The team's training ground is near Longcheng, while the East Bay is really far away.

Everyone drove for more than an hour before returning to Longcheng, and then walked on the ring road for another half an hour before finally arriving at the venue.

The location of the venue is also relatively biased, and the facilities are all new, and the shape is a bit like a stadium, surrounded by walls.

Almost at the entrance, everyone could hear the turbo and the roar of the racing cars in the car park.

Because the Wang family has a stake in the Honghe Racing Team, Wang Congcong is also considered a large and small shareholder. Now that he is at the racing venue, those staff also know him.

After Wang Congcong expressed his intention, the staff immediately brought everyone in.

The team's training ground is built according to the standard competition field. The track is curved in various directions in the field, and then there are speed bumps and buffer belts on both sides of each curve. If the field diameter is pulled through, it should be about 300 meters. , and Wang Congcong said that after this lap, the mileage is about five kilometers.

In addition to the track, there are auditoriums around the track. The auditorium is not high, with only seven or eight floors in total.

At this time, there were actually quite a few people sitting in the auditorium. There were about a dozen people in the group on the left, and about a dozen in the group on the right. They were all young people with immature faces.

Don't know where it came from.

What do these young people say, standing without standing, sitting without sitting.

Some people have yellow hair, and some people have green hair, just like street bastards.

Qin Lie felt that there was something wrong with these people, so he asked the staff on the side, "What happened to those people in the stands?"

"Oh." The staff said, "Oh, they were originally here to play racing today, but because Young Master Wang and the young masters are coming to play, we will let them wait first, and then let them play when they are finished. They come in."

Qin Lie listened and said strangely: "Do you also allow other people to come in to drive F1?"

The staff member said: "Because the fleet operation needs money, in addition to the company's money, we are also looking for ways to earn extra money, and then the venue has a rental policy, charging 500,000 per hour, which can supplement the consumption of some fleets."

Qin Lie listened and asked again: "But I heard that the f1 is very expensive to build. If it is damaged, it will be several million. Can you use it for them?"

The staff said: "The cars we give them experience are not professional racing cars, but experience models. The operation of these experience models is the same as that of F1 cars, but the materials are much cheaper. At the same time, we also limit the speed of the experience models. At speeds up to 210km, the damage won't be that great."

Qin Lie nodded and understood.

"But don't worry, young masters." The staff member said, "Since it is the young masters who want to experience it, you can choose the cars in our fleet at will.

But you need to pay attention to your safety. After all, this car overturned, and it was basically a serious injury. That is your personal safety, and you need to pay attention to it. "

Having said that, Qin Lie finally understood why those young people in the stands were so hostile to the people on his side. It turned out that he had joined them all.

And they can drive the car in the field at will, and they can only drive the experience model.

This is the hateful part of the privileged party, but there is no way, who made their own side so rich.

If they had that much money, they could have privileges too.

Damn, the combined net worth of several people is almost more than one trillion, so it's not too much to jump in.

Murong Huanyu was very anxious, and didn't want to listen to the nonsense of the staff at all, and said directly: "Okay, okay, don't worry about these things, I don't know how to cherish my life?

Hurry up and find a professional racing driver to come over and tell us about the operation matters and what is the difference from ordinary cars, and then we will be ready to play. "

"Yes!" The staff member was urged, so he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately did as Murong Huanyu said.

About five minutes later, a young man with a shaved head came out of the racing office behind. The young man was wearing the Red River team uniform and holding a safety helmet in his hand. He was very capable, and he was obviously a racing driver.

After the man came to the front, he quickly introduced himself: "Hello everyone, I am a professional racing driver of the F1 division of the Red River Racing Team. My name is Wang Heng."

"Next, let me take you to understand the construction and operation precautions of the F1 car."

Then, Wang Heng took everyone to the place where the cars were parked next to the venue, and started to explain around an F1 car.

Wang Heng said: "Although there are many similarities between the operation of an F1 car and the operation of a normal car, there are also many differences.

Most of the steering wheels of our ordinary cars are only used to control the direction and control the lights, while the steering wheels of our F1 racing cars have more functions.

We can control the fuel system of the car, the shifting operation of the car, and the clutch plate of the car, and the wireless dialogue system of the car itself also needs to be implemented through the steering wheel. "

Qin Lie listened, and then noticed the structure of the steering wheel of this racing car, which is indeed quite complicated.

There are more than ten buttons above, and these buttons are also divided into short presses and long presses.

Just remembering these things takes a lot of time.

But that Wang Heng was very professional and explained one by one: "The button that starts with the letter n is the neutral button, as long as you use this button when you are parking.

Then the button at the beginning of s is the display button. After pressing this, all the information of the car will appear on the display, such as fuel, engine condition, consumption time per lap, etc.

The button that starts with the red u is..."

Facing this car, Wang Heng read from the textbook like in class, which really made everyone very boring.

Murong Huanyu waved his hand directly: "It's alright, don't talk so much, who remembers these things, just tell me which pedal is the brake, which pedal is the accelerator, and whether the car can drive is enough. Now, what's the use of saying these, like we seem to need these things."

Wang Heng was interrupted and smiled awkwardly: "Yes, you really don't need a lot of the above things, but I'm just doing my own job and introducing things to you. Young master doesn't need it, so I won't say it."

Then Wang Heng packed up his mood and said very concisely: "The left foot controls the brake, and the right foot controls the accelerator. Be careful not to exceed the speed of 250 yards. You must slow down when you encounter a curve, and the rest is nothing."

"Look!" Murong Huanyu said with satisfaction, "Isn't this all right!"

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