What is the situation now.

Qiu Bai had just lost an important clue character, and he was in a gloomy mood.

His hatred for the Xiao family has gone deep into his bones.

At this moment, a little-known young man ran in front of him and said such a bunch of arrogant and oblivious words, how does Qiu Bai feel?

When he was so angry that he couldn't find a place to vent, this man ran into the muzzle of the gun and wanted to die!

Qiu Bai's eyes were full of murderous intent, his eyes stared straight at the young man, and his voice came from the bottom of his throat.

"Boy, didn't your lord teach you to speak properly when you came out?"

"If you accidentally say the wrong thing, you will die!"

Qiu Bai opened the car door while he was talking, and walked down slowly.

When it was too late, Qiu Bai closed the door behind him, and his whole body suddenly burst into flames. He turned into a light and shadow and went straight to kill the young man on the opposite side.

"Notice?" Qiu Bai said loudly, "What qualifications do you have to give me a notice!"

With that said, Qiu Bai's body was already close to the young man, he raised his hand and smashed it directly at the young man's Tianling cover.

Qin Lie watched from the side, knowing that Qiu Bai had murderous intentions this time.

Qin Lie didn't care, he knew that Qiu Bai was in a bad mood, and he always had to do something to relieve it. This young man was the unlucky one.

But he also blamed himself, saying something was wrong, he insisted that he couldn't check the Xiao family.

Didn't that hit Qiu Bai's muzzle?

Sometimes too much talk is not a good thing, and this is the best proof.

In Qin Lie's eyes, this young man must not be Qiu Bai's opponent.

Qin Lie was watching the battle while thinking about such content.

But in the next moment, what happened was beyond his expectations.

Facing the fierce attack after Qiu Bai's runaway, the young man took it easy, raising his hand in mid-air to block.

This may seem like a powerless first block, but it brings a shocking effect.

The young man raised his hand to easily stand up to Qiu Bai's offensive. Although Qiu Bai's palm was strong, it couldn't break through the young man's defense, and even his feet did not move.

On the other hand, after he blocked Qiu Bai's attack, he suddenly backhanded, also a palm, and hit Qiu Bai's stomach firmly.

After this palm, Qiu Bai flew out with great strength, and slid back at least six or seven meters before stopping.

And look at the young man, still standing there, still standing there as before, with both hands behind his back, just like a generation of grandmasters.

Qiu Bai did not suffer multiple injuries, but the horror in his heart was still like a stormy sea.

Including Qin Lie and Hou Junjie, their eyes widened at this moment, they couldn't believe it.

How is this possible!

Qin Lie has been with Qiu Bai for many years, and he has seen Qiu Bai fight countless times over the years.

Qiu Bai's strength can be called the top of China. Although he is a little worse than the super-first-class masters such as Situ Xuan and Xiao Yuanshan, he is definitely the most top-notch group of people on the pyramid.

But now in the end, it is not the opponent of that young man.

The young man stood firmly on the spot, easily parrying his offensive, the stability of the chassis, and the decisiveness of the move, which was appalling.

In a single glance, Qin Lie was almost certain that the young man's kung fu attainment was above Qiu Bai's.

I don't know who is stronger than Situ Xuan, but Qiu Bai can't really beat him.

This, this is too mysterious!

That's right, Qin Lie can only use the word fantasy to describe what he saw now.

How old is this young man, no matter how he looks at it, he is only a few years older than himself, definitely no more than ten years old!

People in their thirties are in their prime, and they will never practice martial arts for too long.

But he was able to crush Qiu Bai, who had spent most of his life in kung fu.

How did he do this?

Including Qiu Bai, he was very shocked after his palm was opened. He did not expect that this seemingly ordinary young man could break out such a powerful fighting force.

I was terrified, and at the same time, I couldn't hold back my anger.

He's crazy, no matter what he does today, it's so bad, so far he can't beat a stinky young boy!

He was not reconciled, and after thinking for a while, he immediately jumped up again, and before he came back, he rushed to the side of the young man and started a hand-to-hand fight with the young man.

If the first one fails to explain the problem, the next one has put the facts in front of you.

Qiu Bai rushed up again, and after fighting with the youth, about half a minute later, he was still defeated as before.

Moreover, the strength gap is visible to the naked eye, and the realms of both sides are not on the same level.

To put it a little bit badly, he beat Qiu Bai, just like Qiu Bai beat himself - a joke!

Qiu Bai was crushed, and the more he fought, the more angry he became. Even if he had already lost, he still had to rush up.

Seeing this situation, Qin Lie finally got out of the car, stopped Qiu Bai stubbornly, grabbed Qiu Bai's arm and said, "Master, don't get on, you are not his opponent!"

"Boy, let me go!" Qiu Bai said loudly, "I haven't shown all of my strength yet, just let me go, I can beat him!"

Qin Lie saw that Qiu Bai was really not calm, and finally ordered Hou Junjie to say, "Monkey, take your master home and leave the rest to me."

"it is good!"

Hou Junjie was very clever, and knew that something was not right.

If you fight against this young man, you will definitely suffer in the end.

So he walked to Qiu Bai's side, grabbed Qiu Bai's hand and said, "Master, let's go home first, will you listen to me?"

Fortunately, Hou Junjie's words still worked. Although Qiu Bai was on fire in his heart, when Hou Junjie pleaded for mercy, he calmed down a lot.

Finally, under the guidance of Hou Junjie, he entered the villa all the way.

After the two of them left, only Qin Lie and the young man were left in front of the villa.

The young man still had a confident look, stared at Qin Lie, and said confidently: "Qin Lie, you seem to be much calmer than your master."

Qin Lie shook his head: "After all, everyone in his family died back then. I can't feel the same way. If it were me, I might not be able to control my emotions even more than my master."

"But in any case, you are much better at communicating than him now. Think about what I just said." The young man said so.

Qin Lie naturally did not agree to him, but instead asked him: "I really want to know, who are you representing now, the Xiao family or other forces?"

"The Xiao family?" The young man laughed after hearing this, "The Xiao family does not have the qualifications to order me, as for who it is, you will know later, and then you only need to know one thing now, that is the person who ordered me to do things, It's definitely an existence you can't provoke in your whole life."

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