Qin Lie was a little stunned at the time, and then saw that all the people in the depot team rushed towards Wang Congcong and Murong Huanyu.

Seeing this, Qin Lie didn't dare to stop and ran all the way there.

When he got to the place where the car crashed, Qin Lie first glanced at Wang Congcong. Wang Congcong's carriage was still intact, and after it rolled over, his car finally landed squarely on the ground.

He had just lifted the lid at this time, and there was a lot of blood on his head.

Qin Lie hurriedly asked him, "How is it in a hurry, are you all right?"

Wang Congcong immediately replied: "I'm fine, you guys hurry up and see Murong Huanyu."

In fact, at this time, the other team members had already arrived around Murong Huanyu. The stretcher was put aside, and the rescuers began to drag Murong Huanyu out of the car.

Rao is Murong Huanyu, who kept screaming at the moment: "Ah! It hurts me to death, ah!! How can this happen, hurry up, hurry up and get me out!"

Qin Lie walked closer, only to find that his car had been hit and smashed in the non-stop rollover, and the seat compartment was compressed, trapping Murong Huanyu in it.

I don't know what was embedded in his chest, and the blood was flowing from that position.

"Ah, it hurts me to death, it really hurts too much?!"

The yard is equipped with a professional rescue team, who are using their hydraulic tongs to continuously open up the body.

But they were moving too slowly, Qin Lie couldn't see them, and immediately opened them, saying, "Go away, I'm coming!"

Those rescuers were very upset and didn't know what else Qin Lie would do at this time.

However, Qin Lie ignored him, and after pulling them away, he pressed one foot against the front of the car, grabbed the back of the car with both hands, roared, and suddenly exerted force.


His veins burst, and all his strength was used on it.

And as he exerted force, the body that had been compressed together was abruptly propped up by him.

The work that was supposed to be done with hydraulic pliers was actually torn apart by his flesh.

This picture made the rescue team behind them look dumbfounded, their eyes widened, and they stayed where they were, holding a pair of hydraulic pliers, abruptly not knowing what to do.

This is so special, how can a person's strength be so great?

This is a composite metal, and its strength is higher than that of ordinary metals. Qin Lie actually broke it apart by himself.

Qin Lie didn't have time to think about these things, he just wanted to get Murong Huanyu out of the carriage.

After the carriage was propped up by him, he quickly asked Murong Huanyu, "How is it, can you come out?"

Murong Huanyu still shook his head: "Can't get out, motherfucker, my legs are still stuck!"

Qin Lie poked his head in and looked in the direction where he stretched his leg, only to find that his leg was caught by a joystick in the car.

The joystick was deformed and stuck to his calf.

Seeing this, Qin Lie still did not hesitate, leaned in and grabbed the joystick with one hand. Because of the limited space, he could only touch the stick with one hand at this time.

After grabbing the joystick, I discerned the direction a little, and then started to pull it out fiercely.

First time!

Bang, the entire body of the F1 was pulled by him. The second time, the metal rod made a whimpering sound. Finally, the third time, everyone heard a click inside, and the metal rod seemed to have been torn off.

Backhand threw the metal pole to the ground, and then Murong Huanyu broke free and fell out completely.

The group of rescuers in the back looked at each other in dismay, everyone was dumbfounded.

What the hell, who is this? This is the Hulk. He almost dismantled the car with his bare hands.

They have been doing professional F1 field rescue work for so many years, and this is the first time they have seen such a hard-core car dismantling person.

This is so outrageous!

Is this a rhino?

Qin Lie saw that they had been stunned, and couldn't help urging: "Hey, what are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and take people away!"

"Oh oh, yes yes yes!" The two rescue team members then reacted, quickly stepped forward, put Murong Huanyu on the stretcher, carried it and ran away.

Qin Lie instructed at the back: "Send to the nearest hospital and let the best doctor show him!"

The rescue mission here was barely completed.

But Qin Lie didn't plan to leave just like that, and today's affairs are definitely not over yet.

He was in third place, and he clearly saw the can that flew over his head hitting the roof of Murong Huanyu's car.

That can is the source of the whole accident.

There are no soda cans in the racing field for no reason. The cans can only be thrown from the stands.

Although he didn't see who did it, it must be the two groups of people in the stands.

Qin Lie and the others came to cut the line today. There were only a dozen or so young people in the stands who were put aside because they were cut in the queue. The one who did it must be among them.

At this time, Wang Congcong also got out of the car, and after a simple dressing, he was no longer in serious trouble.

Qin Lie asked him, "How about Cong Cong, do you need to go to the hospital too?"

"No." Wang Congcong said immediately, "It's just a knock on the head, it's not a big problem, I want to find out who is the one who started today!"

"Yeah." Qin Lie nodded, which was what he wanted to do most now.

He turned around and asked Qi Tianchang, "Tianchang, where are the people who were in the stands just now?"

Qi Tianchang was in the last place, and the distance was relatively wide, so he stopped the car in time. He was the only one who was not injured in this accident.

He replied: "When I got out of the car just now, I saw the group of boys in the stands were going to run. I have already had the people in the parking lot detain them and are now staying in the lounge of the parking lot."

"Let's go!" Qin Lie said coldly with a fierce look on his face, "Let's go and see where the Maotou boy is so bold and dare to do such a thing."

Qin Lie is very angry now, especially angry.

Don't mess with others, just mess with yourself.

And whoever you harm is not good, you have to harm Murong Huanyu.

Yesterday, the scene of Murong Huanyu letting his gunman stand for him is still vivid in his mind.

"Even if I do my best to protect my brother, do you dare to play with me?"

At that time, Murong Huanyu's sword immediately stopped in front of him, forcing Xuanyuan Tianci to be speechless.

This time, when Murong Huanyu came to Longcheng, Qin Lie wanted to entertain him, but because of this incident, all the plans went to waste.

Qin Lie still has the same philosophy: you can move me, but you can't move the people around me.

Murong Huanyu was seriously injured this time, and he would have to lie in bed for at least a month after surgery and recovery.

He absolutely can't stand this kind of thing, and those who have to do it pay the price!

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