"I can't provoke you for a lifetime!"

Qin Lie repeated, "You guys are more terrifying than the eight great families?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The young man laughed after hearing this.

He didn't answer clearly, but said like this: "Qin Lie, born as a human being, I advise you to broaden your horizons, don't you really think that the eight great families are the ceiling of the entire Chinese power?"

The young man didn't seem to answer this sentence, but he actually answered it.

He just wanted to say that the eight great families are not the ceiling of the Chinese forces, but the forces behind him.

Hearing this, Qin Lie was quite shocked.

Before, even ten minutes ago, when he hadn't seen this young man, he always felt that the eight great families were the ceiling of the entire force.

Powerful like the eight great families, it penetrated into every aspect of Chinese society.

Economic, political, and military, they hold the vast majority of China's wealth, and can even influence the decision-making of those in power and shake the foundation of China.

If this is not the ceiling, what kind of power is the ceiling?

Powers stronger than the eight great families, Qin Lie didn't even dare to imagine what they looked like.

What kind of influence should it be?

Crush the rulers and control the lifeline of the whole country, as long as they want, they can even decide the direction of China?

Of course, these are all guesses by Qin Lie.

It's just that in his opinion, the eight great families are already outrageously strong, and if there is another stronger force.

He couldn't even think of what it was like.

But to say, whether he believed what the young man said or not, he actually believed it.

After all, there are people outside the world and there are heavens. What he has not seen does not mean that he does not exist. Qin Lie has always been in awe of these unknown things. He believes that these things exist, but he did not expect them to come out so soon.

To know his current ability, even a Xiao family can't be shaken.

The capital that only had a little confrontation with the Xiao family, and now such a thing has come out.

It's too hard to do!

"So what's your attitude to suppress us?" Qin Lie asked the man.

The man shook his head and said: "We will not deliberately target anyone. Our existence is only to maintain the order of the entire Chinese civilization. We will only take action when the direction of the Chinese civilization is deviated and unstable."

"So, do you think our investigation of the Xiao family has affected the order of Chinese civilization?"

The man said: "Over the years, the eight great families have always existed on the land of China. Although some families have fallen and some families have risen, they have always maintained a dynamic balance.

It is precisely because of this balance that the Chinese nation has been able to move forward steadily.

Your investigation of the Xiao family this time, once the matter comes out, it is very likely to cause chaos among the eight great families, and it will lead to chaos in the whole of China. This is something we will never allow to see. "

"The impact of this incident is so great?" Qin Lie asked him.

The youth said: "It hasn't reached that level yet, so we anticipated the consequences, so we are warning in advance, and I hope you will stop in time!"

"Ha ha!"

Qin Lie laughed after listening to it: "We stopped in time, we stopped, what about the dozen or so lives of my master's family back then?

It's not the people around you who died. You said it lightly. Have you ever thought about other people? "

"That's out of our consideration."

"Haha!" Qin Lie continued to laugh, "Very good, I originally thought how great you are, but now it seems that you are just unscrupulous people who look down on all living beings with their heads down and indifferent."

What the young man said just now made Qin Lie very upset.

He didn't know if there really was a superpower that could decide the direction of the Chinese nation.

But if this force is really as impersonal as the youth described, then it's worth not listening to these words.

"I'm sorry." Qin Lie shook his head and said, "I'm not satisfied with the answer you gave me. I won't listen to your suggestion. I will definitely investigate the matter of the Xiao family to the end."

"It doesn't matter."

After the young man heard it, he still had a calm expression on his face: "I said, this is a notice. Of course it's best if you listen. If you don't listen, someone will naturally come to clean you up later."

"I'm just a messenger, not a threat to you. Now that the words have come, I should go too."

After saying this, the young man raised his head, put his hands behind his back, and walked out of the community gate with a leisurely expression on his face.

Qin Lie was actually quite unhappy in this picture, mainly because this guy looked aloof from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps relying on the background behind him, he is indeed qualified to be unscrupulous.

But Qin Lie was just unhappy.

It's just that even Qiu Bai is not his opponent, let alone himself.

So even if he was upset, Qin Lie could only watch him go away.

It wasn't until after he left that Qin Lie went back to drive and drove the car into the garage.


Today's matter is not small, even after Qin Lie returned home, he still thinks about it.

After all, what this young man mentioned is really too big, a superpower that is above the eight great families, if such forces start to interfere in their own affairs.

The situation got complicated again.

After returning home, Qiu Bai naturally asked about the young man for the first time.

He sat on the sofa, his anger subsided a little, he wanted to watch TV, but after a few channels, he felt boring.

In the end, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Boy, after Xiao Xiao Hou and I left, what else did you and that boy talk about?"

Qin Lie was eating and thinking for a while.

He didn't answer Qiu Bai, but instead asked the past: "Master, in the world you know, which do you think is the biggest family power in Huaxia?"

Qiu Bai felt strange: "Why are you asking this?"

"It must have something to do with that young man," Qin Lie said.

As a result, Qiu Bai insisted: "That must be the Xuanyuan family. Among the eight great families, the Xuanyuan family is now the most influential, including their current leader, Xuanyuan Hao, who is also the most outstanding of all the patriarchs.

Henry Zhang is much worse than him. "

"But." Qin Lie's focus was not here, but asked, "The young man told me just now that the power behind him is bigger than the eight great families, and even the eight great families are under their control."

"Impossible!" Qiu Bai said immediately after listening, "You just listen to his bragging, and it's not surprising that he said that the universe belongs to him, but you really believe it. already?"

"But," Qin Lie said, "you can't explain his skills. If it wasn't for better resources, how could he be able to outperform you at such a young age?"

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