Qin Lie didn't respond much. He clasped his hands together and sat across from her, looking at her, waiting for her next sentence.

And Wen Jing paused again before saying: "Actually, I lied to you a lot, almost everything you have been exposed to before was performed by me."

"And then." Qin Lie was still holding his hands simply, he had already guessed these things himself.

Wen Jing continued: "My real name is actually not Wen Jing. In fact, I don't know what my own name should be. They always only call me by my code name. My code name is Red Thorn. You can call me Red Thorn."

"Are you a trained agent?" Qin Lie asked directly.

"Yes!" Today's Red Thorn had already thought about it very clearly. After she failed to seduce Qin Lie last time, the sentence Qin Lie said to her made her think about it for a long time.

Since she called Qin Lie out today, she naturally planned to confess everything.

She nodded and said: "My real occupation is not a model, not a coser, I am a female agent."

"Who trained it?" Qin Lie asked.

"The Xiao family," said Red Thorn, "I've been in training camp since I can remember, and I don't even know where I was born.

And then all the days before eighteen are either training or training.

We train various killing techniques, camouflage techniques, and speaking techniques in order to help the Xiao family deal with the troubles of various scenarios. "

"So the Xiao family sent you to come to me?" Qin Lie continued to ask.

"No." Red Thorn shook his head again, "After finishing training at the age of eighteen, I was sent to Xuanyuan Tianci's side to serve Xuanyuan Tianci and help him accomplish everything he wanted to accomplish."

When she heard this, Qin Lie interrupted her a little and said: "Let me rationalize the logic a little bit, you have been a special agent since you were a child, you were trained by the Xiao family, and the Xiao family spent money to train you, and then you were sent. Xuanyuan Tianci is by his side, so the Xiao family and Xuanyuan Tianci are actually a group?"


Red Thorn said affirmatively: "In the things I have observed, Xuanyuan Tianci and the Xiao family, especially the Xiao family's head, Henry Zhang, have a very close relationship. Although I don't know what their relationship is, they do communicate frequently in private. ."


Qin Lie snapped his fingers, the information was very important to him.

There are various signs before that, Xuanyuan Tianci and the Xiao family have frequent exchanges, and their relationship may be unusual.

But those are speculations without direct evidence.

As the woman beside Xuanyuan Tianci, Red Thorn can also be said to be Xuanyuan Tianci's confidant. After clearly confirming this, the matter can be implemented.

In this case, the Xiao family does things and pushes the matter on the Xuanyuan family, and Xuanyuan Tianci helps to make fake files to hide it, this logic can be made sense.

Qin Lie was very satisfied that Red Thorn came out to talk to him this time. As an insider, Red Thorn provided a lot of valuable information.

The last time I was careful, my plan to turn the red thorn against the water was also very successful.

Qin Lie was not satisfied, and continued to ask: "Then what is Xuanyuan Tianci's mission to send you to me this time?"

Red Thorn still answered decisively: "Looking for clues about Ning Kun, it is best to find where he is."

She said, "Now Xuanyuan Tianci is afraid of you sending Ning Kun directly to Xuanyuan Hao, so his plan will be exposed, so he doesn't dare to provoke you now, so he can only use this strategy."

"He wants me to get close to you, seduce you, and establish a lover relationship with you, so that you can get Ning Kun's information from you effortlessly. This is my complete mission this time."

"Ok!" Qin Lie nodded, "Understood."

"And besides these words, I also know that Xuanyuan Tianci has killed many members of the Xuanyuan family in a row over the past few years in order to forge his file."

"As long as the Xuanyuan family members who participated in the mission appeared in his file, he silenced them one by one, but in fact these people don't know anything about the so-called sixteen years ago, they are just the real murderers. scapegoat."

Qin Lie listened carefully, and continued to ask Red Thorn, "How much do you know about my master, who was exterminated sixteen years ago?"

Red Thorn shook his head: "I don't know about this. Sixteen years ago, I was just a child, and the things before were only because Xuanyuan Tianci often gave me tasks to do, and I only knew a little bit."

"But I can confirm one thing, that is the matter of Qiu Bai's annihilation. It must be done by the Xiao family. Xuanyuan Tianci did these things just to help the Xiao family bury the truth."

"Now that I know, there is only so much content that is valuable to you, and I don't know about the others."

In the end, Red Thorn told Qin Lie everything very frankly.

In fact, it takes a lot of determination to say these things.

Qin Lie nodded, took a sip of the wine in front of him, and said sincerely, "I'm very happy that you can change yourself, and thank you for telling me this."


Speaking of this, Red Thorn was naturally worried again, she grabbed her wine glass and hesitated: "If I were the old me, I would definitely not be able to tell you these things.

I used to admire Xuanyuan Tianci so much, I thought he was a god and an indispensable and important man in my life.

But through this incident I learned that all the things I fantasize are just my fantasies.

He didn't take me seriously at all. In his eyes, I was even worse than a dog.

What you said to me last time in that room woke me up, I think it's almost time for me to wake up, I want to be myself, I want to live for myself once. "

Qin Lie smiled slightly and said the same thing: "I'm glad you think so."

On the other hand, Red Thorn was obviously concerned about other things.

She hesitated for a long time, and finally summoned up the courage to ask Qin Lie: "Brother Qin, I ask you a question, is it true that what you said last time can send me to a place where even the Xiao family can't find it? of?"

Qin Lie smiled and had been waiting for her at this place for a long time.

It took so much effort to gain her trust, so it must have been done to listen to her complaints here.

of course not.

Qin Lie quickly said: "Of course it's true, the Xiao family is not omnipotent."

"It's just." Qin Lie immediately changed the conversation, "You have to do me one more favor before I can send you out."

"What's up?" Red Thorn asked.

"You have to continue to help me stay by Xuanyuan Tianci's side for about a month. During this period, you have to tell me some of his movements and what he asked you to do."

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