But in fact this is not completely without progress.

Previously, Qin Lie could only be about fifty percent sure that what happened in that year was planned by the Xiao family.

Now that the murderer has appeared at the Xiao family's banquet, he is 80% sure.

The remaining 20% ​​needs to break through Xuanyuan Tianci.

If Xuanyuan Tianci had something to do with the Xiao family's forgery of files, then this whole thing was a conspiracy of the Xiao family, and he couldn't escape.

Everything is progressing, so check it out slowly.

The pursuit on the street was unsuccessful, so Qin Lie could only take Qiu Bai and Hou Junjie home.

And they became disappointed and lonely because of the murderer's suicide.

Why is the Xiao family not worried about this incident?

After Qin Lie chased out, the Xiao family continued to eat and drink without being affected.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yuanshan settled all his old comrades in arms and found them a hotel room to stay in. When he was about to leave the hotel, he called Henry Zhang to him.

"Henry Zhang..." Xiao Yuanshan is Henry Zhang's uncle, the highest in the Xiao family.

Even if Henry Zhang was the patriarch, he had to listen to Xiao Yuanshan.

Xiao Yuanshan and Henry Zhang walked all the way to the parking lot, and said as they walked, "What the hell is going on today, why did Kuishan hear that someone was looking for him, so he just ran away."

"Also, did you really order the Xiao family to do Qiu Bai's annihilation sixteen years ago?"

Henry Zhang listened, thought for a while, and said: "Uncle, some things are not as simple as you think, and there are some things I can't tell you."

"If you don't tell me, I won't be able to help you." Xiao Yuanshan said, "Now the entire Xiao family is troubled by internal and external troubles, with the Xuanyuan family as the enemy in front, Qin Lie as a kid who has provoked many times, and the Cape family outside. .

It can be said that this is the most difficult time for the Xiao family in the decades I have experienced.

I have been in the army for decades, and I still have a little influence. You have to tell me what you know, otherwise, when the incident happens, it will be too late for me to save the Xiao family. "

After thinking about it, Henry Zhang said like this: "Uncle, I can only tell you one thing, the killing of Qiu's family sixteen years ago was indeed authorized by me, and Kuishan was indeed one of the ten people who participated in the operation at the beginning. one.

Qiu Bai came to the door and wanted to recognize Kuishan, so I had to ask Kuishan to retreat. Besides, Kuishan was surrounded by Qin Lie and others just now, so I could only instruct him to commit suicide. "

"Why are you going to kill Qiu Bai's family?" Xiao Yuanshan's fluctuation was not great, he just wanted to know why.

Henry Zhangdao: “These things have far-reaching effects, so I can’t tell you my nephew.”

"But you can rest assured that I did this for the good of the Xiao family. In our Xiao family, no one can move, not even the family, even the Cape family, even if all their families are united!"

After hearing what Henry Zhang said, Xiao Yuanshan also remembered something.

The Xuanyuan family couldn't move, the Cape family couldn't move, and all the other families together couldn't move.

The eight great families are already the top forces in the world, and I am afraid that only that side can make Henry Zhang say this!

If that side of the force is on the Xiao family's side, indeed, other forces will not be afraid.

"Okay!" Xiao Yuanshan sighed and said, "Since you are so confident, I will believe you once, but I only have one request. My Xiao family has been extended for thousands of years and has always been a famous family in China, and it must not be planted. In our hands!"

"Yes!" Henry Zhang handed over and accepted the matter.


Back to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie and Qiu Bai went home all the way after seeing the man commit suicide.

Although Qin Lie has persuaded Qiu Bai to come back a lot, Qiu Bai's mood is still not very good.

On the way back in the car, I basically didn't say anything.

Qin Lie and Hou Junjie were also in the car, knowing that he was in a bad mood, so they didn't talk too much.

Together, the three slowly drove back to the community.

However, just as Qin Lie drove the car close to his villa, he saw a young man standing in front of the door of his villa, standing in the middle of the road, blocking him from driving into the garage.

The young man had his back to the car, his hands tied around his waist very calmly.

And this person's attire is very ordinary, with a pair of trousers on the bottom and a denim jacket on the top. Because the front is not seen, it is not known who Qin Lie is.

Qin Lie's car was stopped and he felt a little uncomfortable. He honked the horn and beeped several times in a row, and the young man still stood there as if he had not heard anything.

Qin Lie got a little impatient, rolled down the car window and shouted over there: "Hey, you're deaf, you can't hear after honking the horn so many times, don't get in the way, I'm going to drive in!"

The young man seemed to react when he heard these words.

Leisurely turned around and faced the front of the car.

At this time, Qin Lie finally saw the appearance of this young man.

He looked in his early thirties, about the same age as Xing Tian, ​​a few years older than himself but not much.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, between the eyebrows are all heroic, this person's aura is very calm, it seems that the sky is falling, and he will not frown.

If placed in ancient times, it is estimated that he is also a handsome and handsome boy.

He turned around and asked Qin Lie in the first sentence: "Is Qin Lie right? And Qiu Bai?"

Qin Lie had never seen this person before, but he knew himself.

Qin Lie was very strange, frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"Gu Chen." The young man who came here responded, "But the name is not important, and you'd better not contact me in the future."

Qin Lie laughed at his logic: "I'd better not touch you, what are you doing in front of me, are you playing?"

Gu Chen then said, "I'm just here to inform you of one thing."

Gu Chen stood there and didn't move, but inexplicably, Qin Lie felt that his voice was very clear, as if it was in his ear.

He continued: "I'm here to inform you that you should stop investigating the matter of the Xiao family and the Xuanyuan family.

As for Qiu Bai's extermination more than ten years ago, you can make any compensation, and we will satisfy you. "

Qin Lie sounds strange.

I was surprised that this was actually here to speak to the Xiao family: "Are you sent by the Xiao family?"

"No." The youth said, "The Xiao family still can't command me, I represent our patriarch."

"Who is your patriarch?" Qin Lie asked.

The youth replied: "A person you can't know."

"Haha!" Qin Lie laughed, "You guys don't even dare to say your name, you just want me to do this and that, why should we listen to you?"

"It doesn't matter!"

The young man turned out to be very domineering and said with an expressionless face: "I said, this is a notice. It's best if you listen to it. If you don't listen, we have 10,000 ways for you to listen!"

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