It seems that the red thorn suddenly understood at this time.

She stared at Qin Lie and said, "So you want me to help you go undercover and stare at Xuanyuan Tianci."

Qin Lie nodded: "In a sense, it is true."

"Then aren't you taking advantage of me?"

Qin Lie laughed: "I never said I would help you for free."

"But I've given you so much information now, isn't it enough?" Red Thorn asked.

Qin Lie continued to laugh: "To be honest, what you just said, even if you didn't tell me, I almost guessed it, and of course I want more."

"Qin Lie!" The red thorn gradually became excited, "I came out with you today and told you so much that I completely betrayed Xuanyuantian.

The main reason I did this was to leave Xuanyuan Tianci, I came to help you, and then you actually pushed me back and asked me to do things for you. "

"Be careful!" Qin Lie said, "I have a time limit for what I do. One month, you only need to help me for one month. After a month, the family competition will end a lot of things.

After the family competition, I will officially send you overseas.

The United States and Europe, I have bases in these two places, you can choose whatever you want. "

"Then how do I know what you are saying is true again?" Red Thorn said.

Qin Lie: "I know what I promised, and I will do it. Have I never mentioned before that I can send you out without you needing to do anything.

Now I said, in a month, I will definitely send you out, since I said it, I will do it. "

"No!" Red Thorn shook his head, "I told you so much now, my attitude towards Xuanyuan Tianci will be different now, he will find the flaws, I can't help you!"

"Red Thorn." Qin Lie said, "You have to understand, you came to use me in the first place, and you even wanted my life.

We were enemies in the beginning. To put it bluntly, when I found out that you were sent by Xuanyuan Tianci, I could even kill you!

You should thank me for not killing you, not to mention I just let you do such a simple thing. "


Red Thorn was told by Qin Lie that he didn't know how to refute it.

While hesitating, Qin Lie said again: "Red Thorn, now you tell me this, the only person you can rely on is me, if I tell this to Xuanyuan Tianci, guess how he will deal with it. you.

I know you are not afraid of death, but believe me, you will be free after a month. After I send you abroad, you can go wherever you want, and I can arrange it for you.

But if you don't believe me, no matter if you are on my side or on Xuanyuan Tianci's side, you won't be able to get better, you can choose for yourself. "

After saying this, Qin Lie picked up the glass and started drinking again.

He's giving the Spurs time to think.

Of course, the current Red Thorn has no way out. What he gave is the only feasible way. He is not worried that the Red Thorn will not agree.

Sure enough, after seeing the red thorn tangled for several minutes, she seemed to finally make up her mind.

He glanced over and asked Qin Lie, "You promise that it will only take a month!"

Qin Lie nodded sincerely, which he can guarantee: "One month later will be the end of the grievances between me and the Xiao family and Xuanyuan Tianci. After one month, even if you want to stay, I don't need to let you stay."

In this case, the Red Thorn finally made a decision.

"Well, I promise you, this month I will tell you all the information I know!"

"It was a wise decision." Qin Lie said, "You can rest assured that today, a month from now, I guarantee you will be sitting on a beach in the United States or Europe, drinking a drink and basking in the sun carefree. "

"I hope what you said is true." Red Thorn said, "But I have one more request now."


Red Thorn said: "Recently, Xuanyuan Tianci has become more and more irritable, madly urging me to bring the news of Ning Kun back to him, he beat me no less than five times for this matter, I can't stand it anymore.

If you want me to stay by his side, you have to give me some useful information, even if you give me a fake news where Ning Kun is. "

In this regard, Qin Lie's attitude is especially straightforward.

He said directly: "Yes, I don't have to tell you false information, I will tell you the real information directly."

Having said that, Qin Lie directly told Red Thorn the address of Ning Kun.

After listening to it, Red Thorn was surprised: "You, you are so relieved to tell me, you are not afraid that I will betray you again."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Lie is very confident. "Since I dare to tell you, I have my confidence. You can tell him the address. If he has the guts, he will come to rob someone."

You're joking, you thought about this when you rescued Ning Kun and protected him.

Where is Ning Kun now?

Living with the elite armed members of the Cape family, who are basically all under the command of Bruni himself, the combat power is only stronger than that of the Longyan squad.

There were as many as three hundred people.

In such a situation, as long as the Xiao family hadn't dispatched the Xiao family's army, they would have nothing to do with the people inside.

That defense like an iron barrel, even if Xuanyuan Tianci knew about it, what could he do?

It was about the Xiao family, and he didn't dare to use the Xuanyuan family's armament. Even if he knew about it, he could only watch it.

Qin Lie still has this little confidence.

So I feel at ease and boldly tell the news to Red Thorn.

Red Thorn was very satisfied when he got the news, at least it wouldn't be treated inhumanly by Xuanyuan Tianci.

The cooperation between the two was also officially established at this time.

With their own goals in mind, the two picked up the wine glasses together and toasted to celebrate the victory one month later.

Today's meeting with Red Thorn was very fruitful, and it was getting closer and closer to the truth of the year. Qin Lie was very satisfied.

Burying the red thorn beside Xuanyuan Tianci was like planting a bomb beside Xuanyuan Tianci.

As for how and when the bomb exploded, it was under his control.

After drinking in the bar, Qin Lie sent the red thorn home. Because it was very close, there were no traffic police on the road. Qin Lie drove back.

After arriving at the red thorn's house, Qin Lie deliberately stayed at the red thorn's side for a while.

After all, he had already told Red Thorn about Ning Kun's news. From Xuanyuan Tianci's perspective, Red Thorn must have succeeded in seducing him, so he still had to play the role he was supposed to play.

After staying at Hongthorn's house for another half an hour, Qin Lie only left the room and returned to his own home.

Without a dream, Qin Lie slept well this night.

Early the next morning, Qin Lie got out of bed, tidied up a little, and went straight to Longcheng Airport.

Today, it is to entertain the eldest young master from the magic capital.

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