A dozen or so young people in their early twenties were trapped here in the Red River Motorcade Depot and the lounge.

There are team staff guarding the door, and they can't get out at all.

The atmosphere at the scene was very depressing, these boys were either playing with their fingers or lying on the chairs and playing with their phones.

Just suddenly, this quiet atmosphere was broken.

With a bang, the door of the lounge was kicked open, and Qin Lie rushed here with Wang Congcong and Qi Tianchang.

Qin Lie was aggressive and murderous.

After breaking in, he pointed at the group of boys and asked, "Who did it on a horse?"

His voice was particularly loud, and the entire lounge was quite empty, so his voice echoed over the entire lounge.

Being yelled at by him, the boys shuddered unconsciously and looked at each other, but no one spoke.

The dozen or so boys were actually a little scared.

Although these people are all adults, most of them are in their twenties. They are college students who have not graduated yet. Qin Lie, Wang Congcong, and Qi Tianchang are all people who have been struggling in society for a long time.

Even though they are only six or seven years apart, the social network resources, as well as the aura of courage, are far, far away.

So even though Qin Lie only had three people, he still stunned more than a dozen opponents.

It's just that they talk to each other about loyalty or other things, and they have a tacit understanding and do not explain the person who did it.

Seeing that these people didn't speak, Qin Lie certainly didn't have such good patience.

He walked in front of these people, walked back and forth twice, and then said: "I don't want to say yes, I'm all about loyalty, right?"

Qin Lie didn't care, he grabbed a boy's collar with his backhand, and pulled the boy up from the chair.

This kid looks very immature, with green hair on his head.

After arresting the kid, Qin Lie pressed him directly: "Hey kid, let me ask you, who threw that can on the horse into the arena just now?"

Lumao seemed to be very hard-hearted, gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Lie: "You ask Laozi, how did Laozi know, what happened to yourselves, don't you know, Laozi is not your father, and you have to take care of you?"

When Qin Lie heard the boy's words, he ignored him at all, and slapped him in the face.

With a slap, a crisp sound came. Qin Lie's strength was so great that the green hair's face was swollen with a slap.

Grabbing his collar, he pointed at his nose and said, "Boy, I warn you to keep your mouth clean when you fart, and talk to me well!"

"Fuck you, Lao Tzu!" This kid is also a temperamental person. Seeing how domineering Qin Lie is, he slapped him as soon as he came. After he was beaten, he immediately exploded.

In turn, he struggled and roared, "Grandson, how dare you hit me, do you know who I am, do you dare to hit me?"

Qin Lie didn't even bother to listen to him. Seeing that he didn't agree, he slapped his backhand on the opposite side of the slap he just slapped.

The two palm prints are symmetrical.

Qin Lie said indifferently: "You don't understand me, do you understand when I tell you to have a clean mouth when you fart??"

"Grass mud horse!"

Seeing Qin Lie being so arrogant, the others were not happy either.

It is estimated that it is also a well-known rich second generation in the Longcheng circle. They are not happy, and another person stands up from their seat and wants to slap Lumao.

"Grandson, I want to see how powerful you are!"

As a result, the kid didn't even stand up completely, Qin Lie just kicked him in the chest.

This kick was extremely powerful, and when he kicked it in the past, the boy almost fell backward and shot back. Not only did he sit back to his original position, but he also took the chair back five or six meters and smashed the table. Countless chairs.

This kick was extremely lethal, and the man was kicked on the chair and slumped, unable to get up without saying anything.

Killing the chicken to warn the monkey, because Qin Lie's foot was so powerful, it not only frightened Lu Mao, but also frightened everyone else.

With such a strong combat power, I am afraid that no one will be an opponent.

The domineering appearance finally bluffed Lumao too much. Lumao was breathing heavily, and finally he didn't dare to speak so aggressively.

Ask Qin Lie, "What do you want?"

Qin Lie said: "I have made it very clear, who lost this thing?"

Having said that, Qin Lie took out the can and showed it to these people.

Although the green hair didn't dare to talk nonsense, he was still sloppy: "Then who knows, you don't even know that you were lost, how do I know?"

"It's nonsense to step on the horse less." Qin Lie said, "There are only a dozen of you in the stands, and the things can only be lost by you. Tell me you don't know, do you think I'm stupid?"

"But I just don't know." The green-haired rogue said, "But I just don't know, is it wrong that I don't know?"

Qin Lie didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and said indifferently, "Your fault is because you shouldn't have been chosen by me. Since you were chosen by me, you have to say what I want."

Qin Lie's words are very domineering, domineering to the point that although you did nothing wrong, I want you to do it wrong, you just did it wrong.

"If you don't want to say it, I'll put this on your head and give you ten seconds to think about it."

Qin Lie said so, and even counted down.




Needless to say, he didn't even give him a chance to react.

The green hair was a little flustered and a little speechless.

Whispered: "No, what the hell are you doing, I said I don't know, what are you arguing with me, are you deaf?"

Qin Lie still ignored him and counted down to himself: "Seven, six, five..."

Lu Mao said excitedly: "Do you think the countdown is very threatening? I want to see, even if you have finished counting the numbers, what can you do to me!!"

"I said it." Qin Lie said, "Tell me what I want to know before I finish the countdown, otherwise, you will take care of that person for this matter."

Having said that, Qin Lie continued to count down: "Four, three, two..."

"I'm so, I really don't know!"


This is Qin Lie's last countdown.

After the last sound, Qin Lie didn't give him another chance, grabbed his hand, and slammed back fiercely!

Qin Lie said it before, since you don't want to tell it, let him bear it together.

Qin Lie was so angry that he didn't hold back at all. His strength was so great that at this moment, almost the entire lounge heard the sound of the kid's hand being cut off.


Followed by his hoarse scream.


This was only the first blow, and immediately after, Qin Lie kicked his left leg and kicked his calf again.

The calf bone is brittle, and it is also clicked again. The green hairy leg is broken 180 degrees in the opposite direction, and the knees are directly on the ground.

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