said by Henry Zhang, "With just one eye and one mouth, what he says is what he says, let you search casually, what is the face of our Xiao family when the news spreads?"

However, Xiao Yuanshan asked Guan Haidao in a low voice: "Director Guan, Mr. Hua also knows about this?"

Guan Hai didn't give him a clear answer, and said with a sloppy eye: "The Kyushu Bureau has always been under the direct jurisdiction of Mr. Hua. Naturally, he knows what we do."

When Xiao Yuanshan heard this, he calmed down again.

In fact, to put it bluntly, he is not afraid of Qin Lie, Xuanyuan's family, or Guanhai.

The only thing that made him fearful was actually Mr. Hua.

Xiao Yuanshan didn't want to fight against Mr. Hua. After thinking about it, he could only do this: "Then go in and have a look... Hurry up, my friends and I still have to eat."

Guan Hai listened, very excited, and immediately thanked: "Thank you, of course, of course, we will not affect the gathering of Mr. Xiao and you."

After saying this, Guan Hai waved his hand and went inside with Qin Lie Qiu Bai.

Henry Zhang felt that the signs were a little wrong.

He quickly said to Xiao Yuanshan, "Uncle, you can't let them in!"

Xiao Yuanshan always felt that something was wrong with Henry Zhang today.

Turning his head to look at him, he said, "The director of the management has said it, but he just went in to investigate one person. What's wrong, what happened sixteen years ago was not done by our Xiao family. What are you afraid of?"

Henry Zhang’s eyes rolled, and finally he could only sigh: “Okay.”

And these conversations all fell into Qin Lie's ears.

It sounds like Xiao Yuanshan doesn't seem to know what happened more than ten years ago, but Henry Zhang's performance is a little suspicious.

But it doesn't matter, it's time to go in and see.

If there were really some participants in the extermination case, it would be simple.

Qin Lie and Qiu Bai walked into the Crown Hotel together under the leadership of Guan Hai.

Looking around, the entire lobby of the hotel was actually filled with people from the Xiao family.

There are dozens of scattered tables, and there are hundreds of people.

Qin Lie whispered in Qiu Bai's ear, "Master, you must look carefully to see if that person is here or not."

Including Qin Lie himself, he also looked around according to the characteristics that Qiu Bai said.

The eyes of everyone in the Xiao family were locked on the three of them, putting a lot of pressure on the three of them.

At this moment, the walkie-talkie beside Qin Lie suddenly rang.

Hou Junjie informed the channel on the walkie-talkie: "Master, it's not good, that person ran out of the back door, and now he got into a taxi and drove away!!"

Qin Lie had a bad heart, and turned to look at Qiu Bai, Qiu Bai's eyes also showed an ominous expression.

But at the same time, it also confirmed Qiu Bai's guess, that person is likely to be the murderer who participated in the mission to destroy the family!

If not, why is he running?

Obviously, seeing that Xiao Yuanshan couldn't stop him, he could only find a way to escape.

Fortunately, Qin Lie had already made arrangements, and had already arranged for Hou Junjie to follow him at the back door.

Hou Junjie saw someone running out, and immediately informed Qin Lie.

Time is running out, people have already run far away in taxis, and they can't stop.

After Qin Lie and Qiu Bai exchanged looks, they turned around and ran out the door in an instant.

When they got to the door, Qin Lie and Qiu Bai got into their cars and drove to the back door of the hotel.

He picked up Hou Junjie at the back door and quickly asked him, "How is it, people?"

Hou Junjie immediately said: "Run ahead, it's a green taxi, I've written down the license plate number, dragon a·d3503!"

Hou Junjie is shrewd, Qin Lie is not worried at all.

He immediately called Guan Hai and told him: "Director Guan, we have locked a license plate, please say hello to the people in the bureau, and monitor around to see where the car is going!"

Guan Hai didn't follow him, so he could only help remotely, and he quickly agreed and hung up the phone.

Qin Lie was not idle either, following the direction Hou Junjie instructed, he tried to chase after him.

After about a few minutes, Guan Hai gave the news: "The target vehicle is now at the junction of Changning Street and Longshui Street, not far from your car, and you can see it when you turn to the right."

Qin Lie didn't dare to stop, and immediately turned the steering wheel to the side.

The accelerator was stepped down to the end, and the car ran like crazy on the streets of Longcheng.

Finally, after Qin Lie turned the corner, he found the taxi with the corresponding license plate in front of him.

He couldn't calm down any longer, Qin Lie's accelerator continued to push forward, and he couldn't control any traffic rules.

As for the people in front, they are obviously avoiding them consciously.

Now comes the time for carpooling skills and car performance.

In terms of performance, Qin Lie's car rolled over the taxi in front of him back then, but the driver was obviously a lot more skilled than Qin Lie, and he was very familiar with the terrain.

Several times, Qin Lie was about to catch up with him, and he immediately turned a corner and got into the roadway to resolve the crisis.

But Qin Lie also has a plug-in, that is, the real-time tracking of the Kyushu Bureau.

Even if the taxi escaped a chase, Qin Lie could catch up soon with Guan Hai's assistance.

And as the members of the Longyan Squad also joined the pursuit, the taxi finally had no way to escape!

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