Most of this matter today was not instructed by Xuanyuan Tianci or Su Hexiang behind the scenes.

One is that these boys were already in the parking lot before they came over.

Second, they did appear to be very scared, and they never mentioned that there was someone behind it.

Give this kid enough lessons, and today's things can be over.

With the last slap, Qin Lie taught the kid the most profound lesson, and made him deeply understand the saying that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside.

If you want to do these stupid things in the future, it is estimated that you will also weigh it.

Does Wang Tianlu feel sad when he sees his son being beaten? Of course it hurts.

But 10 billion was given, nothing more than wanting to keep safe.

This time, the people his son provoked even he couldn't stand it, so he could only suffer the loss.

Just teach his son a lesson.

The kid couldn't get up after being beaten to the ground. In the end, Wang Tianlu could only tentatively ask Qin Lie: "Master Qin, can we go now?"


Qin Lie nodded, did not say any more, waved his hand, and let Wang Tianlu lead the people away.

As for the other boys left in the lounge, Qin Lie didn't mean to deal with it at all.

After Wang Tianlu took the people away, he, Wang Congcong, and Qi Tianchang also left the car park and rushed to the nearest Boyu Hospital, where Murong Huanyu was sent.

Although Boyu Hospital is only a third-rate hospital in Longcheng.

But Qin Lie sent out a reward, and the doctor or team who came over tonight to help Murong Huanyu operate, he gave five million to each.

For a time, the doctors in the entire Longcheng heard the news and were moved by the wind. After six o'clock in the afternoon, Boyu Hospital gathered the most elite surgeons in Longcheng.

Qin Lie chose two of the older professors to perform surgery on Murong Huanyu.

This car accident was very serious, Murong Huanyu was crushed and deformed together with the car.

Murong Huanyu had three broken ribs in her chest cavity. The bone at the ankle of the right leg was also split.

Fortunately, the internal organs were not damaged, which is a blessing in misfortune.

It's only been a hundred days since Murong Huanyu had an operation soon, it would take at least two months to fully recover.

For two months, Murong Huanyu can't do anything, how much will the income of Murong's family be lower?

So Qin Lie asked Wang Tianlu that 10 billion was not much.

Because of today's events, Qin Lie didn't go to Qiu Liyuan for training.

He also suffered a little injury himself. He checked it in the hospital, took a few bags, and spent the rest of the time in the hospital.

Got a VIP ward in Boyu Hospital, Qin Lie spent the day in the hospital.

About ten o'clock the next morning, Qin Lie was woken up by Murong Huanyu's screams.

He had an operation yesterday, and his bones and muscles were aching. The anesthetic had worn off now, and he kept groaning there.

"Ah, it hurts me to death!"

"Oh, how can it be so painful!"

"If I had known this earlier, I would not have come to Longcheng."

"Come over to Longcheng, at least two months for reimbursement, Qin Lie, you must be fully responsible."

Qin Lie was also awakened at this time, and when he opened his eyes, he heard Murong Huanyu cursing him.

Rubbing his eyes, he said, "I said, Young Master Murong, can you stay well when you're injured? You don't have any good manners at the moment. You've forgotten who sent you to the hospital?"

"Go away..." Murong Huanyu said, "If it wasn't for your suggestion to go to F1, how could I be so seriously injured in that hellish place?"

"Oh..." Before Qin Lie could speak, Murong Huanyu reacted, "It seems that Wang Congcong is the one who proposed to open F1."

"The key is that you agree to it yourself." Qin Lie said, "You are the one who drives the most among us. The one who suggested that we want to race. If I remember correctly, it's you, right?"

"This..." Murong Huanyu whispered, "I'm also trying to stimulate."

"That's right." Murong Huanyu was scolded, and immediately changed the subject and said, "Have you found the bastard who threw the cans out yesterday?"

"That's for sure." Qin Lie said, "I didn't go to the hospital for the first time yesterday just to deal with this."

"Then how did you end up with him??" Murong Huanyu asked.

Qin Lie shrugged and said, "I slapped him."

"Ah?" Murong Huanyu couldn't believe his ears, "No, brother, you just let him go?"

"Can't you?"

Murong Huanyu was speechless. Originally, her whole body was in pain, but now Qin Lie was so angry that it hurt even more.

Ouch, screamed for a while, and then continued: "It's not big brother, when did you become so generous, a stupid operation of the dog, overturned all three of our cars, you just let him go. already?"

"Correct." Qin Lie said, "Only you and Wang Congcong's car overturned, and I just hit the stone pier."

Murong Huanyu: "..."

"Then you can't just slap him in the face, you are too watery."

Seeing that Murong Huanyu was so aggrieved, Qin Lie smiled and said, "But do you know how heavy my slap is?"

"You..." Murong Huanyu said disdainfully, "How much can you slap in the face?"

"Let's put it that way," Qin Lie said. "He probably won't be able to hear in the rest of his life, and his ears are not like bones that can be recovered by surgery. His ears will never recover in a lifetime."

"Really?" Murong Huanyu couldn't believe it, "You are so fierce."

"Believe it or not." Qin Lie yawned, "By the way, also, I asked him to ask for 10 billion yuan. Yesterday, it received 2 billion yuan. After he called me for the rest of the money, I'll pass it on to you slowly."


This time, it was Murong Huanyu's turn to be surprised.

"You asked them to ask for 10 billion?"

Qin Lie joked: "Our young master Murong's identity is so noble, how can we be worthy of your identity if we don't ask them to pay more."

"Okay, okay." Murong Huanyu laughed immediately, "Qin Lie, just because of a car accident, you asked people for 10 billion, which is cruel enough, I like it."

From the first disdain, Murong Huanyu gave a thumbs up and said, "Young Master Qin is indeed Young Master Qin, and he handles things better than me."

"I can't give you all these 10 billion." Qin Lie said, "You are seriously injured, you take the big head, I will give you 8 billion in the end, and then Cong Cong's side is more serious, I will give him 1.5 billion , I have divided the remaining 500 million with Tianchang."

"Okay, okay." Murong Huanyu didn't care about this, and continued, "Isn't it right for your brother to share the money? By the way, Qin Lie, I'm injured now, and you have to do something for me tomorrow."

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