Several cars drove all the way into the racetrack.

And because it was a race, not a practice, several people drove very seriously, and the speed was much faster than when they practiced.

Including driving a few laps, everyone also found the feeling of driving F1.

The speed of the car soared, and it was indeed not comparable to an ordinary car.

Except for the deceleration of the big corners, the other times are basically kept above 200km/h.

And sometimes in addition to this speed, if all are straight, it can even soar to 300 per hour.

To describe this speed a little bit, it is the same speed as the high-speed rail in some sections of the country.

It felt very exciting, an experience Qin Lie had never had before.

Then as time went on, the gap between the four of them gradually widened.

As Wang Congcong said at the beginning, because he is familiar with the car, he can control these performances, and he has always maintained a leading position.

Next was Murong Huanyu, then Qin Lie, and finally Qi Tianchang.

Of course, the level of the four people is not very different, so the real distance is not widened.

Almost all one-second intervals.

The runway of F1 is not wide, so overtaking is more difficult.

A few cars remained in order until the last lap.

In the last lap, Wang Congcong was at the front, talking to other people via radio: "I said, young masters, when you first started, you were aggressive and said that you want to take the first and second place, why haven't you seen the superego yet? , if this goes on like this, I'm going to pay for dinner tonight!"

Murong Huanyu also said in his car: "Wang Congcong, don't be arrogant to Laozi, don't you get to know the venue a little bit, don't worry, you are a dozen meters ahead of me, and Laozi will overtake you in this lap. ."

"Yes." Qin Lie also said, "Cong Cong, it's not until the last moment, I can't say anything, don't get the last one."

"Hahahaha!" Wang Congcong laughed loudly, "Come on, young masters, I'm waiting for you to surpass me, I really want to come up with the money for this dinner!"

Seeing Wang Congcong being so arrogant, Murong Huanyu and the others would naturally not let him be so arrogant.

Obviously, in the last lap, Qin Lie saw that Murong Huanyu's speed had increased significantly, so he chased straight ahead.

Qin Lie also wanted to get a good ranking, and the power of the accelerator on the right has also increased a lot.

And Wang Congcong felt the pressure behind him and inexplicably accelerated.

In this way, the overall speed of the four people has been raised.

Because I am already familiar with the car and the runway, I can run normally even if the average speed is around 260.

In this way, the four finally came to the last corner of the last lap.

At this time, the order of the four of them has not changed, but the distance is actually very close. The four cars, each with a distance of two or three bodies, can overtake at any time.

It's just this time that something unexpected happens!

I want to mention here, because the team's training ground is built according to the competition venue, and there are many auditoriums next to the runway. Those auditoriums are very close to the runway, and the closest distance is even only a few meters.

Wang Congcong and the others ran to the last place where they entered the straight, which was the closest place to the auditorium.

Just as the four of them were about to turn around and enter the final sprint, something like a soda can flew straight down from the stand and ran towards the car of the four.

Wang Congcong was in the first place at the time, and he watched helplessly as this thing flew over his head.

He was terrified, a steering wheel slammed to the left, and the car slid sideways due to inertia.

And this operation of his also allowed him to avoid this can.

Anything small at high speed can cause fatal damage.

Not to mention that can.

Wang Congcong avoided this thing because of a drift, but Murong Huanyu behind him was not so lucky.

First, the time to enter the line of sight is very short, and there is Wang Congcong's car blocking it. Anyway, when the cans appeared in Murong Huanyu's line of sight, he didn't have any time to react.

In this way, with almost no operation, the can quickly hit the roof of Murong Huanyu's car, which is similar to the windshield of an ordinary car.

Then, although the transparent top cover was not completely broken, thousands of cracks were also knocked out.

Murong Huanyu's car lost control in an instant. In addition, in order to avoid the can, Wang Congcong's car in front had already pulled up sideways, and the speed of the car also dropped sharply.

In this way, Murong Huanyu's entire body slammed into Wang Congcong's body fiercely.

At this time, the speed of Murong Huanyu's car was still 200 kilometers per hour.


A loud noise shook the sky, and Qin Lie saw Murong Huanyu's car's tail fly up, the whole body tilted up, and then volleyed over 360 degrees and started somersaults.

And this tug-of-war is more than one, followed by non-stop upward, non-stop forward, and has been flying in the air!

Including Wang Congcong's car, it was also knocked over and rolled sideways.

Even Qin Lie was affected. Qin Lie's reaction was very fast. After seeing the accident in front of him, he slammed on the brakes, turned the steering wheel, and the whole body hit the speed bump.

But because the speed of the car was too fast, even on the speed bump, it didn't really have the effect of slowing down, and finally slammed into the stone pillar next to the track.


Qin Lie himself was violently rammed, and he jumped forward, his head hitting the steering wheel.

The seat belt was strangling his chest, and it felt like he was going to be strangled all over.

Qin Lie was slightly injured, a huge wound was hit on his forehead, the car stopped, and his ears were ringing for at least half a minute.

But he is still pretty good. Wang Congcong and Murong Huanyu in front of them flipped over one side and the other flipped forward. That was the real horror.

Qin Lie opened his car hood immediately after slowing down a bit.

After climbing out, I took off my safety helmet, looked left and right, walked and walked. After I felt that I had no problem, I ran straight ahead.

Right in front, Qin Lie started to pay attention to his car and didn't know the situation, but now he saw how tragic Wang Congcong and Murong Huanyu were when they collided.

Especially Murong Huanyu's car, two tires had already flown out. His whole car was buckled upside down on the ground, and the glass on the top had been shattered. He didn't know anything else. Qin Lie only saw blood dripping on the ground, that's all. It was a puddle in no time!

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