At first, only Qin Lie was chasing the car in front.

But as time went on, Qin Lie had no choice but to get the taxi by himself, so he could only mobilize the rest of the Longyan team to chase and block it.

Coupled with the remote information provided by Guan Hai, about five vehicles finally stopped the taxi.

At an intersection, Qin Lie and others pulled the car to a stop, got out of the car quickly, and approached the taxi.

Across the window, Qin Lie clearly saw a big man sitting on the co-pilot of the car.

Next to him was a driver who was threatened with a gun.

The other members of the Longyan Squad also swarmed around, aiming their guns at the co-pilot.

With the Longyan Squad, Qin Lie was not afraid at all. He walked to the co-pilot with Qiu Bai, knocked on the co-pilot's door, and said, "Hey, open the door, you can't escape anyway, come down. chat?"

Qin Lie also clearly saw the shocking scar on the big man's left arm.

It must be this person.

Qiu Bai was even more excited. After all, he was so close to the truth of his family's annihilation, people were right in front of him, and he could never let him go.

Qiu Bai walked to the car window and hit his elbow on the glass of the taxi co-pilot, smashing the glass.

It was only at this time that Qin Lie suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He saw a smile on the man's face, but the content in his eyes was full of determination!

At the same time, he suddenly raised his hand, picked up his pistol, and aimed it at his own temple.

He actually wanted to kill himself!

Seeing this, Qin Lie felt bad, and shouted and told Qiu Bai, "Master, stop him!"

Qiu Bai also noticed his move at the same time.

He quickly raised his hand to stop it, but it was too late.

Without any hesitation, the man picked up the pistol and fired instantly. The bullet went in from his temple and came out from the other side, and the whole head was directly blown up.


In that instant, the man was already lying on the taxi's chair.

This scene scared the kidnapped taxi driver into peeing. He screamed and had a nervous breakdown. He unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car, and ran all the way to the distance.

Screaming, without looking back.

This driver was obviously the one who was kidnapped, so he probably didn't know much about him. Qin Lie didn't care about him at all.

He stood there by himself, looked at the dead man, gasping for breath.

Looking back at Qiu Bai, Qiu Bai was stunned there like him!

The scene was silent for a while, and the atmosphere was very subtle.

About half a minute later, Qiu Bai broke out violently, kicked the car door fiercely, and the huge taxi was kicked sideways ten centimeters by his force.


Even Qiu Bai couldn't help but utter foul language at this time, and his own heart collapsed.

This time, he was so close to the truth he wanted that he had even found the person who started it in the first place.

This picture is simply a microcosm of his past ten years!

Over the years, in order to investigate the tragic case of his family's annihilation, he has been to Western Hunan, Lingnan, and Western Regions, and he has almost exhausted all the clues.

And then every time you get closer to the truth, that's it, those clues either die or disappear.

It was about to find out that things came to nothing.

He had not experienced this kind of thing once or twice, but this time made him the most angry.

Obviously they are so close, as long as they are caught and asked a few questions, they can be solved, but in the end they are still mysterious.

This is really a headache.

No wonder his mood collapsed.

Qiu Bai held his head and cursed for several times in a row, but in the end there was no way to evacuate this depression.

Qin Lie understood his pain, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay master, we will definitely find out in the end, don't do this..."

"This person is obviously the person who participated in the operation. He was afraid of exposing the person behind him, so he chose to commit suicide. This should also be arranged by the person behind him."

"The person behind what!" Qiu Bai said loudly, "It's the Xiao family. Now all the signs show that the Xiao family did that thing, and then the Xuanyuan family was framed!"

"Yes, I think so too." Qin Lie said, "But these are just guesses. We don't know what the situation is. There is no evidence, and there is nothing we can do about them."

"Why do we need evidence, and what do we need evidence for?" Qiu Bai said, "We are not the police, nor do we want to arrest these people, I just want to take revenge, just go straight to Xiao's house!"

Qin Lie shook his head: "Master, you have to be calm, how did you teach me before, we need to be calm, we all need to be calm now."

"The Xiao family is not something you can deal with alone, nor can I deal with it alone, we still need other strengths!"

"If we have evidence, we can mobilize people from the Kyushu Bureau, and we can get Mr. Hua's support."

"As long as the power of the Xiao family is weakened, we will have a chance."

"Look in another direction. This person commits suicide because of fear of crime, which means that he was the murderer who participated in the case. If he died, you have paid a little revenge to the mistress!"

Qiu Bai was still not calm, and said angrily: "There were a dozen people involved in the incident at the beginning, and the dozen or so were all murderers, and only one of them died, what is it?"


Qin Lie didn't know what to say, so he could only comfort him like this: "Calm down, I assure you, we will find out this matter eventually, none of the dozen or so people can escape, including the mastermind behind the scenes, We will kill him too, trust me!"

Seeing that Qin Lie was so embarrassed, Qiu Bai finally sighed and gave up the pursuit.

"Forget it, I'm used to it. When this person was caught by us, he committed suicide. Obviously, the person behind him didn't want to expose himself, and he was very powerful."

Qin Lie also nodded: "Mostly it's the Xiao family, but I don't know how many people in the Xiao family know about this."

"Let's go back and talk about it, can your friend from the Kyushu Bureau handle this corpse?" Qiu Bai said.

Seeing that Qiu Bai's mood had recovered a lot, Qin Lie nodded and said, "They can handle these things, let's go back first."


Qiu Bai was helpless, but he couldn't find a suitable way, so he could only go back.

Qin Lie called Guan Hai and informed Guan Hai of the specific situation.

Guan Hai also let him not care, he will let the people from the Kyushu Bureau come to take over the matter.

Today's tracking also had to, nothing more.

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