The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1583 I Have Something To Tell You

For something like kung fu, in addition to looking at talent, resources are also very important.

The more powerful the family, the more connections, masters and cultivation methods it has.

Like the Xuanyuan family, there are super masters like Xuanyuan Wei and Xuanyuan Hongtu in the family.

That young master who was born in Xuanyuan's family, like Xuanyuan Tianci, naturally got more resources than others, and he practiced more with less effort.

Qin Lie can have the skills he has now, and the resources are not bad.

In terms of martial arts, his masters are all super monsters like Qiu Bai, Situ Xuan, and Qiu Liyuan.

Only he can compete with Xuanyuan Tianci in court.

But if you think about it in reverse, that person's ability can even beat Qiu Bai, and he is only in his thirties.

This shows that he has better resources than himself and Xuanyuan Tianci.

If we push it backwards, it means that his master may be more powerful than someone like Situ Xuanqiu Liyuan.

If it wasn't for a superpower that was bigger than the Eight Great Families, how could such a person be cultivated.

But Qiu Bai still didn't believe it, and said like this: "You think too much, there are always one or two people in this world who are extremely talented and can grow into super masters in a period of time.

In my opinion, he is just a martial arts genius with a relatively high talent, and then a member of the Xiao family. The Xiao family deliberately sent him over to make up a story to scare us.

It's just that the more they do it, the more I think we're getting closer to the truth of the matter, and they're scared. "

After Qin Lie heard what Qiu Bai said, he also felt that it was reasonable.

The most important thing is that even Qiu Bai has never heard of such a superpower.

If this force really existed, it would be impossible for it to not be able to let out such a little wind.

Hey, after all, Qin Lie can't think of what the specific situation is at this moment.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's impossible to really listen to his words and not investigate, so let's talk about it later.

Ignoring it for a while, Qin Lie left the matter behind.

The rest of the time was spent at home, and it was not until the evening that Qin Lie simply ate something and went to Qiu Liyuan's side.

No matter what happens here, the aristocratic family can't slack off the situation over there.

Bai Xianglan is still waiting for her in Taizhou.

It was still two hours of training time as usual, Qin Lie was out of the Tang family's old house at about eight o'clock.

As soon as he left the old house, his cell phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at it, and it turned out to be Murong Huanyu.

Since leaving the magic capital, Qin Lie and Murong Huanyu have less time to meet. The last time they met was when they were robbing rare earth mines in Africa.

Murong Huanyu was busy with his family's great business, and worked hard to inherit the position of the head of the family in the future.

Seeing the call, Qin Lie picked it up immediately and teased him: "Oh, Master Murong, you busy man still has time to call me."

Murong Huanyu also cooperated with Qin Lie and said, "Young Master Qin, no matter how busy you are, I can't even see you. I am Master Murong, I'm afraid I have to make an appointment to see you, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After the two of them said this, they both laughed.

Then Qin Lie said: "Fine Huan Yu, don't be poor, is there anything you need to call?"

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" Murong Huanyu said, "I've been busy with the big competition on the family side recently, and I'm really overwhelmed, and my mentality is about to explode."

"Who isn't." Qin Lie also said, "I feel like I'm tied up in Dragon City every day. I have to train every day, and I can't get out of the city if I want to."

"You're just training." Murong Huanyu said, "I'm not training, I'm doing competitions. Isn't this time the family competition is held here with us, I have to do the arena, do the logistics, and also take you all The food, clothing, housing, and transportation of these contestants are handled well, hey, it's really a piece of chicken feathers."

"You can leave these things to others..." Qin Lie said.

"If I can give it to other people, can I not be lazy? The family won't let it. It must be said that the big family competition this time is very important, and it must be done well, so that other families can't be seen as a joke, what can I do? manage?"

"Haha..." Qin Lie smiled after hearing this, "Then you're pretty miserable too."

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Murong Huanyu said suddenly, "I have almost dealt with things on my side. The first few days really made me die. I am going to fly to Longcheng in the next two days. Let's play with you."


Qin Lie listened and became happy too.

After all, it was either a company or a training session recently, and he was panicking in his heart, and since he and Murong Huanyu had not seen each other for a long time, it would be nice to have an old friend together.

"When are you coming?" Qin Lie asked.

"Tomorrow." Murong Huanyu said, "I will fly directly over tomorrow, I can't stand it any more."

"Okay!" Qin Lie agreed immediately, "Just come, I will definitely treat you well."

"Hehe." Murong Huanyu smiled, "Then I'll wait for your reception."

In this way, after the matter was settled, the two hung up the phone.

Qin Lie went home from Tang's house and drove all the way to the community.

He thought that today's affairs should be over, but when he arrived at the gate of the community, he found another person, and he had to deal with this person.

This person is quiet.

Wen Jing stood in front of the gate of the community and kept walking in front. After seeing his own car, she stopped and cast her eyes.

Qin Lie slowly stopped the car, rolled down the window, and asked Wen Jing, "What's the matter, do you have anything to do with me?"

Wen Jing's side is no longer the same enthusiasm for herself as before, but her expression is calm and her mood fluctuations are small.

Standing far away, she told Qin Lie, "I want to chat with you, do you have time?"

"Figured it out?" Qin Lie asked her.

But instead of answering, she smiled and continued to ask, "So do you have time?"

Qin Lie nodded, waved at her, and motioned for her to get in the car.

Wen Jing came over from the far side, opened the door and got in the car. Qin Lie turned the direction, drove the car to a nearby Qingshui bar, parked the car, and then walked into the bar with Wen Jing.

The bar is very small, with only two stores in total. The decoration is very retro, with a little Western European style.

The music is all foreign folk songs, very quiet, and there are only two or three small tables of customers.

This place is more suitable for talking about things.

After the two were seated, they each ordered a glass of wine, and when the wine came, the two could only see eye contact.

Qin Lie didn't take the initiative to ask her, but waited for her to speak.

And her mood was a little restrained. After holding the wine glass and taking a few sips, she finally made up her mind and said, "I have something to tell you."

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