"Come here." Murong Huanyu greeted everyone to get in the car, "Everyone, pick a car that you are satisfied with. Let's get in and familiarize ourselves with the car's conditions."

As he said that, he picked the car beside him and whispered: "I want this one, don't grab it from me, I think this car is cool, maybe it can run faster than you."

Wang Heng smiled and said, "Master Murong, the cars in our yard are all made by the same manufacturer, and there is almost no difference in performance..."

"I don't care." Murong Huanyu continued, "I want this car anyway."

Qin Lie, Qi Tianchang and Wang Congcong each chose one this time.

Then they put on the armor and other things together with the help of professionals, and then climbed into the car.

How should I put it, inside the F1 car, the whole person actually seems to be lying on the ground, only a small seat barely sticks out.

All in all, the line of sight of the whole person is very low. It is the first time for Qin Lie to drive under such a perspective, and the experience is very novel.

According to what Wang Heng said, the left foot braked, the right foot accelerator, and after pressing the phone switch on the steering wheel, the car's engine roared, and the right foot accelerator went down, and the car slowly moved.

What Murong Huanyu means, now everyone is not familiar with the operation of this f1, first use a few laps to test the performance of the car and their operation.

The first two laps are just for fun.

When the accelerator went down, the car started to move, and Qin Lie drove the car to the track.

The route ahead was still relatively cautious, and the speed of the car was not too fast. After the first lap, Qin Lie's biggest feeling was that the direction of this F1 car was actually not very sensitive.

It's not the problem of the steering wheel, but the maximum turning range of the tires in front of the car is not too large. Maybe it is because the car is too fast and the wheel is too large to cause the car to roll over.

Fortunately, the corners in the racetrack are not very large, and there are only three U-shaped corners in total. too difficult.

After two laps, Qin Lie pulled the top speed to about 210 yards. That feeling is really different from ordinary driving.

Because his body was close to the ground again, he felt like he was flying close to the ground.

Swish, swish, the car sped all the way, and the surrounding things rushed past like lightning.

And when it finally stopped, the braking system was very developed, and the speed of more than 200 yards was directly reduced to zero within a distance of less than 20 meters.

The powerful acceleration that came at the same time felt like the internal organs in my body were about to spit out.

If this body doesn't have the endurance, I wouldn't dare to drive this car.

At the end of the two laps, Murong Huanyu opened the hatch above her head, stuck her head out and asked Qin Lie, "How about Qin Lie, let's get acquainted."

Qin Lie gave him a thumbs up and said, "No problem. In fact, the operation is similar to driving a car, except that the speed is a bit fast and the direction is not easy to control."

"Yes!" Murong Huanyu nodded and said, "But he is really fast when he gets up, and the thing next to him just swishes past, it feels so good!"

Men just like to pursue this ultimate speed, which can bring sensory shocks, physical and psychological experiences that push boundaries.

Then the adrenaline in the body soared rapidly, reaching a very excited state.

The current Murong Huanyu is in such a state.

Then he asked Qin Lie and everyone behind Qi Tianchang: "How about it? Now that we're all here, we have to compete with the four of us. We are familiar with the venue and operation. Let's see who can win in the end?"

"Yes." Wang Congcong said confidently, "I am much more familiar than you. I have come here four or five times, and I am not afraid."

"Where's Lao Qin?" Murong Huanyu asked over there.

Qin Lie shrugged and responded immediately: "Anyway, who's out to play, who's afraid of who?"

"That's good!" Murong Huanyu immediately made a decision, "Then let's make a bet with today's dinner, whoever runs first will have a meal in the evening, and the last one will be responsible for the meal and count down. The second person is responsible for the drink money, and the second person is responsible for the entertainment activities of the meal, okay!"

It was meant to be played, and these bets were just to add some fun.

Anything that pays money is actually like no limit to everyone.

But the first to be able to prostitute for free, that is an honor.

Soon, everyone agreed.

Then, a few people drove the car to the starting point of the arena and waited to set off.

Wang Heng became the referee for this competition. After a few people drove the car to the starting point, he adjusted the distance between the cars so that everyone could be as consistent as possible.

Then he signaled to the staff in the parking lot to get the timing device ready.

The speed statistics of F1 racing cars have reached the precision of one thousandth of a second, and the whole speed monitoring needs infrared devices to complete.

Wang Heng said it was the referee, but he actually gave the starting order.

When the flag he held high suddenly fell, the racing cars of the four people rushed out like wild horses.

Whoosh whoosh!

It was completely different from when they were familiar with the venue and operation. Because of the competition, the four of them gave their full strength to the start of the car this time, slammed the accelerator to the end, and quickly raised the speed of the car.

And the acceleration of the F1 car is not comparable to that of any other ordinary vehicle. Its acceleration from 100 kilometers to 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for-000 for a few tenths of a second, at that time, a strong back push with a huge impact impact on everyone in the car.

On Qin Lie's side, he also felt the passion brought by the speed, and soon, his emotions also became excited.

Since it is a game, it must be won.

Not being able to win the first game is meaningless to Qin Lie!

Already familiar with the vehicle, Qin Lie operated it with confidence and went straight ahead.

After starting from the starting point, there is a long straight time, which is used to accelerate and prepare the vehicle.

On the straights, the performance of the car and the driver's starting response are almost all about.

Because they are all amateurs, and there is really little difference between the performance of the cars, in the first straight, the four cars almost all kept pace, approaching the first corner quickly.

With the corners, the skill gap between the drivers is reflected.

Wang Congcong often comes here to play. He is more familiar with the performance and driving of the car than Qin Lie and others. After the first corner, he rushed to the first place.

Murong Huanyu often drives and races by himself, so his skills are okay, and he ranks second for the time being.

Then Qi Tianchang and Qin Lie had similar skills and fell to the third place, and the two were probably still tied.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and it is far from determining the final outcome.

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