
Just that sentence made Wang Tianlu realize the seriousness of the matter.

He was in his forties, his legs were weak at that time, and he knelt on the ground weakly.

Like a thunderbolt!

His son didn't cause trouble, he pierced the sky.

Qin Lie's identity had already terrified him enough, but what terrified him even more was that the person who was knocked into the hospital turned out to be the young master of the Murong family, Murong Huanyu.

What a terrible family is the Murong family? Those are the eight great families that can almost equal the Xiao family!

Xu Ying relied on the Xiao family to rise back then, and he rose by relying on Xu Ying, which is already two levels behind.

If the Murong family wanted to crush him, it would be no more troublesome than crushing an ant.

And his son, the wretch who was killed by heaven, actually provoked such a behemoth. This is the end of his royal family.

Wang Tianlu wanted to go back and beat his son, but he couldn't do it right now.

He was sobbing bitterly, a few decades old, and slumped on the ground like a helpless child.

And his son finally found out that something was wrong, he climbed up to Wang Tianlu and asked, "Dad, what the hell is going on, Dad, what Murong family, is this Murong family really powerful?"

Wang Tianlu was so helpless that he didn't have the strength to hit the boy, he weakly kicked his son out, saying: "Go to hell, I have never given birth to your son, don't call me dad in the future, get out, Get out of here!"

That kid finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and persuaded his dad like this: "Dad, don't do this, I'm wrong, I know it's wrong, let's settle the matter, he just wants money, let's take the money Just give it to him!"


When Wang Tianlu was mentioned by his son, he was surprised. He turned to look at Qin Lie and asked, "Young Master Qin, are you really just asking for money?"

Qin Lie shrugged: "I told your son at the beginning that money can solve the problem. If he can't come up with that much money, I can only find you."

"Then..." Wang Tianlu's eyes showed hope, and he asked Qin Lie, "Then how much are you going to charge?"

"10 billion." Qin Lie said, "You give me 10 billion, and I will let your son leave alive today."


Hearing this number, Wang Tianlu still hummed in pain.

Although he thought that Qin Lie would speak loudly, the number was still a bit too much.

His total worth is only 20 billion, and Qin Lie directly asked for half of him.

And his worth is worth, many of which exist in the form of shares, and his company's internal cash flow does not even exceed 2 billion, which requires 10 billion, and he has to sell a lot of things.

It's really dying.

At this moment, the kid finally knew that he was afraid. His father was so frightened when he met him. How could he provoke such a person.

He wept bitterly and asked Qin Lie to beg for mercy: "Brother, Mr. Qin, I was wrong, I really know now, I know you are a big man, I shouldn't provoke you, but 10 billion is too much. .

Even if Young Master Murong is rich, he doesn't need as much as 10 billion to get hurt once, right? "

Qin Lie ignored it and bit him to death: "My brother is worth the money."

Wang Tianlu was in great pain, and he could see that Qin Lie had no intention of letting go.

At that time, when he gritted his teeth and was cruel, he said: "Okay, Master Qin, 10 billion is 10 billion, I will give it to you!"

"Okay." Qin Lie nodded with satisfaction, "Since Mr. Wang has an idea to solve the problem, let's solve the problem."

"It's just that I can't take out one hundred million at the first time. I can only give you two billion first, and then I will wait for my equity to sell out, and then slowly credit it to your account."

"Okay!" Qin Lie didn't ask so much in this case, "Then I'll wait for you."


Wang Tianlu thanked him, and immediately called the company's financial department to let him transfer 2 billion to the company account designated by Qin Lie.

Qin Lie has indeed checked the account.

After doing all this, Wang Tianlu asked Qin Lie tremblingly, "Young Master Qin, now, can we go now?"

"Yeah." Qin Lie didn't respond much, just nodded silently.

Wang Tianlu was instantly grateful to Dade, and kept bowing his thanks: "Thank you Qin Shao, thank you Qin Shao."

You can believe it, he still has to thank him for corrupting him by 10 billion.

Now Qin Lie's suppressing power is already so strong.

But there's nothing wrong with this thank you.

Qin Lie will handle this matter, just ask them to give the money.

But if it was the Murong family who handled it, let alone 10 billion, even 100 billion wouldn't solve the problem.

It's time for their father and son to disappear from this world.

It is because of knowing this that Wang Tianlu is so grateful to Qin Lie.

When he kicked his son, Wang Tianlu reprimanded: "Don't thank Qin Shao soon, do you know that Qin Shao saved your life?"

That kid finally knew how powerful Qin Lie was, and didn't dare to hesitate any longer.

He knelt down to the ground with a snap, and then thanked Dade for begging for mercy: "Thank you, thank you Qin Shao for being tolerant and generous to spare my life. I was wrong, and this time I really knew it was wrong."

Ten billion to buy a lesson, of course he knew he was wrong.

Qin Lie looked down at him and said lightly: "In the future, you have to know the bottom line, some things can be done, but some things can't be done.

If you pierce the sky next time, your dad won't be able to save you. "

"Yes!" The boy nodded sincerely, "I see."

"Yeah." Qin Lie responded lightly.

Seeing this, Wang Tianlu finally asked cautiously, "Then Young Master Qin, can we leave?"

While talking, he helped his son up and prepared to go out.

But at this time, Qin Lie suddenly said again, "Hold on, there is one more thing."

Wang Tianlu stopped, feeling bad, and looked back at Qin Lie: "Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

But this time Qin Lie did not speak.

His right hand suddenly started to move, and suddenly he moved greatly, his palm swung violently in an arc in the air, and then slapped the boy's left face heavily.

This time, Qin Lie used all his strength, and even used Situ Xuan's precise strike skills.

This slap slapped the boy with the power of the sky.

Just a moment, the boy flew out straight.

And that's not all, he turned while flying, he didn't know how many turns in the air, and then flew six or seven meters before falling, and finally smashed to the floor.

This slap split the boy's face, half of his ears lost their function, and the whole brain was buzzing, and in an instant, the whole face was dripping with blood.

The problem is solved, but the lessons that should be taught cannot be less.

Qin Lie's purpose is very simple, to cast a psychological shadow on him, and to make this kid think of today, he will shiver.

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